Add this to the western media bingo card.
But isn’t Nicaragua a free that can freely choose its alliances. You know like Ukraine?
No, no, no, no! There has been a misunderstanding. Free countries are allowed to choose alliances with Amerikkka. Noone else! If they do not choose to side with manifest destiny and ally with the great Amerikka, they cannot be free. As if they were free, they would choose to side with imperialism and neocolonialism. How do you not understand this simple fact.
jesus fucking christ these fucking ghouls are acting like if 2018 wasn’t enough.
they probably don’t even remember 2018, the libs justs cycle through all the stuff they have to pretend to care about for the month
Here we fucking go holy shit. Watch the libs fall for it for the 30th time in a row
The double standards are honestly disgusting.
Can they get any more blatantly imperialist? FUCK OFF USA, WE’RE NOT YOUR FRONT SIDE OR BACK YARD!
Nicaragua nicaraguita…
And more crack in LA to pay for it all.
When the fuck will USA collapse, the day can’t come soon enough.
Every day is a day too late
Dirty war flashback