u/explorerofbells - originally from r/GenZhou
Hey comrades,

I’m a part of a discord server called Vegan Theory Club that’s run by mix of leftist tendencies. It’s a theory club that’s explicitly leftist and vegan, but we talk about more than just the book of the month.

We just started reading Eternal Treblinka - Our Treatment of Animals and the Holocaust by Charles Patterson, which we voted for. (Our last book was Kapital.) Right now is the perfect time to join!

We’d love to have you!


  • archive_botOPB
    3 years ago

    u/A-V-A-Weyland - originally from r/GenZhou
    Pro lab-grown meat, yes/no?

    EDIT: Guess OP ( u/explorerofbells ) started raiding this thread through the help of their Discord. Last I checked I had +6 votes and they -2 votes. Now I have -2 votes and they have +6 votes. Grow a backbone OP.

    EDIT2: OP doesn’t even know what lab-grown meat is. They think it’s being harvested from living animals. It’s literally a cell culture, indistinguishable from any eukaryotic cell All plants and animals are made up of eukaryotic cells. If OP thinks growing eukaryotic cells in a lab environment is cruel then they shouldn’t even be eating plants.

    • archive_botOPB
      3 years ago

      u/Jerry_the_Goat - originally from r/GenZhou
      Putting your faith in lab-grown meat and wishing that it’ll replace all animal products is akin to wishing that robots will replace all manual labourers under capitalism. The solution is already here, before we will eat lab grow meat we can eat plants, before we will automate all work we can emancipate the working class. We’re nowhere near to replicating flesh tissue on massive scale but we’re able to grow beans, lentils, oats, peas and nuts. We need to re-examine our relationship with these alternative (for the most of western world at least) sources of protein before we make a huge leap of replacing animal products with lab grown stuff. Even now ppl think bean burgers are not “real” or it’s “a copycat”; you think those picky eaters will eagerly switch to something so outlandish and unnatural like lab-grown meat?

      • archive_botOPB
        3 years ago

        u/courtneygoe - originally from r/GenZhou
        If I ate the diet you’re suggesting, I’d be in a constant state of gall bladder attack to the point I’d be unable to even move. Lots of people have digestive issues. The current mode of production being destructive does not mean any and all animal products are inherently destructive to produce. Amazing how people who aren’t western were able to do that for millennia without collapsing the environment. I swear this “vegan” movement isn’t to be trusted whatsoever.

        • archive_botOPB
          3 years ago

          u/Jerry_the_Goat - originally from r/GenZhou
          You’re not alone, this report says that more than 40% of ppl worldwide suffers from some sort of gastrointestinal disorder (tummy aches). The solution to this is higher fibre intake, increase it slowly, incrementally and from variety of sources (fruits with their skin, vegetables, legumes, grains, nuts and those fibre breakfast cereals, you know which one).

          Every person on plant-based diet went through this unless they ate that way since being born. For my bowels it took them about 3 weeks to adjust to new diet, grow new gut microbes that feed on plant matter not dairy and meat, stop gurgling after I eat a carrot etc.

          If you eat enough fibre and still experience intestinal problems then that could be the result of the stress in your life and with that I cannot help.

          • archive_botOPB
            3 years ago

            u/courtneygoe - originally from r/GenZhou
            I’m almost 34 years old. I didn’t need you to explain fiber to me, a person who has had intense GI problems since birth and hereditary weak gall bladder that runs in my family. Diet modifications/management saved me from the emergency gall bladder removal 90 percent of the women in my family need before they’re 30. Diet alone still leaves me sick. Illnesses exist, your comment makes you seem like a naive fool. Maybe consider the fact that people know their own medical problems better than you do.

            • archive_botOPB
              3 years ago

              u/Jerry_the_Goat - originally from r/GenZhou
              Ok, it’s just everyone on reddit seems to have those uncommon diseases preventing them from eating vegetables. I’m curious though, shouldn’t ppl with failing gallbladder problems eat low-fat and low-cholesterol diets? I’m asking cos like I said, I’m learning every day from redditors with unique medical history

              And if you absolutely can’t stomach any more fibre then you’ll be delighted to know that you can eat low-fibre plant-based diet. How cool is that. I’m sure that you’ll make use of that obscure information, how rude it would be to just refuse to learn and try new things.

              • archive_botOPB
                3 years ago

                u/calciumpotass - originally from r/GenZhou
                What the actual fuck with that atitude

                • archive_botOPB
                  3 years ago

                  u/Jerry_the_Goat - originally from r/GenZhou
                  I’m sorry that my stance against animal exploitation is not to your liking. Maybe say it out loud what do you really expect of me. What kind of attitude you can tolerate. Do you wish that vegans would grant some ppl exclusive rights to eat animals? Would you even care if they do? I bet that the only attitude you’d wish to see from vegans is that of a silence, total indifference, basically anything that wouldn’t make you think and reexamine your way of treating animals.

                  I swear, every conversation about changing one’s life to benefit the society goes exactly the same way, no matter if we’re talking with lib, leftist, conservative or whoever. Everyone have one in a kind relationship with their diet, their entertainment and all of their commodities. You could try listing all the benefits of idk swapping car for public transport and someone will swear to god that they can’t live without driving everywhere, and all anti-car ppl are evil and can’t understand their circumstances. You could try dissuading ppl from buying from nestle and you’ll find that autism or ED prevents some from going without their cereals and candy bars

                  🤷 tough luck, it seems that nestle, car centred cities and animal agriculture will have to stay forever. Idk how someone could ever try to change society for the better

      • archive_botOPB
        3 years ago

        u/A-V-A-Weyland - originally from r/GenZhou
        I support further research into mechanization and having robots take over the menial and backbreaking jobs. I too promote further research into lab-grown meat. Just because it isn’t a reality now doesn’t mean that the technology itself isn’t feasible in the future. Research in lab-grown meat isn’t just about meat, it’s about cell cultures, it’s about tissue growth, these technologies translate to other uses that have nothing to do with the consumption of meat such as artificial organs and limb regeneration. That’s the neat thing about research and innovation; developments in one area will create offshoots in another area.

