Hey you, business owners

Are you so blinded by short term profits that you can’t make a long term recruiting plan? Or have you given up on the future already and are just trying to live the life before it’s all over? Why are you asking me for 1 year of experience and mastery of 8 different technologies on your entry level pre-employment listing? I’ve already got a degree, does that mean anything to you? Are degrees useless now? I’m willing to take any salary at this point just to get out of my room and do something with my life

Why do they call it a job market? A job is the only real source of income for the majority of the world population, are we trading people’s lives now? Why is it that if I stay unemployed I’m treated as if I have an expired sticker on my face?

And you, state

Are you so pathetic to publish a document with all sorts of legal jargon for just one position? One position that will get you a 6 page list of candidates just so they can all move to the capital twice to pass your oral and written exams? For one position? Are you not ashamed in the slightest?

I’m so tired of you all

  • redtea
    2 years ago

    I would have had empty periods on my CV. But in the downtime I wrote a blog. Then sold the fuck out of it as entrepreneurialism in my personal statement / cover letters.

    Edit: I’m not saying this to brag. My blog was nothing to brag about! I’m just suggesting that there are ways to make ‘empty’ look quite full.

    Edit 2: typo.

    Edit 3: please keep venting, though. It really is cathartic.

    • MexicanCCPBot
      2 years ago

      That’s smart. My CV isn’t really empty, either. I put in the university projects where I worked with real companies as work experience, because that’s what it is. But then the recruiters say “okay but you haven’t worked at any companies in the field”. facepalm

      • redtea
        2 years ago

        I absolutely detest this logic.

        I look at it like this. Liberalism requires them to pretend to a meritocracy, to justify not giving jobs to people who are clearly qualified. So they have to come up with some reason, any reason, not to choose you. It’s simple maths that each finding company cannot hire everyone under the current, capitalist model. But if they give the appearance of being capricious, they risk being sued, for discrimination among other things.

        People don’t really apply for jobs they can’t do. So it’s always very close between the candidates.

        All you can do, really, is tell a company why you will be able to do the job, even without the experience. And one time, it’ll work. For every job, the person above you on the list who gets offered it because they have the experience might turn it down because they’ve also been applying everywhere and have been offered a job closer to home, on better pay, etc.

        It’s a right merry-go-round. And so much is based on sheer luck. Just have to keep throwing your name in the hat.

    • RedFortressOP
      2 years ago

      I’m going to bed, worst case scenario if I can’t find anything I’ll become a tutor or something, whatever

      It feels good to rant