Twitter has gone the way of LiveJournal. First they broke the woke boba libs from the Tumblr zoo tarring the Left with teenage cringe, the gates of the Twitter gulag has been opened to freedom for chuds, Neo-Nazis, and reactionaries. What kind of timeline are we living in? It seems the sacrifices of 8.7 million Russians to bury the Nazi monster are in vain.

Now we must keep a vigilant eye for false comrades, like how fascists try to lure some of our naive baby comrades by jacking off to North Korea.

  • @seanchai
    1 year ago

    deleted by creator

    • @Comrade_Deku571OP
      81 year ago

      Thanks for the eye-opening read. I need to get access to better literature, my only literature is limited to Marx’s fundamentals, Soviet-era writings and Third Worldist stuff like the Green Book, some of Sankara’s work and some of Philippine “National Democracy” corpus of material, as well as some academic research papers feeding me info to make my own takes.

      So yeah, kinda got my start with “Old Left” literature. And had to toss the Green Book since patsocs and shit

        • @Comrade_Deku571OP
          1 year ago

          Also purging some the “National Democracy” literature because its pretty much not applicable in the modern factors. Filipino Maoists have been reduced into a joke and they’re pretty much the reason why the Left here can’t bloom. And they’re the reason why MLs here jumped on Duterte’s boat because his pro-China stance seems attractive to AES and easier to identify with them than with the Maoists. So basically joining the populist camp to make orthodox ML cool again

  • @hegginses
    1 year ago

    Twitter is still run by billionaires, I’m just hoping this billionaire unbans me

    Update: He did not

    • @Shrike502
      161 year ago

      This. A billionaire is a billionaire is a billionaire. Their class interests trump any other consideration and window dressing

  • @Shrike502
    121 year ago

    It seems the sacrifices of 8.7 million Russians to bury the Nazi monster are in vain.

    Soviets for one. And that became evident long ago, by 1980’s at least.

  • @Ottar
    1 year ago

    deleted by creator

  • Makan ☭ CPUSA
    91 year ago

    Yeah, well, there other communities besides Twitter lol

    I was chatting with some bloke named Roderic Day and he thought that Twitter was the “newspaper” of the 21st century (and said that none of the other social media platforms compared).

    I had to disagree with him on that lmao

      • @fruityloop
        181 year ago

        your bigotry is not a proper material analysis of gender, tumblr didn’t have that massive userbase you think it had to have a noticeable effect on larger social media sites. also how cool of you to say transness is a mental illness as if being mentally ill is something shameful. the only shameful thing here is your bigotry and sounding like those patsoc/maga communist dipshits who have nothing to do with communism.

        • @fruityloop
          21 year ago

 sorry for the harshness, it gets tiring dealing with transphobic rhetoric from people who are supposed to be comrades. i hope other peoples comments here were helpful for you.

              • @afellowkid
                171 year ago

                Between “immature kids” and the people who use kids as punching bags for reactionary talking points, it’s really not the immature kids who are the problem. It’s the reactionary elements of society that forces LGBT people into the closet, not the “weird” LGBT people making the “cool” LGBT people look bad. If I appeal to the reactionary’s standard of social norms by contrasting my relative normality against the “weirder” LGBT people, and blame the “kids” for the reactionary hate directed at us, while claiming I’m just an innocent cool trans person not a weird attention-seeker, then my standard is to compromise with reaction, to bargain and beg to be seen as normal, and to allow bigotry to continue against any LGBT person who is “weirder” than me by some impossible to define set of rules. The bigotry was always going to come out against us one way or another. It makes more sense to just address bigotry at its source and forge ahead with new ideas than to blame each other for not looking or acting normal enough by the standards that keep us living in closets and facing attacks when we come out.

                • @Comrade_Deku571OP
                  -91 year ago

                  I’m not an American, so there are things that I don’t fully understand as a leftist from my perspective.

  • @panic
    91 year ago

    Bullying LGBT teens is shameful. Comparing them to fascists is one of the most transphobic shit I’ve read in a while.

  • @SpaceDogs
    81 year ago

    Gonna be honest, neo-Nazis have been running rampant on twitter for a very long time. I don’t know if the Tumblr refugees affected much, I mean it’s still active and I enjoy it, there’s cool people on there. Elon acting like this is a victory is odd considering he tried to back out but was forced to buy Twitter lmao

    • JoeMarx 193
      16 months ago

      Tumblrites are pink reactionaries. Nothing special