        All of you are disregarding the prospect of lab-grown meat because it isn’t feasible now. Guess what? The first iterations of a new technology always suck and are always expensive. Every technology we take for granted right now used to suck. Guess what also sucked? Plants. Plants sucked. They were not nutritious. It took millennia of continuous domestication and cultivation for them to be nutritious enough to allow for modern society. Yet you guys want instant solutions. How shortsighted.

        You are never going to get everyone to stop eating meat unless there is a revolutionary alternative. You can’t even get people to switch to chicken meat to lower their carbon footprint and you want to convince them to eat lentils? You can’t even get everyone to wear face masks properly to protect their loved ones and you want to have them give up something they’re hardwired to enjoy? You’re comparing an ideal to an imperfect reality, with reality coming off as a shoddy second.

        • archive_botOPB
          3 years ago

          u/Jerry_the_Goat - originally from r/GenZhou
          You asked a vegan for their opinion on lab-grown meat so they’ll answer in that context, from the perspective of a vegan talking to non-vegan. You may simply not be aware but vegans are not against eating flesh-like substances but against commodification of animals for the sake of food, clothing, testing, entertainment etc. If lab-grown meat would be developed with assistance of consenting human test subjects then I wouldn’t see anything wrong with it. But rn the most advanced procedures requires fresh samples of cell tissue from live animals that’ll have to be kept in captivity ie: be commodified. Just as I wouldn’t want to be held captive as a test subject against my will I won’t endorse that way of development of lab-grown meat. If it would be cruelty-free then I’ll be all for it. I’m type I diabetic and I’d happily lend my cell tissue to develop lab-grown pancreas. And even more so if it wouldn’t be developed for profit incentive

          Not that my opinion or “voting with my wallet” would ever matter btw.

          • archive_botOPB
            3 years ago

            u/A-V-A-Weyland - originally from r/GenZhou
            You’re just making shit up now. You don’t need continual cell sampling, all companies work with a single cell line of which the animal has died years ago. Taking new samples from new animals messes with the data and introduces too much variation in the results.

            • archive_botOPB
              3 years ago

              u/bongmom420 - originally from r/GenZhou
              Source? Mosa Meat claims that one tissue sample from a cow has a production capacity of about 80,000 quarter pounders, which granted is impressively large, but still quite finite. Source: https://mosameat.com/growing-beef

              • archive_botOPB
                3 years ago

                u/A-V-A-Weyland - originally from r/GenZhou
                Tissue samples for research are increasingly made from reconfiguring stem cells.

            • archive_botOPB
              3 years ago

              u/Jerry_the_Goat - originally from r/GenZhou
              What about fetal bovine serum on which the cells are grown? And what about Hayflick effect, won’t closed genetic pool of animal cells produce tumours eventually?

              I’m genuinely curious, you seem like a knowledgeable fellow.

              • archive_botOPB
                3 years ago

                u/A-V-A-Weyland - originally from r/GenZhou
                That’s why you don’t use somatic cells, or normal cells. Stem cells don’t follow this rules. Maybe for the current production they use somatic cells to save money, but when it comes to research you want to have your samples be identical and the best way to achieve that is through samples derived from stem cells.

      • archive_botOPB
        3 years ago

        u/warender99 - originally from r/GenZhou
        Damn well said honestly.

    • archive_botOPB
      3 years ago

      u/explorerofbells - originally from r/GenZhou
      No, that’s a technocratic solution to a social problem, much like pushing Teslas instead of public transportation

      • archive_botOPB
        3 years ago

        u/A-V-A-Weyland - originally from r/GenZhou
        I merely asked to see whether l could get somewhat decent of a reply. You flat out rejecting lab grown meat says a lot about your ideals, or rather lack thereof. Lab grown meat while still in its infancy is a positive development merely due to the by effect of stimulating research in the field of biotechnology. It also allows us to deepen our understanding and start a discussions on what meat consumption is really about from a societal perspective. Once we develop the technology to a point where even elephant burgers are feasible the next inevitable step is the further abstraction of meat consumption and we can truly start developing meat replacements that severe out relationship with seeing animals as things for consumption. Lab grown meat is merely a necessary step in our societal evolution. You outright disregarding it as a potential solution shows that you’re a veganist purely for selfish considerations.

        • archive_botOPB
          3 years ago

          u/explorerofbells - originally from r/GenZhou
          We don’t need to lick the boot of meat capital for a magic new commodity. We need economic change, and it doesn’t come about by voting with our wallets.

          We do not need meat to thrive. The only true way to achieve animal liberation is through class struggle. Don’t fall for lib greenwashing.

          • archive_botOPB
            3 years ago

            u/A-V-A-Weyland - originally from r/GenZhou
            This isn’t about getting a new commodity. This is about making better use of the limited resources on our planet. We must count our lucky stars that we were born in a world where innovation can solve many of our problems.

            Hey, I’m not against revolution. Not at all. But you’re too shortsighted. What seems to be bothering you is that in the USA the capitalist class is investing in this new technology. Well, in China you have quite a few universities kickstarting projects on lab grown meat with government funds. One prominent center of food research is Wuhan, of COVID fame.

            Stop seeing the world as black and white. Stop comparing an ideal against an imperfect reality, as doing so you will always be left with the reality coming off as an undesirable second option. Even in the most socialist of societies meat consumption was never halted.

