People keep telling me to come here but all I see is reactionary garbage.

  • Muad'DibberMA
    5 years ago

    Its not, this site is run by communists, (I’m also the dev for this platform, Lemmy, and am an ML). For some reason a lot of anarchists have started posting here even though they do already have . Those posts are all at /c/anarchism .

    At least in the initial stages, I’m really reticent to flex admin powers over at /c/anarchism, and think we should have some larger discussions here and elsewhere about what kind of sectarianism should be allowed here, if any, or if it should be limited to certain subs.

    My personal preference is that /c/anarchism as a community should be allowed, but that it should limit itself to critiquing the power structures of western capital, and stay clear of imperialist propaganda about AES, or anti-imperialist states. I have IRL anarchist comrades, who don’t spend the majority of their time eating up articles from the BBC or vice or guardian about China / Russia, and would like to have a space here for non-sectarian anarchists if possible.

    For now at least, we can have those discussions, but also we could use more communist users posting on /c/communism .

    Also, I’m open to any suggestions about the best way to handle this.

    • @fidel_castroM
      115 years ago

      Maybe we need another community, like /c/askcommunism or /c/debatecommunism.

          • Muad'DibberMA
            35 years ago

            BTW I added you as a mod here, let me know if there’s any other subs you’d like to mod.

    • @Koalek
      5 years ago

      Clamp down on Anarchist shits please

      They purged the communism sub of mls (on raddle)

      Why should we allow them here?

      • @fidel_castroM
        145 years ago

        If we can teach anarchists about imperialism, class, material dialectics etc, they will become communists. Just dont let them spread western propaganda.

        • @Koalek
          55 years ago

          Sure but what they did to MLs on raddle suggests they have no intention of learning or reading history

          Their foreign policy always conveniently lines up with the cia

          • @CommieWalrus
            105 years ago

            “Sure but what they did to MLs on raddle suggests they have no intention of learning or reading history”

            They’re not a homogenous group who blanketly agreed to ban MLs. So long as they aren’t allowed to spread CIA propaganda, it’s far better to try and convince them to learn about Marxism. Remember that we don’t all start as Marxist-Leninists, and I suspect most of us were at some point anarchists, succdems, etc.

            • Muad'DibberMA
              5 years ago

              :fire: :fire: :fire:

              I’m also not interested in the sectarian shitfights, nor the petty things that the ppl who run raddle do. They seem to alienate as many self identified anarchists as they do anyone else from what I hear.

              We have a good chance of at least starting anarchists down the path of Marxism if we don’t play the “You’re not on my team so you must be a bad person”, game. Many ppl progress past anarchism, and it was because someone who was patient, explained and argued their case, and introduced them to marxist ideas.

              • @thisisitguys
                65 years ago

                Seems better to try to get them to come here. Can this site quarantine subs? Give them some subs where they can set their own rules, don’t let it leak, clamp down if they get too rowdy. Their users are still on this site seeing other subs from time to time.

            • @LeemaFateema
              5 years ago

              is this your first rodeo with anarchists?

              All they do is spread cia propaganda

          • @Laborwaver
            15 years ago

            Funny you say that since FinBol talked about Anarchism being a rightwing ideology or one that is coopted all too easily

      • @fidel_castroM
        5 years ago

        As long as there is proper moderation, they wont be able to do anything bad. Which is to say, no western propaganda news sources are allowed on the site. It just doesnt help if we turn them into enemies.

        Maybe we need some kind of vote for dat democratic centralism.

      • @joker
        45 years ago

        That isn’t very left unity of you, comrade…

      • @vendemiaire
        45 years ago

        idk why you’re assuming every anarchist came from raddle or has any responsibility for what goes on there ¯\(ツ)

      • @Gin_and_Juche
        15 years ago

        Quarantining them would be measured and also funny imo

    • Muad'DibberMA
      5 years ago

      Also I have no idea why, because anarchists should not be outnumbering communists here, I’ve only ever spread this site to communist spaces. We have Lenin on the sidebar ffs.

      • Star Wars Enjoyer A
        95 years ago

        I think my reddit post was crossposted to an anarchist sub, and I’m starting to get the feel we might have been shared to some closed Anarchist communities. I’ve also been sharing in left unity type communities, so that could be a source. We should probably do a second wave of sharing in Communist/Marxist-Leninist communities.

          • @Comrade_Corgo
            55 years ago

            The top comment is complaining about a car with a piece of cardboard on top to make it look like a tank, why can’t they just appreciate or laugh at anything

            • @vendemiaire
              5 years ago

              agreed, that criticism looks weak compared to the other citations. thankfully this site is a hub of political tolerance which never censors memes or attacks people for holding slightly different beliefs!

              • @joker
                25 years ago

                What kind of memes do they censor?

                • @vendemiaire
                  25 years ago

                  Take a look at the modlog on the sub you moderate lol

        • Muad'DibberMA
          55 years ago

          Yeah that’s true, solid posts like this one are getting brigade down-voted too.

          I’d def appreciate any help in spreading the site around more, I’m terrible at that and every bit of time I spend posting and commenting is less time spent on making the code that runs this site better…

          • @joker
            25 years ago

            I’ll help. I’m in a bunch of anarchist facebook groups!

      • @joker
        35 years ago

        I came here from raddle.

    • @joker
      -55 years ago

      When are you going to add some anarchist mods to /c/communism to keep things fair and balanced?

      • @RedPrince1917
        5 years ago

        As I see it anarchists already outnumber MLs on here and are currently brigading the hell out ML subs, so if any are ever to be enlisted its probably when the numbers are more even and the brigading stops.

    65 years ago

    We should just give them wedgies until they stop being such nerds.

    • Raton_en_Criss
      45 years ago

      lol that made me laugh and now im happy thanks

  • @Gin_and_Juche
    45 years ago

    Parentis_shotgun is one of the few good posters on the SRA sub, just wanted to mention