Hey you, business owners

Are you so blinded by short term profits that you can’t make a long term recruiting plan? Or have you given up on the future already and are just trying to live the life before it’s all over? Why are you asking me for 1 year of experience and mastery of 8 different technologies on your entry level pre-employment listing? I’ve already got a degree, does that mean anything to you? Are degrees useless now? I’m willing to take any salary at this point just to get out of my room and do something with my life

Why do they call it a job market? A job is the only real source of income for the majority of the world population, are we trading people’s lives now? Why is it that if I stay unemployed I’m treated as if I have an expired sticker on my face?

And you, state

Are you so pathetic to publish a document with all sorts of legal jargon for just one position? One position that will get you a 6 page list of candidates just so they can all move to the capital twice to pass your oral and written exams? For one position? Are you not ashamed in the slightest?

I’m so tired of you all

  • ButtigiegMineralMap
    2 years ago

    And they also complain that nobody wants to work meanwhile they expect you to be Superman mixed with Einstein and work for 16.50 an hour

  • MexicanCCPBot
    2 years ago

    I’m in the same boat right now. It’s quite demoralizing, makes me think that all I went through and studied is worthless. I’m not even applying to entry level jobs right now, I’m applying to internships and they don’t even reply. And I thought I’d have it easy because I was one of the smart ones throughout university. I have friends from my same generation who are already employed, what am I doing wrong? I’m applying to literally everything that fits my bill. Fuck.

    • RedFortressOP
      2 years ago

      It’s not slavery, it’s volunteering

      You should be grateful we let you work here! Your CV was empty and the longer you stay unemployed the lower your value becomes!

      • redtea
        2 years ago

        I would have had empty periods on my CV. But in the downtime I wrote a blog. Then sold the fuck out of it as entrepreneurialism in my personal statement / cover letters.

        Edit: I’m not saying this to brag. My blog was nothing to brag about! I’m just suggesting that there are ways to make ‘empty’ look quite full.

        Edit 2: typo.

        Edit 3: please keep venting, though. It really is cathartic.

        • MexicanCCPBot
          2 years ago

          That’s smart. My CV isn’t really empty, either. I put in the university projects where I worked with real companies as work experience, because that’s what it is. But then the recruiters say “okay but you haven’t worked at any companies in the field”. facepalm

          • redtea
            2 years ago

            I absolutely detest this logic.

            I look at it like this. Liberalism requires them to pretend to a meritocracy, to justify not giving jobs to people who are clearly qualified. So they have to come up with some reason, any reason, not to choose you. It’s simple maths that each finding company cannot hire everyone under the current, capitalist model. But if they give the appearance of being capricious, they risk being sued, for discrimination among other things.

            People don’t really apply for jobs they can’t do. So it’s always very close between the candidates.

            All you can do, really, is tell a company why you will be able to do the job, even without the experience. And one time, it’ll work. For every job, the person above you on the list who gets offered it because they have the experience might turn it down because they’ve also been applying everywhere and have been offered a job closer to home, on better pay, etc.

            It’s a right merry-go-round. And so much is based on sheer luck. Just have to keep throwing your name in the hat.

        • RedFortressOP
          2 years ago

          I’m going to bed, worst case scenario if I can’t find anything I’ll become a tutor or something, whatever

          It feels good to rant

    • redtea
      2 years ago

      Have you considered applying for the jobs above the entry level?

      • MexicanCCPBot
        2 years ago

        I’ve tried applying to some that ask for 3 years of experience or so, and surprisingly enough sometimes I get a first interview, but once it becomes clear that I really am a newbie I can tell their interest dies completely. If I don’t get a job soon I’ll do courses for the technical skills that they always ask for and I don’t have (to be fair I didn’t even learn about them at uni), since I have a feeling that might be a turnoff.

        • redtea
          2 years ago

          It’s a shit show. I hope you find something you can enjoy.

  • SovereignState
    2 years ago

    Had a falling out with a roommate who thought I wasn’t looking for a job when I went without one for ~5 months. Probably sent out an average of 2 applications a week during that period, which may not sound like a lot, but when 80% of the job postings in your area are “Walmart Stocker”… I feel you. Once, I had to take an hour long exam as part of the application process, with no guarantee of getting hired. The job? Cashier at Home Depot.

    • RedFortressOP
      2 years ago

      It’s so demoralizing, they’re so used to having it their way

      I’m not doing much better with sending applications either, what with having to send a personalized begging letter to every recruiter

  • lil_tank
    2 years ago

    Why do they call it a job market? A job is the only real source of income for the majority of the world population, are we trading people’s lives now?

