Shalom Comrades . I Have another question i wanted to talk with you .

Is about what words and phrases should and shouldn’t be used or said ?

For example , i and another Comrade where talking about a some stuff about trolls , bots , fed/cia , psyop account and communities and what not .

And this is how a new topic was brought ( see the screenshotz below ) :


And that’s why , i need your guidance from all of you to help and correct the vocabulary of other Comrades , ( including myself )

So let’s start :

What are the words and phrases that should we as Comrades use in the first place ? . Instead of using the ones in the screenshots above mentioned ⬆️ . Can some of you please give me a list of words and phrases that are kosher ( permissible ) to say and not Asur ( prohibited ) to say ? .

For example :

the “B” word and other words that we need to get rid of our my vocabulary .

It will be very great and helpful to make a list of what words and phrases should we i use .

I hope to get an answer .


  • Sankavara Gardens
    1 year ago

    AFAIK, the word “based” as used in slang comes from the rapper Lil B, more commonly known as Based God.

    So, with this particular discussion, it’s one about AAVE, African American Vernacular English. So then, this is up to our black comrades.

    Personally, I think the only issue with using AAVE as a non-black person is when you ruin the word (using it wrong, overusing it, making it something It’s not, trying to sound black for racist “comedic” effect, trying to profit off black culture, etc.) But again, I’m white, so take my comment lightly.

    Edit: as for the comment in the first screenshot, I disagree with them saying nazis took it over. I feel like “based” is really widely used atm, even in non political discussions.

    • Black AOC
      1 year ago

      thank you based god

      /uj On the level tho, you’re right on the money about where the issues regarding appropriation of AAVE is concerned. Are the odds high that you’d get an eyeroll, a roof-click, and a shake of the head out of some Black folk hearing it leave you? Yeah; but that’s more a bias kneejerk reaction borne from thousands of incidents of say, folk like who you see on r/kanye or r/hiphopheads trying to speak what they think is ‘fluent’ AAVE while being white as skim and living in a gated suburb.

    • Nocturne Dragonite
      1 year ago

      It is annoying having our language and culture stolen from us all the time so thanks for at least acknowledging the origin of the term

      That being said I’d like to be able to reclaim our words but it’d be a waste of time to try and police the language of people as the terms just get assimilated into everyday phrases anyway, thus losing its meaning

      Which is why I propose we retire “drip” too