Iraq, Lybia and Serbia should occupy washington and rewrite the mentality of amerikkkans
This but for real
NATO is the biggest white supremacist org on earth. It keeps being proven.
It’s the Nazi Arming and Training Organization after all.
Westerners be like: genocide and propaganda is bad…
…unless we’re the ones doing it
Normally liberals would describe that as ‘social engineering’, and something tells me that they aren’t going to decry it in this instance.
I love you, Vladimir Ilyich, but Korenizatsiia was a mistake…
why do you (or others here) think this? did it encourage some sort of ethno-nationalism? i wonder how is this different from self-determination? what’s to learn from this when we look at contemporary self-determination through decolonization?
Kinda. Also, to be fair, post-Stalin leaders are more to blame than him or Lenin. There were reasons for dealing with national elites at the time (although, I think we could do without creating them where there were none), and Stalin started clamping down on them, but later Soviet leadership just kept flirting and now we have conflicts all over the former USSR territory fueled by nationalism: Georgia/Abkhazia/Ossetia, Azerbaijan/Armenia, Pridnestrovie/Moldova and, of course, Russia/Ukraine. Chechnya was a bit of a different case, but sort of applicable.
And there are also balticshits barking in the corner, but they’re irrelevant.What to learn is a good question. I suppose, to avoid self-determining on the basis of opposition. Ukrainization, for example, was too overzealous with dissociating everything from Russian. Lo and behold, some western meddling later Ukrainian national idea is basically being anti-Russia and even the language is a mess these days with all the forced borrowing from English and shit, just to have as little connection to Russian as possible.
It’d be nice if the kaliningrad oblast had a strong enough military to swoop up to Estonia and empty this trash.
I’m pretty sure Kaliningrad is militarized enough to do that, actually, and stop being an enclave, if you know what I mean. Balticshits have like sub-10k meme-armies and pathetic NATO contingents. However, they do have those contingents. And are a part of the NATerroristOrganization, and Poland is right there, ready to die for the matrass flag, so…
I strongly suspect this is one of the reasons behind posturing such as in OP image - it is a goading tactic. Same as it was in Ukraine. It is an attempt to goad Russia into storming the damn place and thus open a new front
If so then it is another massive miscalculation. The Baltics are undefendable for NATO. This would strengthen Russia’s position not weaken it, as NATO would be immediately forced to divert the resources that Ukraine desperately needs to the Baltic region. The only second front that would really weaken Russia would be one further east. For instance if NATO managed to engineer another Chechnya like situation in the Caucasus or somehow succeed in a color revolution in Kazakhstan and turn it into a second Ukraine. But the chance of either of those happening is virtually zero, Russia secured those flanks a while ago.
There’s been plenty of activity in and around Kazakhstan, though. In fact there was an attempt at a colour revolution just before the SMO. Kazakhstan government even enacted the defense treaty, and Russian VDV (paratroopers) were sent in to support the local forces. Likewise, during the summer of 2022 when SCO summit was happening, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan suddenly decided to start a fight. Likewise in Karabakh.
Yes they have been trying to start shit, but it is clear that Russia has things in those regions pretty much under control. Iran being a regional power also has some weight it can throw around to keep things calm in the Caucasus. We can expect low intensity conflict like Nagorno-Karabakh but not much more. The US have also been trying to get Georgia to restart their aggression against Russia and no dice - the Georgians are not as suicidal as the Ukrainians, they learned their lesson. And as for Kazakhstan, don’t forget that China also has a vital interest in keeping Central Asia stable for the sake of the Belt and Road Initiative. A US puppet regime in Kazakhstan or any kind of large scale conflict there would be just as if not even more damaging to China. The US is fighting an uphill battle there in the backyard of both of its arch-enemies. They will not succeed and the abortive way their last attempt ended shows that they are losing their ability to successfully pull off these kinds of ops. And as the US empire gets weaker and Russia/China stronger on the world stage the difficulties will only compound.
Estonia and Kaliningrad do not share borders
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, these are just words. Its de facto just one spineless Baltic NATO vassal.
As a Lithuanian, it sucks reading this because it’s true lol.
A lithuanian communist? How are you holding, comrade? Out there, in hostile territory?
I live in the U.S, but I visit LT often. Obviously the govt. is garbage and a lapdog of the west but if there’s one thing I noticed is that Lithuanians are exploited by the capitalists just like in other countries. Some are nationalistic fascists, some are just trying to survive, and some want a return of the Soviet Union (mostly older people though).
Literally when I first started my journey through Leftism, I assumed as an American of Slavic descent who is slightly lefty, that the actual Slavs in Baltics would be much more lefty and I had to get yelled at by like 8 latvians and 4 lithuanians (all born in 80s and 90s lmao) online before I realized that place is more anti-comm than anywhere in Europe
Yes, you can see what is up with those people just by reading comments on internet, if ever take a step in any of 3 Baltic countries, I would get impaled on wooden stick in seconds lol.
It was tough to reckon with at first because I genuinely thought I was doubting the life experience of people who actually experienced the socialism that I had been a proponent of. Then I realized that they were influenced by the anti-comm society that came up as a response to the illegal dissolution of the USSR, that even my Republican Belarusian бабушка had more nuanced takes on the USSR than them
Rewriting mentalities? Isn’t that what they did in MKUktra?
Nuke the baltics. sink them below the waves. nothing will be lost.
Amber is cool though