• DankZedong A
    1 year ago

    Never understand why unrelated companies do this. I was looking on Indeed the other day and there was a Ukrainian logo plastered on the site. Like, I’m looking for jobs in Belgium, why do I need to be reminded of Ukraine?

    • @Shrike502
      141 year ago

      Gotta keep the narrative embedded in people’s heads. Gotta keep them distracted from material conditions

    • @CriticalResist8MA
      101 year ago

      If you don’t do the Ukraine flag thing you might lose 1% of sales and that’s unacceptable.

    • @201dberg
      71 year ago

      They have it in animes now ffs. Some new anime everyone’s meming about and the main character has a blue and yellow hairpiece or something. Like fucking libs and their pandery bullshit. “Haha anime girl has Ukraine hairpiece how will Putin recover?”

  • @lxvi
    181 year ago

    I’m guessing the majority of their audience don’t want to see that crap from their spell checker. I wonder what side Darigold takes on the Ethiopian affair. Strange how they haven’t announced it.

  • @Leninismydad
    171 year ago

    LanguageTool is better anyways, plus open source with extensive public documentation and you can run the serviceo n your own server if you want to. Good shit. I like it a lot cuz I screw up English all the time.

    • ash! [she/her]
      61 year ago

      TIL about LanguageTool (I need more open-source software in my life tbh.)

    • @fruityloop
      41 year ago

      LanguageTool is the best, down with Grammarly!

  • @nervvves
    9 months ago

    deleted by creator

    • Marxist Jo 🏳️‍⚧️OP
      11 year ago

      Exactly my point, I say words in sentences the wrong way around all the time. People will get angry cus “muh grammar”. But the purpose of language is to communicate ideas, which i am doing just fine so i don’t care

  • loathesome dongeater
    141 year ago

    I am 70% sure Grammarly founders are Ukrainian so this is not unexpected

  • stasis
    101 year ago

    grammarly sucks anyways