but seriously what text editor do y’all use?

  • @pimento
    174 years ago

    Notepad++ is for users of the capitalist windows, comrades use Linux.

    • @TheChadParentiOP
      84 years ago

      I’ve been wanting to switch over for a while. Unfortunately I’m typing this on a Surface (hand-me-down from my dad lol) - I’m paranoid that M$ has put some hardware tricks on here that would fuck with a Linux distro. I think I need to get off my ass and research and make the switch.

    • Yiazmat
      34 years ago

      tux gang rise up

    • @MessMattress
      22 years ago

      Oh well, it’s been long overdue anyways. Time to install a virtual machine and fuck around with Linux

    • Iskender
      4 years ago

      deleted by creator

      • @4ch
        4 years ago

        https://www.pcworld.com/article/2918397/how-to-get-started-with-linux-a-beginners-guide.html Starting with a live USB from which you can boot Ubuntu is how I got started. A live USB allows you to use Ubuntu without having to install it to your hard drive. You can look up things you don’t understand using the pre-installed Firefox. ArchWiki and just looking stuff up on internet in general is how I slowly got to learn how to use GNU/Linux.

        Specifically I recommend

        1. downloading an ISO file from Ubuntu’s official website
        2. using http://rufus.ie to copy that Ubuntu ISO onto a USB stick
        3. rebooting your computer and figuring out how to boot from USB (this is different for each computer, use duckduckgo to look it up)

        Alternatively you can use VirtualBox to mess around with a “virtual machine” (a fake computer inside of your computer) and install Ubuntu on there.

        • Iskender
          4 years ago

          deleted by creator

          • @4ch
            64 years ago

            It’s an operating system that originated as a clone of the ancient UNIX – much like Windows originated as MS-DOS. Linux is popular because the source code is licensed as free software (i.e. it’s in the cultural commons and free to be used and changed by anyone without fearing lawsuits). The fact that it’s free is why there are so many different operating systems built on top of it: Ubuntu, Fedora, etc. Linux is often used on servers, such as at Google, Microsoft, Amazon etc. However it’s also used on desktop PCs to a lesser extent. Because the source code is open to inspect, it’s considered more trustworthy than Windows/MacOS. This is also why https://www.privacytools.io/operating-systems/ recommends it.

            • Iskender
              4 years ago

              deleted by creator

          • loathesome dongeater
            34 years ago

            It’s very straightforward these days. The only issue is that it can be risky to experiment on your main computer because when you install a new operating system you lose your data.

            That’s why I asked if you have a spare computer that you can try it on. If you’re interested, let me know I will forward you links that detail the installation instructions.

            • @RandomSovietKid
              34 years ago

              Yes, you need to save your data somewhere not on your computer before installing Linux (the above-mentioned Live USB won’t erase your data, so it’s good to get a first impression, but it won’t permanently install the system). When you have installed the new system, you can then move your data back to the computer. So, I wouldn’t say that this is a particularly big risk if you have saved all the data that you want to keep somewhere.

              Something I’m more worried about is what if the installation goes wrong and you no longer have any working system on your computer, but I’m not sure how big of a risk that is. For me, installing Debian worked just fine without any issues.

              • @holdengreen
                12 years ago

                In your live usb copy the entire Windows installation onto an external hard drive and a .img file using dd. If Linux isn’t working out then use dd to reinstall Windows to the harddrive.

            • Iskender
              4 years ago

              deleted by creator

  • @Natura
    4 years ago

    Use Geany, which is open source and multi-platform, so it doesn’t entrench Windows’ monopoly like notepad++ does. You can download plugins here.

    By the way, the same sleazy dude was all over “Je suis Charlie” a few years ago. Terrorism in France, against racists whose job was to provoke the victims of western wars, was so important that it merited going out of his way to denounce it in notepad++, even if France had been directly perpetrating and aiding the american industrial-scale murder of Muslims for decades (none of it denounced in notepad++ of course).

    Western regimes can murder civilians for decades in Muslim countries, but the moment some radicalized Muslims reciprocate, then it’s the moment to launch the massive #JeSuisCharlie campaign. It’s a propaganda tactic which is also employed by apartheid Israel.

    Ironically, China, which hasn’t been involved in a single war in decades, had already seen terrorist attacks by the moment the #JeSuisCharlie came around (e.g. the attacks in 2009). Of course #JeSuisCharlie ignored all that. To these chauvinists, only white people matter, even if their regimes are responsible for funding forever wars in Muslim countries and imposing a global torture regime to target them. China’s attempts to combat terrorism through education and re-integration into society must be evil, because far-right fundamentalist Adrian Zenz and the CIA backed World Uyghur Congress told him so. It shouldn’t be surprising that non-white countries on the receiving end of imperialism, including Muslim ones, overwhelmingly support China’s attempts. Moreover, without the western Holy War on Muslim countries, which has prevented, by force, these countries from developing and has made radical groups gain power, it’s hard to argue that terrorist attacks in China would have occurred, at least to the same degree.

    Imperialist logic never made much sense. It’s rooted in racism: only white people can be victims (#JeSuisCharlie), only non-white people can be the perpetrators (Muslims and Chinese). And don’t you dare think that seven illegal wars of aggression against Muslim countries for decades are unorthodox or exceptionally evil (even when no other group of nations is doing the same). That’s just the way the world works according to these people.

    • @TheChadParentiOP
      44 years ago

      Thanks comrade! I’d never heard of this one. Checking it out now. Also a lot of recommendations for the terminal text editors in here. Y’all are badass. I have a hard time motivating myself to learn vim when I really don’t see myself ssh-ing into servers to edit configs and shit anytime soon.

      • @RandomSovietKid
        24 years ago

        Well, I didn’t need to edit configs or use any SSH to get Vim to work. It worked as soon as I installed and opened it. I only later edited the .vimrc file to set some settings. If you just need a simple text editor without any additional features, there’s Nano and GEdit. Not sure if any of these exists for Windows though, I use Linux most of the time.

        • @TheChadParentiOP
          34 years ago

          I’ve used vim mostly for kicks and I could make my way around some code in there if I had to. The thing is, I don’t have to, so I don’t. I like using the terminal because hackerman, but also for my job and personal stuff I’m always in a GUI anyway, so in some ways it’s more work to open a terminal and vim it up, if that makes sense.

      • @Natura
        14 years ago

        If you need plugins for it, you can download them here.

  • Iskender
    4 years ago

    deleted by creator

    • @fiber_death
      23 years ago

      Or Emacs with Evil mode. The goodness of Emacs+ergonomics of Vi.

  • @redsteel
    64 years ago

    It gets better, scroll down more in that “News” page and he has some earlier release dedicated to the West’s falsified interpretation of Tiananmen.

    If you’re on Linux, I recommend from personal experience notepadqq, it is independent and does not use any code from this clown’s project. For Windows try Geany as already suggested, which also has a Linux build.

  • @chad1234
    4 years ago

    Libreoffice. Its included in most Linux distro and also available for Windows

    • @queer_bird
      44 years ago

      Libreoffice is more for making fancy formatted word docs. Notepad++ is for editing scripts and the like. If you want something like that, Geany is where it’s at (assuming you’re not a vim user)

  • @calmlamp
    24 years ago

    You could make a fork that’s identical and just name the versions independently if it matters that much to you.