            • archive_botOPB
              3 years ago

              u/explorerofbells - originally from r/GenZhou
              We already have a solution, eat plants. Stop making excuses about waiting for some unnecessary far off technology.

              • archive_botOPB
                3 years ago

                u/A-V-A-Weyland - originally from r/GenZhou

                Stop making excuses …

                Nobody here is making excuses. It’s you who is rejecting a technology because it isn’t feasible now.

                Eating plants isn’t a solution. As you won’t get everyone on board. Guess what is also a solution? People no longer procreating. Like that we can finally give animals the room they deserve. Just decrease our population to a million strong.

              • archive_botOPB
                3 years ago

                u/69Epicchungus1488_2 - originally from r/GenZhou
                Technology advances fast. We went from bulky desktop computers with dial up internet to smartphones twice as fast in two decades.

                Stem cell grown meat isn’t far off. Given the news I’ve heard over the past few years, I’d say it’s a decade away from being bought from stores and two decades away from being able to replace meat.

          • archive_botOPB
            3 years ago

            u/PaiosFranen - originally from r/GenZhou
            Yeah except you need B12 vitamin which you can only get from animal products. You also need 2+ iron (animal iron), since 3+ iron (vegetal iron) has an extremely poor absorption rate. Theres a reason people with iron deficiency are told to eat meat and not beans. But sure, tell people in the global south they should instead buy synthetic B12 and synthetic 2+ iron, like they can afford it. I swear vegans are always privileged imperial core kids, and it shows. Im very sorry for the animals, but the people that we exploit have much bigger problems. You think people in Afghanistan can stop eating meat? Stop it with this useless utopianism that only makes leftists look like weirdos. You dont wanna eat meat, good for you, but dont insist the whole world should follow you

            • archive_botOPB
              3 years ago

              u/explorerofbells - originally from r/GenZhou
              Imagine reading literally anything before posting that

              • archive_botOPB
                3 years ago

                u/PaiosFranen - originally from r/GenZhou
                Imagine thinking farmers in rural Afghanistan can afford synthetic B12. Typical petty bourgeois imperial core kid. Im very sorry, but animal farming will continue to exist for many centuries, since talking about veganism while people are starving right now is nonsense, and its the most idealistic petty bourgeois shit ive heard today. Deal with it

      • archive_botOPB
        3 years ago

        u/ThewFflegyy - originally from r/GenZhou
        is it not a little idealist to oppose the most realistic alternative? there are a lot of people who are not going to want to give up meat. opposing lab grown meat seems like kind of a self own tbh.

        • archive_botOPB
          3 years ago

          u/explorerofbells - originally from r/GenZhou
          It’s no more “realistic” than Tesla, or any other green capitalists, solving the climate crisis. In fact, I’d consider it more idealist to propose that animal liberation will be achieved through enriching meat capitalists.

          Neither the owners and manufacturers of plant-based meat alternatives nor a large part of the ruling class (such as those who meet annually at the World Economic Forum) see the production of meat and meat alternatives as a contradiction.

          The majority of them consider plant-based meat merely a supplementary income that will not stop the growth of the traditional meat industry. It is in their benefit to sell people on the idea that capitalism can supposedly be “more animal friendly” and “greener” and that if you just change your lifestyle, you can make all the difference.

          These companies are not on a noble mission to save the world. They simply want to make a profit from another commodity. In business speak, it’s called “portfolio diversification,” ie expanding revenue sources.

          If we really want to break the power of meat capital, we need to intervene in the ownership and production conditions of the meat industry. Again, social change, not technocratic.

          Edit: and also, supporting lib greenwashing solutions in a leftist sub seems more like a self-own to me, tbh

          • archive_botOPB
            3 years ago

            u/ThewFflegyy - originally from r/GenZhou
            no, a lot of modernized countries heavily utilize public transit. the comparison to public transit is really not apt. im with you on the green capitalism bit. the two really arnt equatable though.

            I agree that on our current trajectory plant based meat will not supplant real meat. that does not mean that it cant. look, I never claimed any corporation was on a noble mission to save the world. im simply saying that lab grown meats present a viable alternative.

            I feel like you are strawmannirg me/misunderstanding me, not sure which. I also did not say our aim should not be squarely on capital. im merely saying that even under a revolutionary state the entire population going vegan is going to be a really, really hard sell. lab grown meats present a viable alternative that should not be thrown out simply because the people who developed it weren’t aiming to save the world.

          • archive_botOPB
            3 years ago

            u/warender99 - originally from r/GenZhou
            I disagree. Your analysis comes from the viewpoint that socialism and veganism are necessarily intertwined. They are not, and the consumption of meat predates capitalism by a large span of time. Without making a idealist morality based argument about the consumption of meat irregardless to the means in which said meat is acquired, what reason do you see that necessitates the entire eradication of meat/animal product consumption?

              • archive_botOPB
                3 years ago

                u/warender99 - originally from r/GenZhou
                “Woah I’m not reading that crap, sum it up in one word!”

                -Bender bending Rodriguez

                Nah but for real appreciate the link. Looks like a decent read, I’ll return here once I’ve finished. I also don’t want to get lumped in with the other people with the whole elon musk green capitalism type thing. My angle is different from theirs. Much less about the proposed alternatives within capitalism and much more about what diets Looks like in a socialist society compared to today. It is obvious that we need to drastically reduce our meat consumption for the benefit of the environment, im just not quite sold on the complete veganism angle.

