








Tagging those from last time.

Discussion questions (but you can discuss anything):

  1. What are your favorite Nintendo games?

  2. What are your favorite Xbox/Sony games?

  3. What are your favorite third-party games?

That’s all.

Also, shameless plug-in for a Discord server that me, BayArea415, and some good friends created:


  • @redtea
    2 years ago

    There’s a lot in here, sorry. I recently completed Final Fantasy XV. It touched a nerve, and this thread coincides with this sacrament.

    I’m wondering whether to complete the post game content and the DLC or move on to something else. It’s a strange game. It has a classic FF feel to it most of the time, but it also has a lot of new ideas built in.

    FFXV Story

    Many of those new ideas are poorly executed, unfortunately. As is the main story. There are far too many plot holes and the story does not make sense one chapter to the next.

    It feels like a first draft. Like the creators sat down with a story board, mapped out the main plot points, and decided which components from previous games to build in to give it the FF-feel, then sent the whole thing off to the graphics and music teams.

    When they saw how much the first designs cost to produce, the producers said, ‘shit, that’s our budget gone, we better tie this together into something that looks like a coherent game’.

    Alternatively, the finished product is just a reflection of what all games eventually become when the contradictions of capitalism shine through the cracks.

    It’s relatively short, with loads of post game content. But what’s the point of the post game content? It would be much better built into the main game.

    I completed most of side quests (they’re mostly fetch quests) and got all but four trophies in one run. The missing four will be easy to achieve.

    One involves literally walking to reach a number of steps. The other involves sleeping at camps. The underlying skills just have to be grinded out. The third skill involves, I suspect, completing the post game content, which seems to me to be grinding through increasingly difficult boss battles and getting to level 99. The fourth trophy is for getting all the others.

    I know that most games involve trophies of this kind, which just take a lot of time and aren’t particularly difficult to achieve. (And FF is known for boss battles that take ages just because the boys has lots of HP.) But it seems a bit weak to let players achieve these after they’ve completed the main story just to claim that there’s loads of post game content.

    There are loads of Easter eggs, but they don’t lead anywhere. In past FFs, talking to so many moogles, playing the mini games, or riding / racing / breeding chocobos led to unlocking rare spells, summons, and ultimate weapons, etc. If that’s true of FFXV, I’ve completely missed it. So all these different parts of the game feel disconnected.


    To answer the other questions (briefly-ish, as a reward for reading my rant):

    1. Pokémon Red and Blue. These games are so nostalgic for me.

    2. Final Fantasy VII. The original. That story was /is incredible.

    Video game graphics did not have to progress past what they were in FFVII, if the studios focused on the stories. All developments since this game, it seems to me, have largely preferred to focus on surface level details, hyping up what is possible on the ‘next gen console’. What a waste. Damn you, capitalism.

    I have no interest in playing the remake because I will not reward a game studio for such laziness if I can help it. Apparently it’s not a full remake, but only, more or less, disc one of the original story. As if I’m going to give you money after a decade of hype about remaking a classic game and you only bother to make a trailer of the original. If anyone tells me that I’ve been misinformed and it is the full game, I might reconsider my position.

    1. Summoner, the first one, for PS2. The second one was good, too.