
Bro I don’t even know how I’ll be able to use my PC let alone heat my house this winter lol

    • KommandoGZDOP
      2 years ago

      Geee I wonder what a severely threatened labour aristocracy and petty bourgeoisie in cahoots with national industrialists in an age of increasing xenophobia, historical revisionism and Nazi rehabilitation could lead to?

      Anyway, Elensky needs another billion, 2/3 of our last shipment went missing somewhere

  • Shrike502
    2 years ago

    “Russian energy weapon”? Oh do go fuck yourself, Javier. Your government refuses to pay for energy to its largest supplier. That’s capitalism for you.

    • KommandoGZDOP
      2 years ago

      Yeh, moronic point. The West tried to weaponize Russia’s energy against it. Meanwhile Russia has kept providing cheap energy to Europe to subsidize its industry despite everything that’s been happening since 2014.

      Europe then going nuclear, effectively sanctioning itself back into the stone ages is hardly Russia’s fault. It’d be more than happy to just fucking sell its energy to Europe.

      Still, its 2022 and I have to make plans on how to stay warm in winter without heating while unprecedented heatwaves are currently wrecking the globe - it’s just surreal man.

      • Shrike502
        2 years ago

        It just amazes me that people who have been screeching about market economy this and partnerships that just turn into surprised Pikachu the moment the other party acts like it is indeed a market. And it’s not like Gazprom et al are actually imposing an embargo, they straight up said they want to continue trading (despite all the bloodthirsty rhetoric coming out of EU), they even came up with a scheme to continue trading when EU made the usual method impossible. Imagine treating your baker like this and then be surprised when your stomach starts rumbling.

        Sorry, at this point I’m rambling.

    • PolandIsAStateOfMind
      2 years ago

      If Russia did invent tesla weapons from red alert now, it would be not only physical but also psychological weapon.

    • DankZedong A
      2 years ago

      Belgium has a Marxist party with tens of thousands of members, most of which are very active. There’s multiple things planned or being planned in the next few months. We’re not slacking at least.

      If we play our cards right, we can easily get big numbers moving I guess.

    • KommandoGZDOP
      2 years ago

      Can’t speak for other European countries, but in Germany not present at all. The DKP (German Communist Party) is so small it’s almost irrelevant. The Left has some communist and anti-imperialist factions, but the party at large is getting pummeled in elections atm and as it’s doing so, it is moving even further to the right. Only hope is the very large (non-revolutionary) union movement. Other than that it’s an unorganized mess or one that’s organized/coopted by the right. Mainstream politicians already going ahead preemptively labeling protesters as far-right certainly doesn’t help either.

      • PolandIsAStateOfMind
        2 years ago

        but the party at large is getting pummeled in elections atm and as it’s doing so, it is moving even further to the right.

        This is the thing i will never understand. From what i seen every reformist party, even when they win the elections, lose support because it is not radical enough. And every time it happens, instead of the obvious conclusion “we fucked up, betten not cater to libs but try to get our own electorate back” they move further right losing more and more until oblivion.

        • KommandoGZDOP
          2 years ago

          I don’t get it either man. What you decribed happens again and again and again and yet there’s never any learning process, it just keeps happening. In case of The Left, this is a big tent leftist party with all kinds of factions. From a majority of succdems to communists, they kinda had it all. One of their core points that was unnegotiable for them for a long time was a kind of anti-imperialist stance, specifically anti-NATO. This was unnegotiable for them till last election (2021), where they put chances of a seat in government over this anti-NATO stance. They lost that election hard and thus didn’t get the seat in government they bargained for.

          Now I don’t follow German electoral politics close enough to say that’s what lost them the election and I can’t say how much of a factor this was in them losing subsequent elections. Still, the same pattern - compromise with the libs to get a chance at participation, get smacked by voters, double down. Just very very strange.

          • PolandIsAStateOfMind
            2 years ago

            Especially that Lenin smashed such politics and scheming once and for all and history proven him right that this is pretty much universal case. Communists should never ever go hand to hand with libs to the elections and also never ever with opportunists. Seats in parliament are good but not worth any dilution of marxism.

      2 years ago

      In Italy from the 60s onwards we joke about “la scissione dell’atomo” (the scission of the atom) bcs basically we have hundreds of Communist socialists and an*rchist parties, organizations and groups but they’re so small, and the biggest take only about 2%

    • lil_tank
      2 years ago

      France has a cringe communist party that went succdem, and a shit ton of trots. Most anti-imperialists are in the reformist movement LFI since Mélenchon was the only politician to voice our opinions. But shit is a mess and I don’t think it will lead to revolution. Check how the yellow vests turned out and you’ll see what will happen when the crisis kicks in

        • lil_tank
          2 years ago

          France leaving NATO was in his presidential program

          He was always accused of being pro Putin, his official stance is that he is against his policies and support left wing opposition but also thinks France shouldn’t be aligned and should treat Russia as a country with respect and cooperation

            • lil_tank
              2 years ago

              Yes he still thinks France shouldn’t be a vassal of the US. Although since he is an electoralist in a country where the media is full on propaganda and brain-dead idealism, he can’t have a solid materialist position, he has to appear against all wars and all capitalists.

