Hey you, business owners

Are you so blinded by short term profits that you can’t make a long term recruiting plan? Or have you given up on the future already and are just trying to live the life before it’s all over? Why are you asking me for 1 year of experience and mastery of 8 different technologies on your entry level pre-employment listing? I’ve already got a degree, does that mean anything to you? Are degrees useless now? I’m willing to take any salary at this point just to get out of my room and do something with my life

Why do they call it a job market? A job is the only real source of income for the majority of the world population, are we trading people’s lives now? Why is it that if I stay unemployed I’m treated as if I have an expired sticker on my face?

And you, state

Are you so pathetic to publish a document with all sorts of legal jargon for just one position? One position that will get you a 6 page list of candidates just so they can all move to the capital twice to pass your oral and written exams? For one position? Are you not ashamed in the slightest?

I’m so tired of you all

  • Catradora-Stalinism☭
    2 years ago

    I’ve been only able to aquire small internships after basically filing paperwork equal to college applications. This is for stuff like 3-4 month internships with corps. I feel ya comrade.

    • RedFortressOP
      2 years ago

      Schools are to blame too

      I remember, all of my three years during cycle ingénieur I’m told that jobs are few and that this person or that person worked 2 years for no pay

      I had to pass the biggest mf exam in the world to get into that school! I had to compete with 2500 other candidates from the entite country plus another 800 or so who failed just so I can be eligible for yet another exam so I can find a job!