u/explorerofbells - originally from r/GenZhou
Hey comrades,

I’m a part of a discord server called Vegan Theory Club that’s run by mix of leftist tendencies. It’s a theory club that’s explicitly leftist and vegan, but we talk about more than just the book of the month.

We just started reading Eternal Treblinka - Our Treatment of Animals and the Holocaust by Charles Patterson, which we voted for. (Our last book was Kapital.) Right now is the perfect time to join!

We’d love to have you!


  • archive_botOPB
    3 years ago

    u/clydethefrog - originally from r/GenZhou
    This is a whole other discussion, I was just responding to the labgrown meat standard reply the user was making.

    But I can’t resist responding to your other standard reply about B12 - the big majority of animals is also injected / fed with B12 before they are slaughtered for meat. Industrial production of vitamin B12 is achieved through fermentation of selected microorganisms. It can easily be added to grains, just like was decided to add iodine to salt and bread to battle iodine deficiency. Sounds more cost effective than using animal farming as vessels, no?

    (the “natural” way to get B12 was from the soil - due to declining soil quality from intensive over-farming the soil is deficient in cobalt, which you need for animal’s guts to make B12. So in an ironic negative feedback loop, the more heavy animal agriculture to get your B12, the less natural B12!)

    I am vegan and Marxist but I would never make a vegan diet the first step in improving the material condition of the people around me, once again, just responding to the reply about lab-grown meat. Just as probably a lot of public transport supporters cannot resist responding to idiots claiming the hyperloop is going to solve transport issues or ecologists that sigh every time someone mentions the magical CO2 remover that doesn’t exist.

    • archive_botOPB
      3 years ago

      u/PaiosFranen - originally from r/GenZhou
      B12 comes from bacteria in the gut of animals. I dont care where they inject it in the imperial core because thats not what im talking about. Family farmers in Afghanistan or Cambodia do not inject B12 in their cows, they farm them naturally and get the vitamins from their products, which is the only possible way to do this for them, since synthetic B12 is too expensive. Yet, you demand that these people become vegan, otherwise your “animal comrades” may be exploited. Of course, how these farmers will survive without farming animals is never explained. Do you think people can buy B12 supplements in Afghanistan? Or Cambodia? What do you think, that everyone in the world is a privileged imperial core kid that can pay for these things? You try going to the global south and telling workers and peasants there that they need to become vegan. They will either laugh in your face or simply reject your ideas. And guess what, when the globally exploited proletariat rejects your ideas, that means youve become a petty bourgeois ideologue, too disconnected from the reality of the working class to see what their real needs and concerns are. If you cant see that global veganism is a pipe dream and will be for at least a few centuries, you need to get out of your echo chamber.

      • archive_botOPB
        3 years ago

        u/Inevitable-Shake8488 - originally from r/GenZhou
        Nice answer.

        The fact that Westoids feel entitled to make a moral argument about veganism on fucking Reddit, while simultaneously people are starving in the real world (the world outside of their heads) is ludicrous; common petty bourgeois behavior. Also relevant:

        Marx and Engels lumped animal welfarists, vegetarians, and anti-vivisectionists into the same petite-bourgeoisie category comprised of charity organizers, temperance fanatics, and naïve reformists.