                • archive_botOPB
                  3 years ago

                  u/calciumpotass - originally from r/GenZhou
                  Don’t worry none of it addresses artificial meat

              • archive_botOPB
                3 years ago

                u/warender99 - originally from r/GenZhou
                Hey big thanks for the reading material. It certainly helped my understanding of how veganism and Marxism intertwine. Quite a perspective changing read. It’s always crazy to me when I read something that so perfectly demonstrates the ideas in my head. From the addressing of the ideological strains of veganism as it exists today, to the synthesis of the two using historical materialism. It addressed any and all counterpoints I had as I read it. Well put together I must say.

                • archive_botOPB
                  3 years ago

                  u/explorerofbells - originally from r/GenZhou
                  It makes me really happy to hear that. Thanks for taking the time to read.

            • archive_botOPB
              3 years ago

              u/courtneygoe - originally from r/GenZhou
              THANK YOU

              OP isn’t operating in good faith whatsoever

        • archive_botOPB
          3 years ago

          u/ButtigiegMineralMap - originally from r/GenZhou
          I agree, even if it isn’t ideal, there’s too many people dedicated to eating what they perceive to be meat

        • archive_botOPB
          3 years ago

          u/courtneygoe - originally from r/GenZhou
          Militant vegans are just as bad as anarchists. They care about utopian ideas instead of reality, instead of real solutions to problems, and I literally would die in the world they want to create unless I could at least have a chicken for eggs, and then I’d be severely underweight and undernourished. It isn’t just me though, MILLIONS of people have severe digestive issues. A lot of people have a worse time than I do, and can digest even fewer foods than I can. That isn’t even getting into efficiency in production of food, we don’t have the land or technology to grow enough food for an entirely vegan world.

        • archive_botOPB
          3 years ago

          u/LordOfThe_FLIES - originally from r/GenZhou
          Lab grown meat still commodifies animals and their flesh, even if it’s in a roundabout way.

          • archive_botOPB
            3 years ago

            u/ThewFflegyy - originally from r/GenZhou
            its literally not the flesh of a conscious animal. as for commodifying it, is that really the fault of the product or the economic system?

            • archive_botOPB
              3 years ago

              u/explorerofbells - originally from r/GenZhou
              How do you think they grow the flesh? They harvest it from someone. You can’t solve animal exploitation by exploiting animals. And you can’t do it through enriching meat capitalists.

              • archive_botOPB
                3 years ago

                u/ThewFflegyy - originally from r/GenZhou
                no dude, it does not. it is essentially genetically modified yeast.

                im with you capitalism is a problem. that doesn’t mean the concept of lab grown meat can’t work. this is like saying you can’t eat bread because it is enriching agricultural capitalists.

                • archive_botOPB
                  3 years ago

                  u/explorerofbells - originally from r/GenZhou
                  They must harvest muscle cells, which requires a biopsy.

                  Bread can be produced ethically under socialism. There is no economic configuration under which oppressing sentient nonhumans for mere taste pleasure is ethical.

              • archive_botOPB
                3 years ago

                u/A-V-A-Weyland - originally from r/GenZhou
                LOL OP has no idea what they’re talking about.

      • archive_botOPB
        3 years ago

        u/niw_delpilar - originally from r/GenZhou
        This is interesting. I never saw it this way before. But what if access to technology was public or state owned?

        • archive_botOPB
          3 years ago

          u/explorerofbells - originally from r/GenZhou
          I think the technology is interesting, but the problem is that with cell cultures, you must perform a biopsy to retrieve the cells.

          I don’t reject the covid vaccines, and neither do most vegans, even though they are tested on animals, because vaccines are absolutely necessary for public health and save millions of lives. They didn’t need to be tested on animals, there’s other ways, but our system isn’t there yet. (It should be noted that covid, like most zoonotic viruses, is caused by animal exploitation.)

          Lab grown meat, on the other hand, is not necessary. No one needs to wait for this technology to go vegan. To put palate pleasure over another’s consent to their bodily autonomy is oppressive. Would you justify caging and doing biopsies on humans without their consent if human flesh tasted nice?

          • archive_botOPB
            3 years ago

            u/69Epicchungus1488_2 - originally from r/GenZhou
            That’s a very idealistic and non-utilitarian opinion.

            The death of a few animals could prevent the suffering and deaths of millions of others. If you reduce necessary animal agriculture to merely growing animals for research and stem cell extraction you can also supply these animals with an excellent quality of life far exceeding that of even free range farm animals today.

            Would you justify caging and performing biopsies on humans if human flesh tasted nice?

            Humans have a pyschological need for freedom and purpose that animals don’t. An animal wants space to roam, others of its kind to mate and interact with and stimulation.

            Think about how content and happy a dog is to eat horrible leftovers and play with old tennis balls. On the other hand if you made a human live like that they would (probably) be absolutely dehumanised and incredibly miserable

            Caging a human and treating one like an animal is unethical because humans have complicated psychological needs that require freedom and the ability to interact with humans on an equal level.

            • archive_botOPB
              3 years ago

              u/explorerofbells - originally from r/GenZhou

              Humans have a pyschological need for freedom and purpose that animals don’t.

              You don’t know that. You can’t just make shit up and pretend you’re being scientific.

              We do not exploit animals because we deem them to be inferior, rather, we deem animals to be inferior because we exploit them.

              That’s a very idealistic and non-utilitarian opinion.

              Further, I find utilitarianism to be an insufficient and backwards ideology. The Nazis justified human experimentation against my people for the “greater good.”

              As a leftist, you should know better than to presuppose your own supremacy against other people, even non-human people. Your might does not make you right.

              • archive_botOPB
                3 years ago

                u/red_curry_powder - originally from r/GenZhou

                Further, I find utilitarianism to be an insufficient and backwards ideology. The Nazis justified human experimentation against my people for the "greater good.

