• @PolandIsAStateOfMind
    351 year ago

    Nazi arguing that not being morally neutral against evil meaning joining him is definitely one of the more outrageous things i ever heard.

      • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
        1 year ago

        He’s the head of neonazi regime, he could idk, resign, if he didn’t agreed with that. Yet all we see is enthusiasm.

  • DankZedong A
    1 year ago

    Libs that constantly talk in mainstream movie quotes really grind my gears. Imagine having a discussion in real life and some fucker decides to constantly talk in LOTR quotes. Congratulations, you think an entire country should join a war because a fucking talking tree in some racist movie said so.

    • Absolute
      251 year ago

      If you step back and look at it the way people talk on reddit in general is crazy. It’s literally just an ungodly mix of gross horniness, pop culture references (not even ones id think a lot of people irl would get) and absurdly patronizing arrogance when it comes to discussion and no room for anything else. If someone spoke like that to me in real life I’d be trying to get far away from them very quickly.

      • JucheBot1988
        1 year ago

        Do you mean to tell me that somebody called u/sendn00dpics writing in r/literallyvoldemort is not your go-to source for insight into global politics?

  • JucheBot1988
    231 year ago

    Give it a little bit, we Americ*ns will shit out something even worse.

  • @Manmoth@lemmy.ml
    181 year ago

    This guy is such a scam artist. The narrative is working though and America is printing money to spin up the war machine. Meanwhile BRICS and other eastern-oriented alliances are being formed. The world is tired of America’s 75 year reign as World Police.

        • @Stalins_Spoon
          101 year ago

          After the collapse of the USSR 33 years ago, the USA decided to become ‘world police’

          • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
            1 year ago

            They decided this probably around 1916-17, and were absolutely sure and started seriously going at it at 1938-41.

              • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
                1 year ago

                Yeah i just pointed this was not accident, they did planned and escalated this imperial ambitions ever since, actually always, with the scope of their ambitions growing, first in the North America, then both Americas, then entire world.

  • JoeMarx 193
    171 year ago

    You cannot remain morally neutral against evil.

    One quote to scare centrists.

    • @Mzuark
      91 year ago

      Sure you can, especially when “evil” is who your government tells you it is.

  • @OrnluWolfjarl
    131 year ago

    So Merry was asking the Ents to join Saruman?

  • @Shrike502
    121 year ago

    I raise you a contender: Nicolas II.

    Otherwise, what a find. What a find! Perfectly encapsulates the liberal mind.

    • @Franfran2424
      81 year ago

      Nicholas is arguably better.

      He at leats tried to modernize his country (within the limits of an authoritarian monarchy government). And the wars he joined werent on the side of evil.

      Zelensky is just a puppet sacrificing his country for someones else profits.

      • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
        1 year ago

        Nah Nicholas was much worse. Zelensky is a scum, but a puppet, not a driving force of what is happening in the least. While Nicholas was an absolute monarch with every instrument in his hand, even if restricted by material conditions and his own ineptitude. And he didn’t “tried” to modernise, he did absolutely everything he could (was also incompetent in this but he did tried as hard as he could) to turn history backward, every concession for every class except the most backward aristocracy was forced on him. Even the most reactionary Russian politicians like Pobedonoscev or Stolypin had to act around him.

        And how did he enter the history? As most incompetent of all tsars. As Nicholas the Bloody tyrant who could not even do a little good, but demanded blood all the time.

      • QueerCommie
        131 year ago

        “And the wars he joined weren’t on the side of evil.” Didn’t he go to war with Japan for a bunch of Chinese territory when Japan had already offered some for free? (He lost both and many lives). And in WWI both sides were just “evil” imperialists.

        • @Franfran2424
          31 year ago

          Japan kinda was an imperialist power itching to conquer China. And in WW1 I cant consider the austrohungarians with their demands to serbia, the ottomans with their empire, or the germans trying to replace anglo-french imperial power as the good side.

          Ultimately, the russian empire wasnt the side that started the war.

          • QueerCommie
            71 year ago

            The enemy of your enemy isn’t necessarily your friend. You don’t need to apologize for the Tsar just because those they fought were also bad and so are modern people (this started with Zelenskyy). I’m just saying it’s not productive to debate lesser evils.

  • @Mzuark
    91 year ago

    I rooted for Saruman though

    • JucheBot1988
      71 year ago

      Man had a certain dignity which our “friend” Zelensky most certainly does… not

    • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
      1 year ago

      In “The Last Ringbearer” Saruman is one of the most sympathetic characters, a honest liberal and progressive in a world of feudal monarchist warmongers.

      Also Saruman being played in the movie by Christopher Lee helped much, guy just oozed dignity when he wanted.

  • ☭CommieWolf☆
    61 year ago

    I’d say Trotsky still takes the cake for shittiest Ukrainian “leader”

    • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
      1 year ago

      Did he ever identified with Ukrainian nationality? I can’t remember his stance about Ukraine in 1917-22.