
Bro I don’t even know how I’ll be able to use my PC let alone heat my house this winter lol

  • folaht
    2 years ago

    Situation in the Netherlands

    Most of our rioters/protesters from the 21st century have been two groups that split off from the liberal party:

    1. “nationalists” (read: pure muslim haters, nothing else)
    2. “conservatives” (read: followers of US Republicans, Alex Jones, Donald Trump and also conservative Republicans, in which the former the latter caused the party to split in two)

    But currently a third group exploded onto the scene and are now by far becoming the largest protest group:
    3. “pro-farmer” liberals (read: 99% pro-food liberals, 1% actual farmers)

    They’re up against the anti-farmer liberals, who want more land for their golf courses infrastructure, homes, offices, industry, and nature to please the greens.
    The greens in turn are very pleased with the liberals finally doing something about climate change by reducing a significant amount of CO2 NOx in the air.

    So it’s liberals against liberals duking it out.

    The few marxists still in existance lingered around the socialist party, which started out as a maoist party, then became a demsoc party and is further softening up trying to get socdem voters.
    That was until 2021, when marxists were banned from the socialist party in 2021.
    This group is currently too small to form an actual party.

    Also, despite the massive flagwaving going on at the moment, from both the government (Ukrainian flags) and the protesters (distress signal flags), it’s unlikely that my country will have a revolution over parties holding on to power until election year, as unlike the Anglo-nations, there’s more of a tradition to impeach a minister/secretary of state than the prime minister/president itself or for the opposition to block the ruling parties main legislative proposal, like for example a proposed bill to reduce the amount of NOx in the air, in order to crash the ruling coalition and call for re-elections, which is already in the cards as I type.

    The deeper political crisis on the horizon that can cause a revolution in the Netherlands is it’s inability to handle the splinterization of it’s political landscape, making it impossible for a majority coalition to form and thus to govern the nation.
    This requires either to take the first past the post route, raise the electoral threshold or take the Italian route and go for the majority seat bonus system and my country is not known for making such drastic political changes.