                I’m not a utilitarian, and I’m a vegan. To call it a backwards ideology is just extremely ignorant.

                • archive_botOPB
                  3 years ago

                  u/explorerofbells - originally from r/GenZhou
                  It’s backwards when it’s being used to justify raping, imprisoning, exploiting, and murdering others for your pleasure or some nebulous “greater good.”

                  Again, this self same ideology was used to justify the detention and genocide of my ancestors. It’s being used no differently here. It’s absolutely within reason to call it backwards.

      • archive_botOPB
        3 years ago

        u/69Epicchungus1488_2 - originally from r/GenZhou
        Much like advances in organ transplant are technocratic solutions to the social problems of obesity and alcoholism? And how we shouldn’t have invented antibiotics or vaccines since they were technocratic solutions to the social problems of diseases spreading in an increasingly interconnected and urbanised worlds?

        That is anti-scientific nonsense. Increases in technology have led to drastically reduced infant mortality, famines and excess mortality even under terrible social systems.

        • archive_botOPB
          3 years ago

          u/explorerofbells - originally from r/GenZhou
          Good grief, I’m against fake lib “solutions” to problems that can only be solved through changing our economic configuration. I oppose lab grown meat on the basis that it is counter-productive to the goal of liberating animals, because it exploits animals, because it is a complicated and unnecessary reform, not on the basis of it being “science.”

          I oppose it in the same way I oppose Teslas as a serious solution to climate change, although I’m sure many Musk fanboys will tell me that to oppose Tesla is to oppose “progress” and EV “science.” I should just as well be happy that capitalists are painting themselves green with far off targets of carbon neutrality, as if the earth isn’t burning right now, as if the clock isn’t ticking.

          You are here promoting liberal reforms as a way to achieve liberation, cynically of course, because you don’t even want animal liberation.

          Although with 1488 being in your username, I shouldn’t be surprised.

    • archive_botOPB
      3 years ago

      u/clydethefrog - originally from r/GenZhou
      Lab-grown meat may never be cost-competitive enough to displace traditional meat.


      Humbird likened the process of researching the report to encountering an impenetrable “Wall of No”—his term for the barriers in thermodynamics, cell metabolism, bioreactor design, ingredient costs, facility construction, and other factors that will need to be overcome before cultivated protein can be produced cheaply enough to displace traditional meat.

      Quoting someone in the discussion: These days there are so many readily available plant-based products. There isn’t really a NEED for lab-grown meat except in the sense that people think they need to eat meat. It might be a better plan to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on advertising to deprogram people from that way of thinking.

      • archive_botOPB
        3 years ago

        u/PaiosFranen - originally from r/GenZhou
        Yeah except you need B12 vitamin which you can only get from animal products. But sure, tell people in the global south they should instead buy synthetic B12, like they can afford it. I swear vegans are always privileged imperial core kids, and it shows. Im very sorry for the animals, but the people that we exploit have much bigger problems. You think people in Afghanistan can stop eating meat? Stop it with this useless utopianism that only makes leftists look like weirdos. You dont wanna eat meat, good for you, but dont insist the whole world should follow you

        • archive_botOPB
          3 years ago

          u/clydethefrog - originally from r/GenZhou
          This is a whole other discussion, I was just responding to the labgrown meat standard reply the user was making.

          But I can’t resist responding to your other standard reply about B12 - the big majority of animals is also injected / fed with B12 before they are slaughtered for meat. Industrial production of vitamin B12 is achieved through fermentation of selected microorganisms. It can easily be added to grains, just like was decided to add iodine to salt and bread to battle iodine deficiency. Sounds more cost effective than using animal farming as vessels, no?

          (the “natural” way to get B12 was from the soil - due to declining soil quality from intensive over-farming the soil is deficient in cobalt, which you need for animal’s guts to make B12. So in an ironic negative feedback loop, the more heavy animal agriculture to get your B12, the less natural B12!)

          I am vegan and Marxist but I would never make a vegan diet the first step in improving the material condition of the people around me, once again, just responding to the reply about lab-grown meat. Just as probably a lot of public transport supporters cannot resist responding to idiots claiming the hyperloop is going to solve transport issues or ecologists that sigh every time someone mentions the magical CO2 remover that doesn’t exist.

          • archive_botOPB
            3 years ago

            u/PaiosFranen - originally from r/GenZhou
            B12 comes from bacteria in the gut of animals. I dont care where they inject it in the imperial core because thats not what im talking about. Family farmers in Afghanistan or Cambodia do not inject B12 in their cows, they farm them naturally and get the vitamins from their products, which is the only possible way to do this for them, since synthetic B12 is too expensive. Yet, you demand that these people become vegan, otherwise your “animal comrades” may be exploited. Of course, how these farmers will survive without farming animals is never explained. Do you think people can buy B12 supplements in Afghanistan? Or Cambodia? What do you think, that everyone in the world is a privileged imperial core kid that can pay for these things? You try going to the global south and telling workers and peasants there that they need to become vegan. They will either laugh in your face or simply reject your ideas. And guess what, when the globally exploited proletariat rejects your ideas, that means youve become a petty bourgeois ideologue, too disconnected from the reality of the working class to see what their real needs and concerns are. If you cant see that global veganism is a pipe dream and will be for at least a few centuries, you need to get out of your echo chamber.

            • archive_botOPB
              3 years ago

              u/Inevitable-Shake8488 - originally from r/GenZhou
              Nice answer.

              The fact that Westoids feel entitled to make a moral argument about veganism on fucking Reddit, while simultaneously people are starving in the real world (the world outside of their heads) is ludicrous; common petty bourgeois behavior. Also relevant:

              Marx and Engels lumped animal welfarists, vegetarians, and anti-vivisectionists into the same petite-bourgeoisie category comprised of charity organizers, temperance fanatics, and naïve reformists.


