• @Idliketothinkimsmart
    332 years ago

    A lot of people don’t understand how bad it is. I’ve slowly watched the neighborhood I grew up in slowly add more and more housing encampments over the years. In recent years, I’ve watched it even spread into the outskirts of suburbs.

    • @carpe_modo
      252 years ago

      We’ve got people suggesting concentration camps and ghettos for the homeless, too.

      • @Idliketothinkimsmart
        212 years ago

        Lord, the subreddit for my local area is such a cesspool. On one hand, they’ll be all BLM this Indigenous land that, but on the other, straight up talk about shit like that 😐.

        • @carpe_modo
          182 years ago

          Liberal identity politics specifically excludes economic marginalization. Otherwise, they’d have think about capitalism, and that’s not what liberals ever want to do.

        • @Shrike502
          142 years ago

          The duality of liberal mind. And they don’t even see the contradiction

      • @whoami
        122 years ago

        In California they want to ship people out to the desert and wash their hands of the problem

    • Muad'DibberOPMA
      112 years ago

      Yep. I move around a lot, and whereas I used to only see this sickening poverty and homelessness in big cities, its very much hitting mid size and smaller ones now too.

  • @carpe_modo
    222 years ago

    Yes, that is pretty representative of the US as a whole.

      • @carpe_modo
        102 years ago

        I’m sorry, I meant the gross inequality and obvious despair. I should have been more specific. Your experience is by far more common here.

    • @Shrike502
      92 years ago

      How bad is it compared to Europe?

      • @lil_tank
        112 years ago

        Depends where you go, there clearly is a periphery to Europe that has a lot of misery like Greece since the IMF fucked it up. In all core countries there is poverty at certain places but overall it’s less dumbfounding than the US from what I’ve seen in the media

      • @carpe_modo
        92 years ago

        I couldn’t say. I don’t know what is like in Europe to compare it to.

  • SovereignState
    2 years ago

    Yeah, hate to disappoint this individual but as someone who’s lived in basically every type of area but a major city or suburb (as in, extremely rural to less extremely rural to semi-rural to semi-urban) it does not get better. Meth is everywhere, cops are just as brutal (they just operate under the cover of darkness without nearly as much oversight, which is saying A LOT as there is almost none in major cities too). Sheriffs act like de facto warlords over their jurisdictions at times. Rural areas are great for robber barons (esp. landlords and franchise owners) as well, so it’s not like you escape the wealth inequality and everyone’s poor. It’s the wild west goddamn everywhere except maybe suburbs, because only prim and proper “upper middle class” (net worth varies state by state) salaried workers can hope to ever live in those areas, and cops love them (as long as they’re white). There is “still” rampant violence against BIPOC in these areas (still in quotes because it’s all a facet of the systematic apartheid that keeps those places wealthy). Amerikans are shitty pretty much everywhere, in different ways, because they’ve been socialized to be. Bystander effect, bootstrap-pulling, and I’ve-got-mine-fuck-you ideology are baked deep into the Amerikan psyche. And some of them are good people (just getting utterly fucked over).

    An interesting phenomena I’ve been noticing is that the richer and whiter the area, the more Amerikan flags you see placed outside of peoples’ houses. The poorer and less white areas, less so.

  • @afellowkid
    162 years ago

    don’t forget the roving state representatives with sledgehammers

    • Muad'DibberOPMA
      92 years ago

      Average liberal politicians be like

  • @holdengreen
    122 years ago

    It feels like I’m maladapted for this. Everyone is so sht faced and pathetically tribalistic/unaware of their vast very amerikan stupidity. Definitely I got my McDonald’s fck you very hateful that sort of thing.

    I think a lot about the destruction of Amerika but actually it’s not in my personality to be like this so I’ve had to condition myself to maintain this thing and I’ve had to read and study a lot to start to become a principled Marxist.

  • deleted by creator
    92 years ago

    I left hamburgerland about 15 years ago and it blew my mind to see how fucked y old stomping grounds in Philly has gotten.

  • @mylifeforaiur
    2 years ago

    The worst part is, the taxes aren’t even low. The money is just spent on 3 trillion dollar jets that don’t work.

    • @pinkeston
      2 years ago

      The taxes in California + federal is about the same in China lol

      You get taxed like 33% when you hit 200k and like 40% when you hit 400k. Taxes are very high there

      • @mylifeforaiur
        42 years ago

        Taxes are only “low” in the United States if you’re a rich oligarch who gets their money from stocks and dividends.

  • @Shrike502
    62 years ago

    Would it be possible to acquire a mirror to the video? For those of us with no Twitter access/no desire to give them clicks?