Are they the “soulist” one or am I thinking of someone else?
I tell terrible jokes.
Are they the “soulist” one or am I thinking of someone else?
I’m really surprised at her trajectory. I thought for sure they’d make sure she has handlers who keep her “on track” and they just wheel her out at the occasional conference to deliver a sound bite in defense of the status quo. I do think she’ll probably just become another “western leftist” type who has a lot to say about “dictators” and “authoritarianism” but I hope to be proven wrong on that front as well.
Whenever anyone brings him up in a positive context in real life, I mock them. I’m not normally that sort of person, but pointing and laughing at someone being an idiot is sometimes the only way to get them to stop. Thankfully my friend circle doesn’t really have any Elon Musk stans, and quite a few of them have family or friends who fell into the Musk cult, so they’re even more sick of hearing about him than I am.
I don’t get why “Libertarians” love this guy. He’s only where he is because of huge government subsidies. If the “free market” had any say, all of Musk’s projects would’ve crashed and burned ages ago. He’s the very thing they claim to hate about capitalism and governments, and yet they worship him.
It’s always the ones you least suspect…
I meant to say this last time, but it won’t be long before one needs to pledge their fealty to the white race in order to log in on Twitter.
It’s kind of fascinating how Musk will regurgitate conservative talking points that are decades old. I’ve had co-workers in the past who were like that, who would spout opinions that was like a time capsule to 30 years ago.
Huh. This has helped shine a light on why the audience for fetish art tends to have a lot fewer CHUDs than people would expect. They’re probably still there, but they just never share their CHUD opinions.
Most western “political” discussion could be replaced with pointing and grunting “👈 Thing good, me like. 👉 Thing bad, me no like.”
They better include the best moment in Zelda’s history in this new game:
literally all the democrats are doing is supporting a country who aligns with US values.
Weird, it’s almost like the US values are fascist values or something.
Mmm! Straight from the river and loaded with parasites nurtrients!
Hey! Some of us get our knowledge of Greek mythology from videogames thank you very much!
If we don’t keep sacrificing the elderly on the altar of profit, Huītzilōpōchtli will cause the line to go down!
It’s the idea that if something is “natural” it is therefore good. Of course, if these pseudo-hippies actually cared about “natural” stuff then they wouldn’t be drinking milk in the first place.
It would certainly be stressful, but it shouldn’t be life-threatening. First off, if you have housemates, make sure you ok everything with them first, parrots are adorable, but they are loud, and it wouldn’t be fair to your housemates to force them to live alongside your parrots if they can’t handle it.
If you’re able to, speak with your parrot’s vet about what to do, because they’re going to be much more knowledgeable than a random stranger on the internet. And will be able to give much better advice.
When I transported my parrot (budgie) in the past, it worked out fine, we just made sure the cage wouldn’t rattle and shake too much, and we secured it in place with the seatbelt, though that wasn’t for a full 2 hour trip. Talking with them or having the radio on the whole way should help keep them calm, they won’t be happy, but they’ll manage. Probably goes without saying, but avoid sudden stops and sharp turns.
Also, TIL that Americans call budgies “parakeets.”
No idea if this is a hexbear complaining about a lack of people reading theory, or a lost lib complaining about how hexbear keeps getting things right and has solid morals despite being the “bad guys” and an “echo chamber.”
This works out great for them, because if the USSR hadn’t invaded Poland, then they could still blame all those deaths on them because “they should’ve gone in to save those people.”
Hey! Their country is completely different! Unlike the US, which just has a far right and right wing party, they have both of those and a centre party, and a vaguely centrist party that claims to be left that never gets elected! It’s completely different!
Ah, then probably not the same person. Though their arguments were more “the evil authoritarian tankies are oppressing me by pointing out the flaws in my arguments” sort of thing, so they wouldn’t fit in a thread about libs with cogent arguments.