• lelkins
    12 hours ago

    i was hired for 3 days and now i already have to send shit back… IN TRAINING. THEY FIRED ME IN TRAINING. it’s a good day today

    i feel like total shit, i’ve been lied to from the start and now my anxiety levels are going haywire

    this was supposed to be my first job, this was the only company (a subcontractor actually) that actually gave a shit to the point of calling me, the rest ghosted me or just straight up told me to fuck off

    this is a job where i had to lie all the time, down to my name and origin (or a lack thereof), down to “i have an offer just for you, a loyalty offer” and shit. this is a job where i had to put up with customers that will swear their asses off because someone else lied to them and i am supposed to ignore them. i can’t fucking do any of that

    tomorrow i will go to uni and shit, i really need rest to compensate for all those 3 days and shit

  • albigu
    1 day ago

    Oh no, you can’t task big corporations here, they’ll leave and take all their property with them.

    Their property: all intellectual, 1 office with some laptops

    • lelkins
      24 hours ago

      “if you lose the yubikey you have to pay 25 euro upfront and also a bit of your salary if a monitor that was already scratched when you got it is scratched so fuck you”

      my “job” was like this, a work from home nightmare… fucking verizon

  • SlayGuevaraA
    2 days ago

    Create decades worth of inequality among migrants, causing them to live in poverty 9 times out of 10

    Have one of the biggest ports in Europe in your country

    Do absolutely nothing about said inequality

    Have your population do copious amounts of drugs themselves

    Be mad at migrants when eventually crime explodes

    There have been shootings from AK wielding dudes over here for four days in a row now and the only thing people talk about in this situation is the color of their skin. Not drugs. Not poverty resulting in crime. Nope.

    • KrupskayaPraxis
      3 days ago

      Die Linke for the party list and KPD in the constituency, or other way around. If I could vote

      • cfgaussian
        2 days ago

        It’s DKP, not KPD. KPD was banned during the cold war.

        Unfortunately DKP will not be on the ballot this time . I voted for them last election but this time the only communist parties on the ballot are going to be MLPD and SGP, both not particularly great choices and sort of a waste of a vote.

        Might just have to go with Linke as the least bad option. Although i hate how much they’ve been capitulating to the establishment on the Ukraine issue (and Palestine, but that’s a given in German politics). BSW is better on the war and they’re more anti-establishment but they have a lot of other problematic rhetoric that really kind of puts me off. And BSW is probably going to do better in the elections than Die Linke.

        Bottom line, there are no really good electoral choices if you’re an anti-imperialist in Germany right now. I guess BSW is the closest thing (on the ballot) to an actual anti-war party, but it’s hard to ignore their dumb as shit stances on some of the cultural issues…

        All i know is Merz is a fucking psycho and unfortunately it looks like he’s going to be the next chancellor, and worse still, he’s probably going to get there by bringing those lunatic Greens into a coalition who are going to push him even harder to escalate to insane levels of warmongering against Russia.

        And CDU absolutely will capitulate to the AfD on immigration. And they will ramp up the neoliberalism even more. And the Greens will make sure that the coalition government will be totally subservient to the US on every geopolitical issue. Basically we’re headed for the absolute worst case scenario here in Germany, there’s just no other way of putting it.

        The only ray of hope i have is looking forward to how much all of these sick freaks will lose their shit when Russia wins in Ukraine, which at this point is only a matter of time.

        • glorp
          9 hours ago

          Isn’t there actually a party named KPD that was founded after the DKP?

      • star (she)
        2 days ago

        may i ask why? dont they have an anti immigrant stance?

          • NotMushroomForDebate
            16 hours ago

            Perhaps on foreign policy, but other than that you have the hardline anti-immigration stance in addition to socially conservative policies and subtle yet no-so-subtle climate denialism.

            I don’t know what to make of this election. I’m hoping more German members here expand on this.

            • yet_another_commie
              16 hours ago

              Again, you asked an opinion from a foreigner. From reading Wikipedia they looked like the least horrible party. A better choice would be to not wasfe your time on sham elections

  • albigu
    3 days ago

    Completely forgot to actually read Varoufakis’s “technofeudalism” and now I’m struck by Marxists starting to fall for that obvious bit of Eurocommunist revisionism too (I refer specifically to RevLeft Radio). Disappointing but not unexpected from the North.

