but seriously what text editor do y’all use?

  • RandomSovietKid
    4 years ago

    Yes, you need to save your data somewhere not on your computer before installing Linux (the above-mentioned Live USB won’t erase your data, so it’s good to get a first impression, but it won’t permanently install the system). When you have installed the new system, you can then move your data back to the computer. So, I wouldn’t say that this is a particularly big risk if you have saved all the data that you want to keep somewhere.

    Something I’m more worried about is what if the installation goes wrong and you no longer have any working system on your computer, but I’m not sure how big of a risk that is. For me, installing Debian worked just fine without any issues.

    • holdengreen
      2 years ago

      In your live usb copy the entire Windows installation onto an external hard drive and a .img file using dd. If Linux isn’t working out then use dd to reinstall Windows to the harddrive.