Just randomly found this gem of liberal democracy. You probably seen this pic already, but then he doubles down:

Least deluded fash out there:

Aaaaand of course:

  • Water Bowl Slime
    341 year ago

    Who puts landlord on their bio like it’s something to be proud of? Well, landlords do, I guess.

    • @201dberg
      231 year ago

      I like when the targets but a big red x on their back.

  • @Shrike502
    251 year ago

    overseas contractor for us gov

    Sooo spook or merc?

  • stasis
    1 year ago

    a landlord thinks japan is an ally of china lmao

  • @HaSch
    1 year ago

    wym China doesn’t have any allies?

    Defenders of HK Security Law

    Defenders of HK Security Law

    Members of AIIB

    Members of AIIB

    Signatories to BRI treaties

    Signatories to BRI treaties

    UNGA voting correlation with China

    UNGA voting correlation with China

    • @PolandIsAStateOfMindOP
      101 year ago

      American definition of ally is “vassal country that help us manufacture consent for our imperialist wars and participate in them” - China indeed don’t have this kind of allies.

    • Marxism-Fennekinism
      1 year ago

      Wait, there are EU countries that signed BRI? Surprising. Even some classically “Western” countries too! Austria, Portugal, Italy?

      • @HaSch
        81 year ago

        They’re even more if you consider AIIB part of BRI. It’s the new game in town

      • @Shrike502
        51 year ago

        Why not? Opportunism doesn’t require much goodwill towards China, just a scent of profit

        • Marxism-Fennekinism
          1 year ago

          I guess I’m just used to those countries screwing themselves over at the Anglosphere’s order. Maybe there’s hope for them yet.

  • @Magos_Galactose
    131 year ago

    Top image reminded me of a certain west-worshipper in my country saying that we shouldn’t hold grudge against Japanese for their occupation of our country during the WWII, since, after all, they did a lot for us too, like building entire rail network for us, so we should actually be thanksful of them and stand with them against China (surprise).

    Yes, THAT railways.

    • @PolandIsAStateOfMindOP
      51 year ago

      Holy fuck. Do he know China builds railways wherever they go and it don’t kill 100000 people?

      • @Magos_Galactose
        41 year ago

        Funny enough, it’s the same bunch of people that are highly again Chinese-made high-speed rail network in our country, or even just to connecting our existing rail network with BRI’s network.

        Hell, they even made a comment about how sorry they were for the people of Laos that their railway network is connected to Chinese railway because debt trap or something.

        Good thing about talking through voice chat is that you can mute your mic to curse those idiots out without them knowing.

  • @lxvi
    41 year ago

    That’s Slumlord for you. Ask him what part of the domestic population “makes the work go round:” the tenant or the landlord. He’ll likely suggest that his rent extraction is a form of value production, while the tenant’s labor in the production of useful, tangible value is replaceable and vulgar.

    I’d like to stress among all of my friends here that there is nothing so grotesque and worthy of purging than the rent-seeking vulgar capitalist, who’s opinions are just as backwards and vile as the mind of a man turned leech.