When the person is privileged so that he/she can drive a German car, go everyday to good restaurants and can fly often to visit heavenly touristic places arround the world. Maybe is he a descendant of the one of those reformists of the traitor bureaucracy that dismouted USSR and reinstaured the capitalism.

  • lil_tank
    2 years ago

    Capitalism is better when you are rich, also the sky is blue, subscribe for some more mind-blowing facts

      • FuckBigTech347
        2 years ago

        Also the fear that they one day just lose all their capital. Every single wealthy person I’ve seen so far has this existential fear in them. Some even go to psychologists for this. They are also usually under this constant stress and pressure to do more and “better” to further increase their capital somehow.

      • Rafael_Luisi
        2 years ago

        Its like dictators, they have accumulated immense ammount of wealth and power, but they constantly think they dont have enough, because they literally dont have an limit to how muvh wealth they can have. And they will aways think that people are envious about their wealth, so they will get more unfriendly and distanced from people. They will even start to get paranoid, thinking that their opposition or their enemies want to kill them for envy or to occupy their place.

        Those people generally die miserable, stressed, with fear of everything and everyone, addicted, and on some cases, brutally murdered.

  • PolandIsAStateOfMind
    2 years ago

    A fucking thief, leech and looter who was once petty crook or banana youth, then stole what people worked for and is still leeching more.

    There’s tons of them in every postsocialist country and they poisoned very many minds with their mentality, pretending to be “everyone can be successful in capitalism” instead of what it really was - just looting.

  • supersolid_snake
    2 years ago

    “I also support capitalism, my $5k a month 1 bedroom apartment overlooks skid row”

    • JucheBot1988
      2 years ago

      I remember how, back in the 90s, conservative media was blaming communism for the rampant prostitution you saw in Russia. Apparently, living under Godless Soviet Tyranny had just made people “lose all respect for themselves,” with the result that women and children were now screwing strangers for money. If people would just listen to the prosperity Gospel and pull themselves up by their bootstraps, the problem would go away.

      The idea that people were doing it because they were already raped by the United States and needed money seemingly didn’t occur to anybody.

      • supersolid_snake
        2 years ago

        I have an alternative belief. I think they knew it was capitalism and were just blaming communism because that’s convenient. These people don’t care for God or morals, just looting and pillaging anything they can because that’s how they have built their comfort. I could be wrong and giving their intelligence more credit than I should.

        • JucheBot1988
          2 years ago

          No, I think you’re right. The depravity of capitalists and their apologists really knows no bounds.

    • SaddamHussein24
      2 years ago

      Traveling is good and should be promoted. It promotes openness and internationalism and reduces chauvinism for many people. Party tourism (tourism of beach, discos, drugs and nothing more that rich assholes do at Ibiza, Amsterdam and so on) is cringe tho.

      Soviet citizens did travel indeed, just not to western countries to reduce espionage and also because the USSR was low on western currencies. All soviet citizens had free guaranteed holidays, it was a basic right for all. Travel between COMECON countries was very common and quite easy, going outside COMECON was harder tho.

        • SaddamHussein24
          2 years ago

          Ill be honest, its not like ive never done party tourism (although on a cheap budget and definetely not in the Bahamas, im not dirty rich like this guy is). Party tourism is definetely fun, especially in your early youth. However its very destructive for the places where this type of tourism concentrates in. Locals have to pay triple the rent due to Airbnbs renting everything to tourists and also have to deal everyday with drunk/drugged morons doing noise, puking on the street and being annoying. It also floods the area with drugs, often of dubious quality due to tourists buying them anyway, which makes the drugs very dangerous. Just look at Ibiza in the 1970s and nowadays, it went from a rural quiet island with beautiful landscapes to a giant mass of noisey concrete filled with britons and drugs.

          Which is why i think under socialism we should build party areas, very distributed along the country so that there is no mass influx of people anywhere. The areas should be far away from any residential areas, so as to not disturb people who are sleeping, but should also be well connected to the residential areas with public transport, so people dont drive drunk/drugged to and from the party. Ultimately, the final goal imo should be to have people do this type of entertainment locally, near where they live, instead of travelling somewhere else to do so. This avoids the carelessness of some party tourists, since they will live right next to whatever mess they made during the night. It also reduces unnecessary waste of fuel for unnecessary flights and so on.

      • JucheBot1988
        2 years ago

        A Hungarian professor of mine, who grew up under socialism during the 60s and 70s, said that in his experience, it wasn’t very hard to get to the “west.” The government didn’t really care if you emigrated or not; but they did want to reduce tourism, since the monetary systems of east and west weren’t compatible. Significantly, he said, the western countries themselves weren’t particularly keen on tourists from the COMECON bloc, since there was a fear that cheap goods from socialist countries would make their way into the black market and cause destabilization. That is, you could buy (say), ten cases of baby formula in Hungary, and sell them in West Germany for a fraction of their market value; and because of price controls in the east, you would still make a big profit. Thus, customs were very strict when you were going over the border.

        The biggest fear of the US has been that socialist nations (1) surpass capitalism economically, and (2) engage in massive global trade. With China, that fear has basically been realized.

  • Kind_Stone
    2 years ago

    Oh yeah, I see so many people like this definitely, capitalism so wholesome /s

    • AverageUlyanovFan
      2 years ago

      But without capitalism we would have nobody to put in gulags and that would be boring.

  • JucheBot1988
    2 years ago

    spiritual development

    Meanwhile, John Chrysostom (an Orthodox saint, by the way):

    Not to share our own riches with the poor is a robbery of the poor, and a depriving them of their livelihood; and that which we possess is not only our own, but also theirs.


    Tell me, then, what is the source of your wealth? From whom did you receive it, and from whom the one who transmitted it to you? “From his father and his grandfather.” But can you go back through the many generations and show the acquisition just? It cannot be. The root and origin of it must have been injustice. Why? Because God in the beginning did not make one man rich and another poor. Nor did he later show one treasures of gold and deny the other the right to search for it. He left the earth free to all alike. Why then, if it is common, do you have so many acres of land, while your neighbor has no portion of it?