    • archive_botOPB
      3 years ago

      u/JDSweetBeat - originally from r/GenZhou
      Strict yes/no type questions are trash, and are usually designed with the express purpose of making the respondee(s) look uneducated. It’s a rhetorical tactic I’ve noticed most often (but not exclusively) used by right-wingers and people with reactionary tendencies.

      Lab grown meat is better than meat meat. It’s less cruel. Does lab grown meat require animal exploitation? To an extent, yes. You have to harvest the original stem cells from an actual animal. Most companies that do this harvest fetal stem cells periodically (because stem cells can divide into different types of cell). They get these fetal stem cells by impregnating female cows, aborting the resulting fetuses, and collecting the fetus’ stem cells. Obviously this is better than mass death factories that produce meat conventionally, but it’s safe to say that we, as a society, could do better.

      Additionally, meat in any substantive quantity is unhealthy (see the Adventist studies for reference) and the mass production of meat for consumption has overarching social considerations, as a result, that need to be carefully weighed going forward.

    • archive_botOPB
      3 years ago

      u/bongmom420 - originally from r/GenZhou
      What you have written is incorrect. For lab grown meat to be made, stem cells from whichever organism whose meat is being grown must be harvested. Now granted, this is far less cruel and invasive than slaughtering an animal for their meat, but to say that lab grown meat doesn’t involve harvesting organic tissue from an animal is not factual. For example, most lab grown beef is made using stem cells collected from bovine umbilical cord blood. Eukaryotic literally just means that a cell has a nucleus containing its genetic material. So, I’m sorry, but to say that lab grown meat can be made from a “cell culture, indistinguishable from any eukaryotic cell” is just false. I think lab grown meat is definitely a step in the right direction towards a societal wide solution to our unsustainable and cruel eating habits, but I don’t think it’s THE solution. It definitely has a role to play though in reducing the massive environmental impact of western diets.

  • archive_botOPB
    3 years ago

    u/Agreeable-Fudge4203 - originally from r/GenZhou
    Sounds epic!

  • archive_botOPB
    3 years ago

    u/vampirewallflower - originally from r/GenZhou
    Comparing treatment of animals to the holocaust. Great start yikes.

    • archive_botOPB
      3 years ago

      u/HorseaSauceBoss - originally from r/GenZhou
      My health teacher got fired for that lmao

    • archive_botOPB
      3 years ago

      u/gaygirlgg - originally from r/GenZhou
      Tbh, many black and indigenous vegans have similar lines of thinking as this book.

      It’s not racist or anti-semitic to point out that comparing Jewish/black/indigenous people to animals is what genocidal ideologies do.

      Vegans get attacked for pointing out there is a connection between the way animals are devalued and treated and the way that certain groups of people are animalized (dehumanized) and treated.

      • archive_botOPB
        3 years ago

        u/vampirewallflower - originally from r/GenZhou
        So? You still can’t equate black or indigenous people to animals. If you try to, you should be rightfully attacked for it.

        • archive_botOPB
          3 years ago

          u/gaygirlgg - originally from r/GenZhou
          Yes, I fully agree.

          But that’s a strawman of the position.

          The vegan, anti-colonial, anti-imperialist position is a critique of that tendency. This is from black vegan and indigenous vegan perspectives. It is the opposite of comparing people to animals.

          It would be absurd to hear someone be like “wow I felt like an animal in a cage when I was in prison!” and someone to say “wow swetty, I can’t believe you just compared people to animals!”. Or to say “Black people have been called apes by racists” and then have someone call you racist.

          Many people can’t conceive of the idea that if people didn’t mistreat animals, that people would be treated better. This is due to the proliferation of colonial and capitalist ideology. If there were no devaluation of animals, there wouldn’t be a devaluation of people through animalization.

          For instance, if you glance at the wikipedia of the book proposed in the book club, it mentions Descartes, who believed animals didn’t feel pain, they just had “response to stimulus” as they didn’t have minds. Black people have been dehumanized through race science for centuries after Descartes. There is a still widespread perception in the medical field that black people do not feel pain as much as other races. For this reason, black people are under-prescribed pain medication.

          There is also an idea along the same lines of black people being animalistic, and therefore of reduced will/agency, so a disconnect between black people’s thoughts, emotions, and reality. “Instinctual responses to stimuli”. This connects to why black people are fatally medically neglected (“They are just making a big deal about it”).

    • archive_botOPB
      3 years ago

      u/explorerofbells - originally from r/GenZhou
      I’m Jewish, and so is the author, but go off

  • archive_botOPB
    3 years ago

    u/warender99 - originally from r/GenZhou
    I was originally on the side of the lab grown meat people, but I think anyone who reads this should also go read the 18 theses provided by op when I asked about it. Yall have the wrong ideas, and are garnering the entirely wrong message here. Please set aside your preconceived notions of what is being said here, and read the bit of theory they posted. It’s not too long, and quite an eye opening read. This is an education sub after all, so a bit of reading might suffice before we get all up in arms at one another.

    • archive_botOPB
      3 years ago

      u/courtneygoe - originally from r/GenZhou
      You’re right, people with digestive issues should just be discarded when we move onto socialism because their diet contradicts your morality.

