I like birds and plants

  • 3 Posts
Joined 17 days ago
Cake day: January 24th, 2025


  • Create decades worth of inequality among migrants, causing them to live in poverty 9 times out of 10

    Have one of the biggest ports in Europe in your country

    Do absolutely nothing about said inequality

    Have your population do copious amounts of drugs themselves

    Be mad at migrants when eventually crime explodes

    There have been shootings from AK wielding dudes over here for four days in a row now and the only thing people talk about in this situation is the color of their skin. Not drugs. Not poverty resulting in crime. Nope.

  • I actually had something like this happen with my gf when I first started organising. I was super passionate about being a communist and I was constantly mad about things that happened around me and in the world. My gf got mad at me because ´communism won´t fix things, it´s scary!!!’ and she felt sort of intimidated to talk to me about politics because she just wasn’t as involved as I was. At first I was mad too but eventually I figured I had to do something to change this argument between us. Because I still liked her very much as a person and I wanted to be with her.

    I just started focussing on party work and wanted to lead by example. Communism is still a scary ideolog for many and many people are still brainwashed by decades of propaganda. But it is hard to see the bad sides if you and your party actually achieve postive things. Maintaining a bus line in your city is not scary. Making sure a local park isn’t taken over by some private owner who wants to make a rich people’s resort of it is not scary.

    Eventually by doing all this stuff she saw what exactly I was trying to fight for and she turned around. She even goes to party stuff with me now sometimes.

    My point is: I think a lot of communists sometimes have this aura of ‘I know how things work so if you just listen to me and let me explain it, then maybe you’ll understand too’ which is no different from the smug liberals we criticize. We are at a disadvantage after decades of anti communist propaganda and we need to be aware that convincing people of communism sometimes takes a very gentle and time consuming approach, and being mad at these people isn’t helping.

  • Your last part reminds me of my childhood friend where my group of friends and I used to high out at in high school. He lives in a ridiculously large villa in a post neighborhood. We were outside playing some soccer and we had the cops called on us lol. Someone reported a disturbance in the neighbourhood.

    I tell you what, the cops never showed up when dealers and crack heads terrorized my hood lol.

    Be outside. It is good for you and your family.

  • There’s this Dutch internet marxist called Left Laser who visited a podcast made by some douchy right wing news outlet and he got ambushed about October 7th but still managed to come out on top. He’s now doing a reaction type of stream on youtube about it.

    Sometimes leftist activism feels so terminally online lol. Like, I always imagine myself trying to show it to my dad who has been working in a warehouse for 30 years and I just know he wouldn’t even care about it in the slightest. Like how are obscure internet beefs going to build class consciousness.

  • That’s a rough situation to be in. It’s the same in our healthcare system which people often brag about being cheap as well. Yes, it might be cheap and a lot of things are free. But they are so overworked and understaffed due to years of budget cuts and lay offs that they can’t function properly anymore, thus creating situations like yours.

    Everyday I see people who have ‘fallen down’ the ladder of society who are now in a position in which they have to beg for a respectful existence. It makes me angry.

    Take care, comrade. I wish you all the best in recovery and I hope better days are coming soon.

  • Our party leader gave a webinar today about the new government’s plans and what they will mean for the population. I thought it was very informative and I admired how he gave it himself. Imagine Joe fucking Biden giving a webinar to Democrat members himself. On a Tuesday evening.

    CW: suicide

    Sadly a very active member of our party took her own life. Even though I did not know her very wel personally I am very shocked. We chatted a few times during party actions. Keep checking on each other, comrades.___

  • The gist of it was that not all MAP commit CSA and therefore it should be accepted and decoupled from the term paedo.

    I have worked in mental healthcare and I have met some MAP who were clients of mine. They were people who couldn’t control their intrusive thoughts on that subject and needed help, and wanted help. I do not disagree with that sentiment.

    The post, however, was trying to argue that because some people are MAP, we should therefore see it as something normal and have acceptance for it. Which is imo wrong. There is no consent possible between adults and minors when it comes to this. It should not be viewed on the same level as homosexuality, trans people, etc.

    If the post was just trying to start a debate about, for example, lifting the taboo on making treatment for MAPs available, I’d say it was sort of acceptable. But it was not doing that. It was trying to make MAP normalized.