Hey Comrades,

With the current state of the world and general increase in negative feelings and emotions as a result of the current state of affairs, I wanted to start a community weekly vent post.

This will be for anything you need to talk about related to your mental health that is bothering you. If you feel overwhelmed, angry, scared, depressed, anxious, anything, write what you’re feeling and why below. Let’s use this as a place to help each other get through this awful shite.

    • LeninismydadOPM
      2 years ago

      Has the NATO ramping up nuclear war shit been driving you nuts? Something about it has been making me go anxiety crazy.

  • Rania 🇩🇿🏳️‍⚧️
    2 years ago

    I’ve spent hours of this day talking with my self fidgeting jumping around and punching walls, I’m tired can’t sleep I can’t look at the mirror because it keeps distorting my face, my arms and toes don’t fit and I bought a new skirt that both fills me with happuness and anger somehow and I also have very limited time of wearing it since I’ll get into trouble.


        • Sankavara Gardens
          2 years ago

          I find for me when I struggle to conceptualise or process a feeling I write it down. It doesn’t need to be coherent or poetic, but being able to vomit something out in a physical way (you’d be surprised how much emotion is captured in handwriting) helps a lot.

  • LeninismydadOPM
    2 years ago

    I guess I’ll start

    Today I woke up early because of my neighbor being loud, I couldn’t get back to sleep so I went on Telegram, I doom scrolled for about two hours through every group I’m in and literally all of them were filled with talks of nuclear war, impending ww3, fascist groups gaining strength and attacking minorities, etc.

    Was a really garbage start of my day and now my anxiety is through the roof.

    Plus, on top of that I just found out I am going to be out of work in two months and, essentially that is because I did my job too well and made myself obsolete. I have been incredibly fortunate with this job and it has allowed me to travel all over Asia and connect with my Chinese side of the family. Everything will be in Flux and I am worried I am not going to be able see my friends and family in China and Vietnam going forward.

    • Rania 🇩🇿🏳️‍⚧️
      2 years ago

      For the first one try to find like an app that will limit usage of specific apps per hour? Like maybe don’t use stuff that’s very doomery first in the morning idk?

  • Average PFLP Enjoyer
    2 years ago

    It feels awful and bloating but I ate 2 meals in a day for the first time in weeks yesterday. baby steps I guess

  • SovereignState
    2 years ago

    I just got my new state license and I failed the vision test. 20/70 in one eye and 20/200 in the other. This means I have a restriction that I can only drive during daylight hours.

    I have a night shift job. This may ruin me. If I get pulled over… I’m having trouble holding myself together, not wondering what’s the point after that. My only plan right now is to go to the optometrist and try to get a stronger prescription and call the dmv and maybe see if I can get it removed. I just don’t know. I’m too disabled to work almost any daytime job. I just don’t know.

    • DankZedong A
      2 years ago

      Is there job counseling where you live? Over here the state offers you job counseling if you want to switch jobs or if you find yourself unable to do your current job. They usually work pretty good. I hope that’s possible for you.

      • SovereignState
        2 years ago

        i appreciate the advice. i did vocational rehab which is a similar thing in high school after a stint in a mental institution but that ended up floundering for one reason or another. can’t find anything of the sort in my area other than temp agencies. found a couple of websites that claim to be job-finders specifically for people w/ disabilities, and like 90% of the results in my area, out of hundreds (i am not kidding) are walmart stockers and shit akin to it. in what world is manual labor in a walmart accessible to nearly anyone who’d be using this website lol

  • CannotSleep420
    2 years ago

    I guess I’ll vent. I’ve been doing a pretty crap job of taking care of myself. The lack of sleep, inconsistent eating, and lack of exercise keep compounding on each other to make doing basic self maintenance harder than it should be. This makes juggling my full time job and classes for my master’s degree a lot harder than it already would be.

    • CannotSleep420
      2 years ago

      Update: close to 2 days without sleeping, I have constant mucus drip, and my insides are burning. Fun.

  • DankZedong A
    2 years ago

    Despite some setbacks on certain things I am feeling pretty good and optimistic really. Which is weird, because we are facing very hard times it seems. But the actions planned to counter the hard times are making me feel optimistic.

    I also feel on a roll regarding social contacts and sympathy from others lately. It’s like whatever I’m doing has a good effect on people and they are starting to follow me, whereas I used to be a bit extreme for many. I hope I can keep them convinced of the cause I am having.

    If anyone feels the need to talk, shoot me a message.

    • DankZedong A
      2 years ago

      I also decided to focus more on lifting and fitness for a while. I quit drinking three weeks ago to get to my goal quicker and it has some nice side effects. I didn’t drink that much to be honest, mostly on the weekends and even then not that much, but I sleep better most weekends now. Which has effects on my general wellbeing.

      I weigh around 81kg right now and my goal is to go towards 90kg. Don’t know how long it will take, I don’t have a time in my head really.

      • TeezyZeezy
        2 years ago

        That’s awesome! I recently started going to the gym, greatly improving the intensity of my exercise. I feel great for a significant time afterwards.

        Good luck in your journey! I am about 210lbs (~95kg) and I am looking to just cut the excess fat I gained after this last year of mental struggle. I naturally have a good amount of muscle it seems so if I can achieve that I should look, feel, and be very healthy!