      • archive_botOPB
        3 years ago

        u/PaiosFranen - originally from r/GenZhou
        How anyone can claim that veganism and marxism are not only compatible, but inseparable, is beyond me. Like what is there in material reality that necessitates veganism? If its about climate change then we simply need to go back to less intensive production methods like in the past. Animal consumption is as ancient as civilization, yet climate change is only a recent problem, so the 2 arent inseparable. Nothing material about this argument, its a purely idealistic one, coming from privileged imperial core kids demanding that the whole world follow their enlightened ways. Of course, how poor peasants in Afghanistan or Cambodia are supposed to have a heavily nutritious diet that they need for their heavy physical jobs without eating a single drop of meat, fish or milk, is never explained. Vegans literally need to take synthetic vitamin pills everyday to compensate for their lack of meat in the diet. How is that sustainable for global south comrades? This is complete idealistic utopianism. This type of vegans (the ones that pretend that everyone be like them) are the anarchists of ecologism.

        • archive_botOPB
          3 years ago

          u/warender99 - originally from r/GenZhou
          I think you should read the literature they provided. It’s not too long and greatly clarifies what is being said as well as addressing all of your counterpoints. Seriously I did not go into it thinking it would change my views, but the fact is it is a well put together, solid argument that rejects idealist utopian veganism and analyzes it through the lense of historical materialism. What is funny about it is how well it addresses everything you are saying here. Same for me before I read it. You don’t have to agree with op, but at least do the homework. We are all about education here I should hope.

          • archive_botOPB
            3 years ago

            u/PaiosFranen - originally from r/GenZhou
            Thanks for the suggestion, i may read it one day, although i have my doubts it will convince me. Class struggle is the basis for working class liberation according to historical materialism. Domestic animals arent capable of class struggle (no, Animal Farm doesnt count xD) so there is nothing in a historical materialist analysis that can determine their “liberation”. Also i have my doubts OP fully understands marxist theory, since iirc he wrote a comment saying something like “animal consumption is wrong because animal commodification is wrong”, which is nonsense. Commodification is the production of something not to use it, but to exchange it for money, to get money. Thus, animal consumption doesnt necessarily entail commodification if you are consuming it yourself. But anyway thanks for the recommendation comrade!

            • archive_botOPB
              3 years ago

              u/warender99 - originally from r/GenZhou
              Hey I was the same way before reading it. I had your very same doubts, and seriously didn’t think there could be a good argument made. I have to say now that I was wrong. I certainly feel it makes a good case for itself. In any case it does a better job explaining itself than I could ever do here. Have a good day comrade!

        • archive_botOPB
          3 years ago

          u/courtneygoe - originally from r/GenZhou
          So basically, some of them don’t believe it. Others just haven’t looked into it and it “seems” right to them.

          • archive_botOPB
            3 years ago

            u/PaiosFranen - originally from r/GenZhou
            Yeah ofc, having to take pills everyday to survive is totally natural and presents no incovenients. Like imagine now that imperialism collapses and theres no B12 pills in the shops or they become extremely expensive. What then huh? Theyll have to choose between eating meat or death. These people truly believe the whole world is stocked with cheap B12 in all stores. Classic utopian petty bourgeois ideologues that Engels talked about in “Socialism Utopian and Scientific”

            • archive_botOPB
              3 years ago

              u/liftandsenditup - originally from r/GenZhou
              Veganism is fucking stupid, but you should also probably not be on that western bourgeoisie diet of meat with every meal. Most of the global south are not vegans, most of them eat a largely plant based diet however. There’s a middle ground you’re missing here. I rarely eat meat, but I take no vitamins at all and am pretty healthy. Arguing a diet that humans did not evolve to have is weird to me. Humans evolved as omnivores, not carnivores, and for most omnivorous creatures meat is a luxury that they rarely have access to.

              • archive_botOPB
                3 years ago

                u/PaiosFranen - originally from r/GenZhou
                When did i say you should eat meat with every meal? Please quote me

                • archive_botOPB
                  3 years ago

                  u/liftandsenditup - originally from r/GenZhou
                  This is being deceptive. You are defending the status quo against a popular criticism, unless you specifically state the diet you are arguing FOR, arguing against veganism is an implicit support of typical western diets, which features meat at every meal. People will have to make assumptions when your arguments are vague and that is your fault.

            • archive_botOPB
              3 years ago

              u/courtneygoe - originally from r/GenZhou
              Fun trivia about me: b12 supplements are a HUGE risk of gall bladder attack for me. Constant attacks leave you at risk of infection and needing it taken out as an emergency procedure. I didn’t even remember this other way going vegan could potentially kill me and people with similar health problems.

              • archive_botOPB
                3 years ago

                u/PaiosFranen - originally from r/GenZhou
                Oof, that sucks man. Yeah the more arguments against veganism. Many vegans seriously dont know shit about potential side effects and complications from their diet lol

                • archive_botOPB
                  3 years ago

                  u/courtneygoe - originally from r/GenZhou
                  Not to mention, babies exist and sometimes no one around can reliably produce milk. We will always need animal products. Leather is far superior to synthetics when it comes to sustainability for shoes and winter wear. If we can make lab grown leather, all the better. Let’s do that. But let’s do it when it doesn’t contribute more to climate doom than just raising cows.

        • archive_botOPB
          3 years ago

          u/courtneygoe - originally from r/GenZhou
          They’re just as bad as anarchists, and honestly I think the really militant vegans are a three letter type deal. At least it started that way. Find a boogeyman other than capitalism, see who takes the bait and is distracted from something useful like Marxism.

          • archive_botOPB
            3 years ago

            u/PaiosFranen - originally from r/GenZhou
            Literally yes. Its a shame because i have some vegan friends IRL and theyre not like this. Id say most vegans arent, they simply accept that they do it for strictly ethical reasons and arent trying to impose it on everyone they know. These people give a bad image to all vegans, which isnt fair.

