Litrally 1994

  • 47 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 23rd, 2022


  • East Pakistan (As it was called then) tried to impose their culture and language on the Bengalis as well as economic disparity between East and West Pakistan, which led to the 1971 liberation war, headed by Mujibur Rahman under the Awami League, internationally supported by the Eastern Bloc and India and Pakistan being supported by the West. During the Liberation War, Pakistan slaughtered 1000s of people on the suspicion of them being secessionists, mainly minority Hindus. Eventually Bangladesh gained independence and merged the Awami League as well as 2 Communist Parties to create the Bangladesh Peasants’ Workers’ People’s League, clearly inspired by Sukarno, until the US overthrew him, killing him and his family in 1975. Afterward Ziaur Rahman under the newly formed Bangladesh Nationalist Party assumed power, and imposed market economic reforms and removed Rahman’s secular policies, he ruled until his assassination in 1981, then Hussain Muhammad Ershad assumed power until 1991