Well i was disappointed

But my expectations were not

  • @RandomSovietKid
    94 years ago

    proudly exclaims he doesn’t read theory

    OK, I’m not familiar with breadtube, but how on earth does he justify that?

    • Star Wars Enjoyer A
      4 years ago

      There’s a subset of woke-liberal “leftists” who believe that because we Marxists actively read theory, that we’re not unlike preachers reading the bible and reject the idea that our scientific theory can be useful for their revolution. They very often actively oppose theory, equating it to theology and belittling it on their existing anti-theist basis. Vaush is one of those.

      In reality, they’re upset that we’ve taken the time to formulate a set of scientific theories that can be tested in the world, and have decided that - because it’s not their theories, and because we adhere to the theories like good scientists - it’s something to be opposed and belittled on thinly-veiled anti-intellectual grounds. Often saying things like “real working-class people don’t have time to read” to make them seem like “real” leftists, and us seem like elitists with the privilege of time. Which, of course, is bullshit. Most Marxists I know who’re well-read did their reading while at their job. I used to work with someone who operated heavy equipment while reading theory.

      • loathesome dongeater
        194 years ago

        I saw this in Chapo too. Whenever an unironic “read theory” post was made, some came out in defense of their aversion of reading saying “I don’t need to read theory. I am radicalised by my material conditions.”

        So was your uncle, smartass. Now he blames <insert race> people for his problems.

        • @diamatchstick
          4 years ago

          So many people rushing to spam thought-cancelling tropes about the poor working people who don’t have the time, energy or skill to read old books. So few people asking how to make theory available to the masses.

          I used to get bummed about left twitter/reddit/fb/etc and breadtube having a weak influence or basis in reality but now I see some merits to corralling white saviors and left-libs into an alternate dimension.

          • loathesome dongeater
            74 years ago

            You raise a good point about the false dichotomy of the issue that I hadn’t thought about.

            This is an actual problem because of stuff like this:

            Approximately 32 million adults in the United States can’t read, according to the U.S. Department of Education and the National Institute of Literacy. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development found that 50 percent of U.S. adults can’t read a book written at an eighth-grade level.

            I’m sure other places have problems of this sort as well.

            • @CriticalResist8A
              84 years ago

              If people are illiterate or incapable of reading in any capacity then it falls on us as teachers to educate them.

              The NPA in the Philippines holds study sessions for the poor rural population, many of these people can’t read but you can still read to them. They also teach them to read because the government won’t. I know a South American comrade who sought asylum here several years ago, and he told me he used to organise peasants in his home country with Mao, because he was so accessible. I didn’t really inquire further, but I assume the same applied: either they read to them or taught them to read.

              And of course there are audio books, courses (sometimes online), and other means of getting actual theory.

              But if someone doesn’t want to be educated, there isn’t much we can do I think. At least not online.

          • @ImARabbit
            54 years ago

            “I refuse to read out of solidarity with those who can’t”

        • @Hildegarde
          44 years ago

          LOL we have the same uncle, comrade :face with rolling eyes:

      • @Whatstherumpass
        124 years ago

        Marxists actively read theory, that we’re not unlike preachers reading the bible

        This makes no sense - not your fault - there’s, when ML are nominally agnostic/atheist, appose hierarchy. It would take some real mental gymnastics to arrive at this.

        Most Marxists I know who’re well-read did their reading while at their job. I used to work with someone who operated heavy equipment while reading theory.

        There’s even audio books & podcasts that dissect theory or where you can passively absorb ML theory - many of these sources are available on youtube et al., so fucking galling and ridiculous!

      • @CriticalResist8A
        104 years ago

        Send them the book about the Alabama communist sharecroppers.

        Great recession, from ex-slave families, many illiterate, sharecroppers (slavery with extra steps), black in white Amerika… and they still found time to teach and read Lenin.