I was the one who coined stonetoss is a nazi and that’s my claim to fame 🥲
He’s apparently a Latino guy with a German name
They are always nazis lmao
brazil south region had german settlements or something, people there speak german. the three states in south region are Santa Catareich, Rio Grande do SSul and Paranazi, i will check out later if that is the case.
he also works for a jewish defense company and is the creator of redpanels
He seemed white in the pictures
Yes, race is a stupid concept.
He is Puerto Rican
LMFAO they got him because he went to the 8chan birthday meetup with gamergaters. They crosschecked that with the Gab leaks and mfer used his real name behind his RedPanels account.
Imagine hearing the string of words of “8chan birthday meetup” and thinking hell yea, sign me up.
He got what was coming to him
did anything actually happen to him aside from “doxxed”?
Not unless someone wants to do something really hilarious to him.
I cannot believe that Stonetoss ended up not being Shmorky’s alter-ego.
what comes around…