    • star (she)
      3 days ago

      Breht has always been a bit revisionist, I think mostly because of the big tent nature of RevLeft

  • albigu
    3 days ago

    Liberal “democracy” requires a constant forgetfulness and inability to maintain and collect data in order to portray itself as “effective”. From the nonsense “lifted out of poverty” myth, to nonsense measures such as the dollar-based poverty line, one is often restrained from wondering why isn’t the data better, like how many people have access to food, shelter and work.

    How many homeless people are there in the city? The competent authorities certainly have enough of a budget to identify and catalogue almost every person living on the street. And it’s clearly in the best interests of all (except landlords) that every homeless person is known, their conditions understood. Yet that data is unknowable because, as Mao once put it, to investigate a problem is to solve it.

  • Stalin'sSpoonHolder
    3 days ago

    My wife and I got into a huge fight over politics. In the fight I learned that she talks about me with her older brother who is a USA Navy vet with a liberal degree in History and Political science by her screaming at me that “my brother is right, you’re just a fucking Stalin worshipping tankie.” Says I’m ignoring history in that “he killed millions.”

    I deserved being screamed at. I made a jab at her not doing anything to help the political situation because she refuses to go out with me to DSA or CPUSA, but she just started doing the “red card” thing that she learned from radlibs like this blond white woman who’s a lawyer (I can’t remember the name). Which is not enough and wont work for very long (her brother and I agree on that), but she has massive clinical depression right now, and she needs to find something to make her feel useful.

    This is the fourth time we’ve fought over politics. She doesn’t like to talk about politics with me because I always steer it to democrats being fuckers, which “is a very MAGA thing to do.” Then she’ll blame me and “do nothing” Jill Stein voters for making Trump happen. I shit on dems so much to show how complicit they are, but she’s “already aware they are terrible people (except Sanders and AOC) but at least they are trying.”

    I am the one who continues to push for us to talk about it, because we are both alone in our reading. It’s something that we need to talk about. She would be an excellent communist as her literal ideal world is communism, but she won’t detach from the liberal safehaven. I’ve said somethings that I believe have made her think for a second. It looked like she was listening when I talked about why I want to get into armed training, but doesn’t understand why I have to be the one. I feel as if she heard me when I said “I don’t want to be violent, I’m a scrawny ass teacher. There were people in the past revolutions who didn’t want to either, but your freedom is not given, it’s fought for.”

    She wants to read Why Women Have Better Sex Under Socialism by Kristen Ghodsee after I’m done with that. I think it would help a bit, but I sometimes feel like I’m reading a radlibs take on the ussr and Stalin, which I think would make my wife double down. Some other comrades have said the author is a communist but advocates for eurocommunism, iirc.

    I’m just venting. I don’t really know what I’m gonna do at this point. She doesn’t want me to leave, I don’t want to leave her, so it’s a matter of coming to an agreement and setting boundaries for political talk. I don’t feel like we’re comrades. It’s mostly my fault. I assume that she isn’t aware of how evil dems are, and so I get condescending. I’m not being a good husband and listening to her worries. I’m glad I have therapy soon…

    • 小莱卡
      3 days ago

      Is Domenico Losurdos “Stalin: critique of a black legend” too dense of a read? There are some chapters breaking down the reducto ad hitler that western propaganda has pushed for Stalin and even Mao. There are some chapters comparing the early USSR policies with american policies, even the way world leaders expressed their thoughts on writings and speeches (british and american presidents were disgustingly racist, but of course they never get demonized).

    • SlayGuevaraA
      3 days ago

      I actually had something like this happen with my gf when I first started organising. I was super passionate about being a communist and I was constantly mad about things that happened around me and in the world. My gf got mad at me because ´communism won´t fix things, it´s scary!!!’ and she felt sort of intimidated to talk to me about politics because she just wasn’t as involved as I was. At first I was mad too but eventually I figured I had to do something to change this argument between us. Because I still liked her very much as a person and I wanted to be with her.

      I just started focussing on party work and wanted to lead by example. Communism is still a scary ideolog for many and many people are still brainwashed by decades of propaganda. But it is hard to see the bad sides if you and your party actually achieve postive things. Maintaining a bus line in your city is not scary. Making sure a local park isn’t taken over by some private owner who wants to make a rich people’s resort of it is not scary.

      Eventually by doing all this stuff she saw what exactly I was trying to fight for and she turned around. She even goes to party stuff with me now sometimes.