              So yeah that’s lame, as I said, there is no revolution coming from that. LFI is just the only space where anti-imperialists are allowed to exist but that doesn’t mean we can gain mass support through it.

                • lil_tank
                  2 years ago

                  Clearly, Macron is a pure neolib that flirts with fascism as they all do now. It might be seen as the “cool progressive guy” but actually his government normalized far-right talking points like “islamo-leftism” to the point of trying to purge universities from “them”, setting up the repression of anti-colinial and gender-related scientific research

    • Deer Tito (She/Her)
      2 years ago

      In Norway we have NKP (Norwegian Communist Party) which is tiny and basically irrelevant, and the Red Party which had ten thousand members as of 2020, and which went from 2.41% and 1 representative in 2017 to 4.72% and 8 representatives (out of 169) in 2021. So there are signs that there might be a growing movement here.

      We’re getting government assistance to limit the impact of the high energy prices, so odds of anyone rioting anytime soon seems very low. The economic conditions of our populace seem to worsening however, as 21.2% of Norwegians could not handle an unexpected expense of about 1900€, which could eventually lead to riots in a few years.

    • PolandIsAStateOfMind
      2 years ago

      Poland. Our best and biggest (because it is the only one) communist party was last seen on street over a year ago in hand’s numbers.

      Anarchists, trots etc. can do few hundred but as you can expect it’s hard to organise.

      Succdems are inert, for years they only either go with libs or organize picnics that can’t even be named protests.

      Libs can mobilise quite numbers, but only for special cases, like the effective abortion ban (of course it was unsuccessful). I don’t think they would do it here, even as a surefire method of getting popular support against PiS, because as all libs ever they fear organised working class way more than they fear conservatists.

      Unions and peasants have a bit of power left, but they are unwilling to rise in a serious protest and are easily distracted and disorganised by empty promises, crumbs and by the solidarność scabs.

      • Cysioland
        2 years ago

        Succdems are more war-hungry than the actual NATO when it comes to the Ukraine

        • PolandIsAStateOfMind
          2 years ago

          True. That can be said for entire polish mainstream politics. There was already few instances when Poland went way above and beyond of what NATO ordered, there was even one event (Mig-29 issue) when even USA intervened to stop Poland, and that was months ago when the propaganda was the hottest.

    • folaht
      2 years ago

      Situation in the Netherlands

      Most of our rioters/protesters from the 21st century have been two groups that split off from the liberal party:

      1. “nationalists” (read: pure muslim haters, nothing else)
      2. “conservatives” (read: followers of US Republicans, Alex Jones, Donald Trump and also conservative Republicans, in which the former the latter caused the party to split in two)

      But currently a third group exploded onto the scene and are now by far becoming the largest protest group:
      3. “pro-farmer” liberals (read: 99% pro-food liberals, 1% actual farmers)

      They’re up against the anti-farmer liberals, who want more land for their golf courses infrastructure, homes, offices, industry, and nature to please the greens.
      The greens in turn are very pleased with the liberals finally doing something about climate change by reducing a significant amount of CO2 NOx in the air.

      So it’s liberals against liberals duking it out.

      The few marxists still in existance lingered around the socialist party, which started out as a maoist party, then became a demsoc party and is further softening up trying to get socdem voters.
      That was until 2021, when marxists were banned from the socialist party in 2021.
      This group is currently too small to form an actual party.

      Also, despite the massive flagwaving going on at the moment, from both the government (Ukrainian flags) and the protesters (distress signal flags), it’s unlikely that my country will have a revolution over parties holding on to power until election year, as unlike the Anglo-nations, there’s more of a tradition to impeach a minister/secretary of state than the prime minister/president itself or for the opposition to block the ruling parties main legislative proposal, like for example a proposed bill to reduce the amount of NOx in the air, in order to crash the ruling coalition and call for re-elections, which is already in the cards as I type.

      The deeper political crisis on the horizon that can cause a revolution in the Netherlands is it’s inability to handle the splinterization of it’s political landscape, making it impossible for a majority coalition to form and thus to govern the nation.
      This requires either to take the first past the post route, raise the electoral threshold or take the Italian route and go for the majority seat bonus system and my country is not known for making such drastic political changes.