            • archive_botOPB
              3 years ago

              u/courtneygoe - originally from r/GenZhou
              100 percent agree. I’d die if forced to go vegan; the death would be slow and incredibly painful. I can’t even eat rice without being in agony later. I also can’t digest most vegetables. It’s funny because I also rarely eat meat. Militant vegans, if sincere, just aren’t being realistic. We want to take EVERYONE with us into the communist future, we don’t want to leave people behind because the stress of capitalism ruined their GI tract.

              • archive_botOPB
                3 years ago

                u/PaiosFranen - originally from r/GenZhou
                Damn thats horrible man, im very sorry for you comrade ;( Yeah militant vegans are the worst. I geniunely think they are misandric, like these people will attack and beat up farmers to “liberate” their “animal comrades”. Like how do you reach that point and not think “hmmm maybe this way is not the right one”. Anyway dont worry comrade, we wont allow these ultras to leave you behind. We will all march together towards communism!

                • archive_botOPB
                  3 years ago

                  u/courtneygoe - originally from r/GenZhou
                  I love this sub, thank you comrade!

        • archive_botOPB
          3 years ago

          u/Lord_M_G_Albo - originally from r/GenZhou
          The highest vegan and vegetarian populations are at Asia-Pacific, East and North Africa. Even though few forbid animal consumption, many cultures across the history condemned killing of animals as impure and to be avoided as much as possible. In fact, taking away China, most of world meat consumption happen at Western countries. While it is true that vegan activism as we know it started among petite burgeois English people, to act as animal consumption has been a given in human history and across the world is very chauvinist - as if Third World inhabitants are savages living in “kill or to be killed” mood to survive, and only civilization can save them and give the conditions to stop consume meat.

      • archive_botOPB
        3 years ago

        u/warender99 - originally from r/GenZhou
        Seriously, read the provided material. It makes a way better argument than the one made here. This isn’t a bourgeois morality argument, and the 18 theses addresses those.

      • archive_botOPB
        3 years ago

        u/warender99 - originally from r/GenZhou
        There is absolutely no morality in this argument, I suppose aside from the general moral judgment that the end of the world is bad. Just read the literature, it does a way better job than I could. If you are here to educate yourself, like I am, you could certainly gain from a reading of it.

    • archive_botOPB
      3 years ago

      u/A-V-A-Weyland - originally from r/GenZhou
      It isn’t that difficult to replace “worker” with “animal” and have it make sense by association. They’re still aiming for an ideal. As long as humans live on this planet they will always occupy land that used to be pristine nature. We can’t all go live underground or in space and make our planet a natural habitat. They take the ideals to the extreme and are unwilling to make incremental steps towards improvement.

      Sustainability is a spectrum. But if you’re taking the theory you talked about to its logical conclusion then the end goal is to have people be completely separated from nature. Even putting down a solar panel would take precious light away from whatever wanted to grow beneath it. You changing your mind on the lab-grown meat just means you’re moving from reality to the ideal. Ideals will always win out over reality. Ideals don’t provide us with the tools required to achieve them though. We will have to work within the limits of our reality and develop in such a way that we leave our species and the world that we call home better behind than we found it.

      • archive_botOPB
        3 years ago

        u/warender99 - originally from r/GenZhou
        Quite the contrary. Lab grown meat is the ideal, you are the one living in the idealist framework of solutions. The very planet we live on is dying, quite rapidly, in no small part because of large scale animal production. Lab grown meat has no feasible way to replace that before it is far too late. The amount of material required for that to ever go large scale is far beyond our capabilities in the time limit we have, especially when it wouldn’t even supplant the meat industry if we started today. What we have in front of us is something actively destroying the planet, and your proposed solution doesn’t solve that problem. If we were to overthrown the capitalists tomorrow, we would immediately need to demolish the meat/animal product industry for the sake of the planet we live on.

        The natural consequence of this is that people, especially those in the imperial core, would need to stop consuming the byproducts of animals. There is nothing about history or even our biology as some have tried to state that necessitates the consumption of animal products. We have long since figured out how to do vegan diets and maintain our health. You do not have to take supplements to be vegan, it just requires a bit of planning to avoid. This isn’t in and of itself a rejection of the future possibility of lab grown meat nor an argument against it. I’m not currently a vegan, nor do I share their morals, but I have to admit that they have a point here. There is little argument, aside from ideological ones, to continue the exploitation of animals in a socialist society. Proposing science fiction alternatives is quite like the earlier made elon musk analogy. Certainly lab grown meat could be something explored in the future, but it is currently in infancy and we don’t have that kind of time.

  • archive_botOPB
    3 years ago

    u/sensuallyprimitive - originally from r/GenZhou
    so y’all don’t eat mass produced grain, right? or is minimizing harm only a thing for direct muscle consumption and not when harvesting causes millions of deaths?

      • archive_botOPB
        3 years ago

        u/sensuallyprimitive - originally from r/GenZhou
        nah I just apply logic to the illogical. I objectively reduce harm more than most vegans, and I find that hilarious. I grow ACTUAL no-kill food. it can’t be bought that way, it requires work. I just find it extremely ironic that vegans have no problem with combine harvested grain utilizing pesticides. I love that they are literally incapable of “self crit” beyond their faulty ideology. it’s pure image/ego fuel, and an instant sign of a lack of critical thinking.

        every vegan is a hypocrite based on an arbitrary line they draw in the sand. they have no leg to stand on. they demonize others despite their own murderous ways, because they don’t want to actually think about where their food comes from.

          • archive_botOPB
            3 years ago

            u/sensuallyprimitive - originally from r/GenZhou
            lmfao. blatantly false. but that’s fine, keep your head in the dirt. that’s what cultists do best. projection is always fun, too.