    Yes. Workers sell their labor to capitalists so they can profit off it. The capitalists are very picky customers who need either a lot of marketing effort from the sellers of labor, or a personal recommendation by a friend. We’re basically in a giant supermarket begging those creeps to buy us.

    • redtea
      2 years ago

      I remember following the sage advice to give out paper copies of CVs.

      Most people laughed and said they would not know who to give the CV to even if they did take it for me. Like, even the managers in the stores did not have the power to hire anyone. It was all done by some head office or online. And this was a rather long time ago.

  • redtea
    2 years ago

    I feel you. It’s infuriating.

    I know this won’t help everyone, but there is a knack to job applications and interviews. There’s still no guarantee even if you get the knack right. And you may already be following something like this advice.

    But… You’ve got to come across as super confident and respond exactly to the questions in the application and then in the interview.

    I’ve been on the panels that sift applications and sat on interview panels. We get so many that as soon as there’s one thing on an application that does not respond to what was asked or what was looking for, it goes to the reserve pile.

    If a job asks for XYX and is to do ABC, the application needs to confidently tell the panel that the candidate can do XYZ and will competently perform ABC. Sometimes if a candidate can explain why their otherwise irrelevant experience is in fact relevant and a good indication that they will do this job really well, they will score more than a candidate who has done the same job before but doesn’t respond to the application.

    And brevity is a virtue here. No repetition. If the application says 300 words or max 2 pages and someone submits 320 words or 2.5 pages, it might go on the reserve pile, but will likely not be considered again even if the candidate was otherwise great.

    Every application at my place will get graded to say whether it meets the requirements. At some places this is done by an external company. Those that meet a certain score will get an interview.

    I did not mean to write any of this to suggest that it is your fault. It absolutely is not. And the idea that someone’s livelihood should depend on this modern Crystal Maze is horrendous. The whole process is bullshit, whatever the industry.

    The jobs with an ‘assessment day’ or other shite are the fucking worst. What an absolute waste of everyone’s time. Especially for jobs that require a degree. What makes them think they’re better able to assess someone than a university?

    I hope this helps someone, though. The process was not obvious to me until I sat on the other side of it.

    • RedFortressOP
      2 years ago

      That’s my weakness, I don’t have a strong personality

      I’ve always followed school expecting everything to be ready in the end, but the moment I graduated the education ministry just tosses me out into the jungle

      There’s no plan at all, the state just produces graduates and stops there, to hell with anything else

      It’s a predatory system, it doesn’t matter if you went to school, you just need to be a liar and talker

      • redtea
        2 years ago

        You deserve it as much as anyone else.

        The bragging is only for the interview, if that helps. Once you’ve got the job, you can be you again.

        In fact, once you’ve got the job you can be stubborn about being you and insisting that even if you’re not the loud braggart-type, your contribution is as valuable as the loud braggarts’.

        (You may find, in the job, that once you advocate for different approaches to working/speaking/etc, and encourage other people to be themselves, those others who also feel the imposter syndrome will thank you and see you as a leader (e.g. encouraging colleagues to use written messages or turn off their cameras, etc, in virtual meetings if it makes them more comfortable). The problem is getting the job in the first place, still. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve been through it.)

  • Catradora-Stalinism☭
    2 years ago

    I’ve been only able to aquire small internships after basically filing paperwork equal to college applications. This is for stuff like 3-4 month internships with corps. I feel ya comrade.

    • RedFortressOP
      2 years ago

      Schools are to blame too

      I remember, all of my three years during cycle ingénieur I’m told that jobs are few and that this person or that person worked 2 years for no pay

      I had to pass the biggest mf exam in the world to get into that school! I had to compete with 2500 other candidates from the entite country plus another 800 or so who failed just so I can be eligible for yet another exam so I can find a job!

  • PolandIsAStateOfMind
    2 years ago

    Well it helped a bit when i stopped giving much shit and vented on the fuckers which offered shittiest jobs.

  • tribuneoftheplebs
    2 years ago

    Came a bit late, but yeah…I fucking hate job searching. Lack of will to train future employees if you do get into an entry level position. Lack of future in any given trade. Pressure from bosses and scum managers. Coworkers snitching to the boss for no benefit at all. Not to mention the starvation wages. Fucking hate every. bit. of. it.

    wish we fucking had ubi lol