u/explorerofbells - originally from r/GenZhou
Hey comrades,

I’m a part of a discord server called Vegan Theory Club that’s run by mix of leftist tendencies. It’s a theory club that’s explicitly leftist and vegan, but we talk about more than just the book of the month.

We just started reading Eternal Treblinka - Our Treatment of Animals and the Holocaust by Charles Patterson, which we voted for. (Our last book was Kapital.) Right now is the perfect time to join!

We’d love to have you!


  • archive_botOPB
    3 years ago

    u/explorerofbells - originally from r/GenZhou

    Humans have a pyschological need for freedom and purpose that animals don’t.

    You don’t know that. You can’t just make shit up and pretend you’re being scientific.

    We do not exploit animals because we deem them to be inferior, rather, we deem animals to be inferior because we exploit them.

    That’s a very idealistic and non-utilitarian opinion.

    Further, I find utilitarianism to be an insufficient and backwards ideology. The Nazis justified human experimentation against my people for the “greater good.”

    As a leftist, you should know better than to presuppose your own supremacy against other people, even non-human people. Your might does not make you right.

    • archive_botOPB
      3 years ago

      u/red_curry_powder - originally from r/GenZhou

      Further, I find utilitarianism to be an insufficient and backwards ideology. The Nazis justified human experimentation against my people for the "greater good.

      I’m not a utilitarian, and I’m a vegan. To call it a backwards ideology is just extremely ignorant.

      • archive_botOPB
        3 years ago

        u/explorerofbells - originally from r/GenZhou
        It’s backwards when it’s being used to justify raping, imprisoning, exploiting, and murdering others for your pleasure or some nebulous “greater good.”

        Again, this self same ideology was used to justify the detention and genocide of my ancestors. It’s being used no differently here. It’s absolutely within reason to call it backwards.

        • archive_botOPB
          3 years ago

          u/red_curry_powder - originally from r/GenZhou
          It’s an ethical normative framework, IDK why you’re calling it an ideology. Within that normative framework that are tons of different positions, not all are straight consequentialists.