I get it sucks that they are walling us off from there users, however we cannot do much
Does it suck? Personally it sucks more to breathe the same air or exist in the same spaces as these libs. Let them wall themselves off, eventually they will be walled off from the vast majority of humanity that is looking on in disgust at them- and then hopefully in time that wall will close in, and those who cannot develop the human decency to leave their wretched spaces will go straight to the dustbin of history.
Agreed, if it must be (actual) liberty or death, there’s only one option (though the entire world other than the west is constantly seeking peace, and whatever conflict happens is entirely and infinitely the west’s fault). Some things are worse than death, and the west has proven time and time again to offer exactly that, a slow death with no dignity, no humanity, no decency given.
I hope if the world does head down this path- hell, even if it doesn’t- that a hell of some sort exists, and if not that future humans or other sentients will create it. “Eternal torment” is more mercy than the ghouls of empire deserve.