• Apple Juice
    322 years ago

    “Comrade why the fuck are you not playing video games”

    “Comrade I thought I would be able to work in the factories all day after the revolution”

    • @jucheguevara
      92 years ago

      playing economic simulator videogames to help train the AI’s that power the economic planning models

    • Catradora-Stalinism☭
      2 years ago

      reminds me of that one soviet document I saw that basically almost ordered a guy to use his vacation days because he worked too much and never used them.

  • Anarcho-Bolshevik
    272 years ago

    under communism, the government would take away all your freedom and take away your job and enslave you and take away your home and blow up your house then kill all the homeless and make education illegal and indoctrinate you into marxism and take away your family and force you to have children and take away your music and your art and your history and censor all books and steal your money then you have to make art the state wants and then they raise inflation really really high and then they invade other countries and massacre innocent people and make food illegal then youd have to mine all your food yourself but the government would take it away and through you in jail and execute you without trial and then fire judges for not executing enough innocents for the quota then youd be sick and have to join the army only you cant go to work because you have to wait 10000 years for a car and it doesnt work so you walk to work but you cant walk because the government made it illegal you got no doctors since they were brainwashed before being executed you go to them but you have to pay in vodka only the govertnmentn made that illegal so you got no healthcare and its expensive and then you have to stay in a gulag with your family but theres no food left so you starve and you cant have any friends and they execute you and make happiness illegal and censor your opinion and make the internet illegal and they ban video games and then the earth would explode!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Gungeon_god (Rello)
      112 years ago

      Damn, you’d be executed three times? Who knew how bloodthirsty those commies are

      • @CITRUS
        102 years ago

        Actually, that’s why they have such high quality healthcare, so when they torture you to the brink of death, they heal you so they can torture you some more! MWAHAHAHA!!!

  • @Ice_wizzard12
    202 years ago

    oh welp, shit bois pack it up they got us. I only wanted to overthrow the bourgeoisie so I could play hoi4 all-day

  • @AverageUlyanovFan
    192 years ago

    I mean you would be able to play video games all day after the revolution. Just not immediately after, maybe like a couple hundred years in. And at this point nobody would want computer games that much.

    • @cayde6ml
      162 years ago

      I see no reason why people wouldn’t want to play video games, especially when society’s needs are met and they have way more freetime on their hands.

      • @AverageUlyanovFan
        82 years ago

        I kinda hope there are interesting ways to use your labor so you wouldn’t want to play games all day

  • @ThatCakeThough
    182 years ago

    Full automation would be a utopia instead of a dystopia under communism.

    • @jucheguevara
      152 years ago

      this is true. although in the transitionary period we will have to fight against laziness and anti-work sentiments. work can be fulfilling until we finally automate everything

      • @AverageUlyanovFan
        122 years ago

        I once dreamed of a world where labor is optional, but now I’d be happy if I got to advance humanity towards that (well, as long as I’m in a good team).

        • @jucheguevara
          42 years ago

          even tho I’m a tankie, I can’t help but recommend the surprisingly not-terrible verso book, Fully Automated Luxury Communism. It’s a good read. I have ADHD too and books like that actually help me to slow down and think (still need to fold my laundry)

      • @ThatCakeThough
        52 years ago

        Based. Unfortunately more people will have to work in hard jobs so everyone has it a little easier.

  • @sinovictorchan
    152 years ago

    Before they use strawman criticism against Communists, should they actually read theory and real history instead of Capitalist propaganda? Their slandering only work for brainwashed people who are trapped in the Liberal fantasy world who do not know that Marxists only implement full Communism after the final economic stage, that Marxists allow equal opportunity instead of equal reward, and that Capitalism is government intervention for plutocracy instead of meritocracy. And the Liberals even need to spread the lies via “credible” sources like school textbooks and “educational” documentaries because their arguments will fall apart by their self-contradiction and fantasy logic.

  • @lssssj@lemmy.ml
    152 years ago

    To be fair just after the revolution there will be more work than before, you know, fixing the mess and adjusting to the new system. After you take the factory, you will need to make new trades to receive material and sell the products, for example.

    • @jucheguevara
      82 years ago

      also repaving roads and building new infrastructure, since capitalism has neglected that for so long

    • @jucheguevara
      62 years ago

      hell yeah, we’d go to work so we could benefit our communities and our country, rather than some exploitative capitalist!

  • AgreeableLandscape☭M
    2 years ago

    Who’s going to tell them that people in socialist countries tend to actually work fewer hours and generally have more free time overall than capitalist countries? Like, oh I don’t know, the US? You know, the “shining light of freedom” country where jobs are subsidized by the employees being on food stamps and welfare, and when sometimes you can’t even afford anything when working two or more jobs?

  • AdvancedAktion
    122 years ago

    Actually this is true. There were anti work people in soviet union, just like people who wanted to get rid of marriage and family, and advocated for sexual liberation. People with utopian conception about revolution and socialism are unavoidable.

    • @AverageUlyanovFan
      62 years ago

      To be fair, they did bold experiments and learned a lot. What makes them scientific marxists is that they saw it’s getting kinda fucked up and backtracked. I think both those are commendable aspects.

      • AdvancedAktion
        32 years ago

        I was not making a judgement on them. In the wake of grim realities after WW2, soviet union wanted to repopulate the union. So they pushed for family values not sexual liberation like some comerades wished for.
        note : May be sexual liberation might not be the right word.

      • AdvancedAktion
        22 years ago

        Not a judgement, after world war2 soviet union wanted to repopulate the union, so pushed for family values and importance of having a child.

      • AdvancedAktion
        2 years ago

        Was not able to comment. So tried to comment many times. Dnt hate me friends

  • ButtigiegMineralMap
    112 years ago

    So we’re all in agreement right? We want to bring down all bourgeois industry except for video games right? Bc obviously that’s the only industry that doesn’t have problems with squeezing hours out of struggling devs with shit pay and a broken pre-order system that doesn’t insure quality but only secures capital. Yep, video games are staying EXACTLY THE SAME after a proletarian Revolution and you TOTALLY wouldn’t have better working hours and most needs secured which would enable you to have more free time for playing video games. These guys totally understand communism and I’m shaking in my boots and pissing and shidding and cumming in my pants😨😰