The leftist meme subreddits have been really shit recently. First you had the reactionary nazbol shit in socialistmemes, then a fascist/lib raid that the mods are too lazy to sort out in communistmemes.
What happened?
She/they please comrades :3
The leftist meme subreddits have been really shit recently. First you had the reactionary nazbol shit in socialistmemes, then a fascist/lib raid that the mods are too lazy to sort out in communistmemes.
What happened?
Whats wrong with sexual liberation comrade? /gen
Damn, you’d be executed three times? Who knew how bloodthirsty those commies are
Good lord, this is awful. Post it to r/enough_vaush_spam
As cool as this is, it doesn’t mean much unless we know the median. Does anyone know how equally the dividends were distributed?
I know right? Who wants to watch 5 - 10 minutes of boring, poorly shot softcore porn in the middle of an action movie?
“Russia’s invasion is damaging Ukraine’s booming orphan crushing industry”
Could be feudalism, who knows ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Just a couple of nukes, nothing crazy y’know. Don’t want the kremlin to get the wrong idea /s
Ah yes, shitposts from fucking 4chan are solid evidence of “white genocide”.
That fascist hellhole should be erased from existence and the owners should be round up and promptly shot.