• DankZedong A
    682 months ago


    I swear to God liberals need to at least once be able to see through the bullshit

    • @supersolid_snake
      2 months ago

      Libs don’t see the crimes of the entity as crimes. The one part of his brain not impacted by dementia is likely his racism. You have to remember most of his life, he was a segregationist so he does compartmentalize life into valuable or not.

      Libs in general are willfully ignorant in the service of racism. I can excuse stupidity, hell I am not that smart. Libs in general are something worse than that.

    • @Aria
      52 months ago

      They absolutely see through the bullshit and know Israel attacked Iran. They just don’t care. Israel is allowed to kill Asian people, and Asian people aren’t allowed to defend themselves.

  • @supersolid_snake
    592 months ago

    Biden and his admin are the equivalent of an all white jury at a 1950s Mississippi lynching trial. This also makes sense because Biden for 90% of his life had those beliefs. The other 10% is dementia.

  • The Free Penguin
    452 months ago

    Every time I see someone defending Israhell I mentally replace “Israel” with “Nazi Germany”

  • @taiphlosion
    442 months ago

    Israel is lucky Iran didn’t go harder, and honestly they actually have casus belli considering attacking an embassy is an act of war, so this is supreme levels of bullshit, guess no one is allowed to defend themselves either?

    • I feel like they were testing defenses and seeing which other countries would actually jump in.

      Iran warned it would be worse next time if Israel retaliates, I believe it.

  • 小莱卡
    392 months ago

    You know they say “unprecedented” because it’s too soon to say “unprovoked”.

    • Mzuark
      222 months ago

      They want to say unprovoked so bad but they know we all saw the news stories about Israel bombing that consulate.

    • @DamarcusArt
      192 months ago

      I did see a few headlines that used “unprovoked” here and there. Western media is truly awful, so much contempt for their readers.

    • @frippa@lemmy.ml
      52 months ago

      Iran’s retaliation is “unprovoked” just like Russia’s intervention in donnbas, western ghouls can’t fathom a country reacting to their constant provocations. As such everybody who tries to resist western aggression is automatically an “unprovoked attacker”

  • Aquilae [he/him, they/them]
    2 months ago

    Iran’s retaliation was extremely light, almost disappointingly so.

    Israel has been killing Iranian scientists for years now and just killed Iranian generals in an attack on an embassy, and all they’re getting is basically a slap on the wrist? Really?

    I mean yeah, ig the issue here is that israel has nukes. I can totally see them being the second country to ever use it on human beings, but still

    • Mzuark
      262 months ago

      What Is*ael’s doing is basically what Liberals have been trying to convince us that Russia is doing for the last few years: A Nuclear armed state run by madmen bombing the fuck out of everyone nearby for no reason beyond petty spite and imperialism.

      • @DamarcusArt
        202 months ago

        It’s always projection with libs.

  • Mzuark
    282 months ago

    It’s so funny how much he has to “reaffirm” America’s support to Israel when it’s becoming very clear that a lot of Americans actually don’t support them.

  • @SadArtemis
    282 months ago

    Honestly, I don’t even consider Biden a “lesser evil.” He’s the far greater evil (though both are undeniably, extremely evil- but that’s AmeriKKKan politics for you), and I hope those who are crying out “vote blue no matter what” enjoy Trump, because they deserve him.

    • @taiphlosion
      222 months ago

      Unlike libs, I think this is where we can say both sides bad

      • Mzuark
        162 months ago

        Both sides bad, but only one side is actively trying to provoke big wars in 3 different theaters

        • @taiphlosion
          182 months ago

          As if Republicans wouldn’t want that too lol they looooove war

          • @Eat_Yo_Vegetables69
            142 months ago

            lol it sounded like Republicans are equally as bloodthirsty for wars in the Middle East and in East Asia, but not with Russia at the moment

            • QueerCommie
              62 months ago

              You forgot Latin America, all those commies.

    • 小莱卡
      202 months ago

      Both are equally evil and are puppets of capital.

    • @DamarcusArt
      192 months ago

      At this point, it seems like Trump at least has the capability to flip-flop on Israel, he could stop supporting them, Biden will still support them even if he’s the last Zionist on the planet. And Biden’s complete “inability” to stop republicans passing any anti-LGBTQ laws or anti-immigration laws means that domestic policy isn’t likely to be very different under Trump or Biden.

  • @amemorablename
    232 months ago

    “Condemn in the strongest possible terms” makes me think of that line from A Few Good Men:

    “I strenuously object?” Is that how it’s done? Hm? “Objection, your Honor.” “Overruled” “No, no. I STRENUOUSLY object.” “Oh. You strenuously object. Then I’ll take some time and reconsider.”

    Also, he calls it “Iran’s attacks”, but considering what Iran did was 100% self defense after a loathsome attack done to them, it can be taken to mean that he is saying he “condemns in the strongest possible terms” any right for Iran to defend itself, i.e. he views the fake settler state of israel as being a legitimate state and doesn’t see Iran as a legitimate state or even as actual people who have a right to defend themselves. Which tells you all you need to know about how these white supremacists view the region.

  • @GaryLeChat
    122 months ago

    Funny how he has to convene the US allies G7 club for this, almost as though convening a UN body wouldn’t give them the condemnation of Iran that they want.