      My point is: I think a lot of communists sometimes have this aura of ‘I know how things work so if you just listen to me and let me explain it, then maybe you’ll understand too’ which is no different from the smug liberals we criticize. We are at a disadvantage after decades of anti communist propaganda and we need to be aware that convincing people of communism sometimes takes a very gentle and time consuming approach, and being mad at these people isn’t helping.

    • amemorablename
      3 days ago

      I’m not a professional in this stuff or anything, so take this with a grain of salt, but it sounds to me like the two of you need to sit down and have some heart to heart talks about your feelings. Like what you feel about these things, what she feels about them, etc. And I don’t mean “feelings” as in “I think the dems are awful” or “I hate Stalin”; those are more like beliefs/worldview. I mean drilling down to the raw emotion of it, as isolated as possible from judgments/descriptions of the other. For example “I feel scared when I think about communism” or “I feel alone when you say I’m a ‘Stalin worshiping tankie’.”

      Communism has a lot of fear-mongering baked into it in the US, so it’s easy to have people who on the one hand feel abandoned by everyone else in their life for believing in it and on the other hand, have people who are terrified of the implications of anyone in their life who does believe in it. Once you know how each other feels, then you can get into dealing with it. For example, if she’s scared of you being communist, you could explain what communism means to you and talk in more detail about what you do in the day to day of volunteering. Or if you feel isolated by her acting this way, she could try to make sure it’s clear that she appreciates you in spite of any fears she might have about your political beliefs.

      What the feelings would look like for each of you is something only you know. The examples are just to help illustrate what I mean.

    • 矛⋅盾
      3 days ago

      but she’s “already aware they are terrible people (except Sanders and AOC) but at least they are trying.”

      oof. Those two might be left of dems but their track record speaks for itself… :/

      I haven’t read the Ghodsee book, but wouldn’t be too surprised if it was eurocom.

      Hang in there. I don’t really know what to classify my own partner politically but I at least know theyre somewhere on the left and think liberals suck. And they don’t take the other side when I push back against our more liberal friends when they speak ill of China. Deconstructing atrocity propaganda is an arduous uphill battle, even more so when it’s some else, but you’re right, framing it in condescending or ad hominem/they’re just liars (even if true) rhetoric isn’t very effective.

      It’s very frustrating when liberals blame the very small sliver of non-republican opposition as the reason their campaigns failed, because it’s clearly just trying to find scapegoats instead of critically reflecting on why their campaigns were really unpopular, they have proven track records of repeated and repeated failed promises while shaking hands under the table with corporations to pass horrendous stuff… why when Ds are in power they make very minute gestures towards progressive policies and make a fuss that their hands are tied against making anything more concrete like roe v wade, and always make the biggest fuss when Rs actually pass policies that they promised – and this is somehow our fault when we point it out. The cherry on top of this shitty cake is their audience believes in this scapegoating.

  • SlayGuevaraA
    3 days ago

    In the gym, headphones on, playing Irish rebel songs 💪🏼

  • Commiejones
    4 days ago

    A thought I had for dealing with liberals who are butt hurt over the closure of USAID: “USAID is the geopolitical equivalent of a person who volunteers at a soup kitchen to find victims for sexual assault”

  • SlayGuevaraA
    4 days ago

    There’s this Dutch internet marxist called Left Laser who visited a podcast made by some douchy right wing news outlet and he got ambushed about October 7th but still managed to come out on top. He’s now doing a reaction type of stream on youtube about it.

    Sometimes leftist activism feels so terminally online lol. Like, I always imagine myself trying to show it to my dad who has been working in a warehouse for 30 years and I just know he wouldn’t even care about it in the slightest. Like how are obscure internet beefs going to build class consciousness.

  • albigu
    4 days ago

    Whenever I fall ill with something, and get my treatment and meds for completely free and in a reasonable timeframe, I think of all the idiots (USians or not) who worship the US as some sort of great country. Fuckers ain’t even got no Sistema Único de Saúde.

  • SlayGuevaraA
    5 days ago

    Our party leader gave a webinar today about the new government’s plans and what they will mean for the population. I thought it was very informative and I admired how he gave it himself. Imagine Joe fucking Biden giving a webinar to Democrat members himself. On a Tuesday evening.

    CW: suicide

    Sadly a very active member of our party took her own life. Even though I did not know her very wel personally I am very shocked. We chatted a few times during party actions. Keep checking on each other, comrades.___

    • o_d [he/him]
      4 days ago

      Their post presidency memoirs versus our four volume Governance of China.

  • Darkerseid
    7 days ago

    how are you all doing? i got my korean resident card today