• @Shrike502
    131 year ago

    I wonder what the reaction would be if you post this and claim it’s from Moscow?

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
      131 year ago

      I think we know what the reaction would be if this happened in any country that’s an adversary of the west. What’s fascinating is that you’ll find no reporting on this in western mainstream media. I was curious and searched for this video or a similar one on any western news. Not a single outlet is covering this.

      • @Shrike502
        101 year ago

        My point exactly! It really should be opening eyes of people

  • @HaSch
    121 year ago

    It’s called a garden because it’s an artificial facade imposed onto nature which for its maintenance requires periodical cullings of undesirable life forms

  • @lil_tank
    1 year ago

    A comment is saying the west is calling Saudi Arabia democratic but I literally never see that, they are constantly ranked in the top “authoritarian” states in bs classifications

    • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
      141 year ago

      It’s literal absolute monarchy, so it’s hard to spin, though i did seen some lib opinion prasing democracy on lower local level there. And anyway with their closing with China they will soon probably join the “axis of evil” in murican media and we will be constantly hearing about “so called communist China allying with absolute monarchy” never mind libs did that for decades not to mention KSA was supported by west from its creation.

      • SovereignState
        1 year ago

        Looking into the way their legislature and parliament work, from my limited understanding, it’s quite similar to Western “democratic” systems, especially the U.S., except there’s one unelected guy who has stronger veto powers and political dynasties are much more apparent and encouraged (the House of Saud of course, which exists throughout all levels of government).

        I am not sure if there are any scientific comparative analyses of the U.S. and KSA, but I would be interested for sure. I would wager the systems look perhaps surprisingly more similar than different.

        • QueerCommie
          131 year ago

          It’s good that they keep the class struggle going, but no, not really. I’ve heard many protesters think the further right La Pen is the best alternative to Macron. The protests have died down too and now they’re only doing them like once a week.

          • @cfgaussian
            131 year ago

            The same hopelessly naive people who still keep holding out hope for anti-imperialism from a right wing populist orientation (because the western “left” in general has thoroughly betrayed the working class and adopted a rabidly pro-imperialist, pro-neoliberal position) were severely disappointed when Giorgia Meloni of Italy turned out to be just another EU and NATO bootlicker except with the added “flavor” of turning the xenophobia and the fascist nostalgia to 11.

            Why they still believe (or pretend) that Le Pen would be some kind of brave anti-NATO, anti-EU champion of the working class baffles me. This is what happens when you remain mired in idealism, you get things wrong over and over again and you wonder how come. Whereas anyone with an ounce of understanding of how to analyze things using a dialectical materialist framework could have told them that right wing opportunists will never live up to their expectations.

            • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
              1 year ago

              Also i remember how just in 2019-21 i heard all the time how much “anti-EU” and even “anti-US” is polish PiS, few times somebody even projected polexit and Poland warming to Russia and Belarus. My answer was: no fucking way, it’s all pretended to force more concessions from EU, like Britain did for years, and in reality the two of three legs of IIIRP being russophobia and servilism to US will trample everything, beside EU is still popular in Poland.

              I wasn’t even fucking glad to be correct about PiS again because not only nearly every time i expect the worst from them i am usually correct but this fucking time they completely overshoot the worst predictions by lightyears. Anyone who should have any illusion about them after 2022 is just a terminal moron.

          • @sludgeyrevolution
            91 year ago

            Omg fuck those stupid westerners then. Why tf doesn’t France have a principled ML party???

            • @Shrike502
              121 year ago

              Europe has been under the heel of reactionaries for decades. The past thirty years it was unchallenged at all, while the reactionaries had done everything to undermine, disrupt and uproot any ML or ML adjacent movement and organisation. Where would France obtain a principled ML party?

            • @lil_tank
              111 year ago

              Personally I think it’s because 1 - The PCF have never correctly identified the primary contradiction in the imperial core that is colonialism 2 - Relied too heavily on Soviet worshipping for external propaganda making them extremely vulnerable to the bourgeois press revisionism and lies 3 - didn’t embrace progressive movements like feminism and adopted a reactionary stance that made the ultras and pseudo-Marxists (Maoists, Trots, French School, Frankfurt School) very popular during the uprisings of 1968

            • @redtea
              21 year ago

              They allowed the CIA to co-opt the ‘French intellectual’.