• QueerCommie
    131 year ago

    “And the wars he joined weren’t on the side of evil.” Didn’t he go to war with Japan for a bunch of Chinese territory when Japan had already offered some for free? (He lost both and many lives). And in WWI both sides were just “evil” imperialists.

    • @Franfran2424
      31 year ago

      Japan kinda was an imperialist power itching to conquer China. And in WW1 I cant consider the austrohungarians with their demands to serbia, the ottomans with their empire, or the germans trying to replace anglo-french imperial power as the good side.

      Ultimately, the russian empire wasnt the side that started the war.

      • QueerCommie
        71 year ago

        The enemy of your enemy isn’t necessarily your friend. You don’t need to apologize for the Tsar just because those they fought were also bad and so are modern people (this started with Zelenskyy). I’m just saying it’s not productive to debate lesser evils.