More and more lib personalities are coming out as reactionaries and fascists as the west keeps collapsing.

  • @supersolid_snake
    181 year ago

    Bill maher’s reactionary turn isn’t new, neither is his racism, fascism, or islamophobia, etc… He has been out but I get what you are saying.

  • @pgtl_10
    181 year ago

    Maher has always been pretty fascist. He just hid it with snarky commentary.

  • relay
    171 year ago

    What is the difference between Bill Mahr and an Ayn Rand Libertarian at this point?

    • @whoami
      131 year ago

      not much, and he kind of always was just that

  • @whoami
    111 year ago

    this is unsurprising

    • @supersolid_snake
      141 year ago

      Liberal commentator and wannabe intellectual with a HBO show. He claims he is against all religions, but hates Muslims just that much more but promotes Zionism. He also used to feature guests that promote race science and IQ bullshit. There are a few episodes of citations needed podcast on him I think that summarize his bullshit quite well.

      • @pgtl_10
        101 year ago

        He’s like Sam Harris.

        • @supersolid_snake
          81 year ago

          Harris was a recurring guest on Maher’s show so no surprise.

  • @TheAnonymouseJoker
    51 year ago

    As a conservative I never thought I’d be applauding and laughing so hard at Mr. Maher’s monologue. But he gets it!!…this wokism has gone too far and I’m glad someone like him is speaking out!! Well done sir!!

    This top YouTube comment says it all about USA as a nation, and about its citizens. One half of their citizens is conservative and the other is neoliberal, and both are on the same page when it comes to socialism/communism. It is safe to say that this entire country, bar the tiniest fraction that includes the future generation kids/zoomers or the socialists, are quite insane and… “so drunk on their own purifying elixir” (as Maher said in video) of illusion of democracy and self-proclaimed human rights advocacy.

    On watching the full video, and after one little downvote, I am adamant about my opinion. He is just being honest about how citizens in that country generally think and keep hush about it. It pisses me off how insensitive and immoral weasel this prick really is, playing off of the cultural stereotypical media brainrot people have been conditioned with for decades.