• Muad'DibberOPMA
      251 year ago

      The DSA should just dissolve at this point. Their entire strategy of socdem electoralism is proving useless for the 20th time now.

      • @Shaggy0291
        141 year ago

        Like any opportunist organisation they won’t go quietly into the night. They will only be dismantled once they’ve been thoroughly discredited through the prosecution of a consistent and disciplined ideological struggle, carried forward of course by the true leadership of the American working class.

        Just as the Bolsheviks had to discredit Narodism and Menshevism, it falls to American socialists and communists to attack and undermine the basis for so-called “democratic socialism” in the US. Every major betrayal of the working masses like this has to be exploited to the maximum degree possible; to cleave off disillusioned membership, to use as an opportunity to politically educate them, to scare union organisations straight etc.

    • SovereignState
      121 year ago

      Maybe the Gonzalo cultists are onto something breaking up DSA meetings.

  • DankZedong A
    281 year ago

    Why exactly can they vote to prevent strikes? The whole point of a strike is to fuck over everyone in order to upset the business. You don’t need permission to do that.

    Also, holy shit at the paid sick days. That’s bleak.

    • DankZedong A
      191 year ago

      Re-read the article. It’s about accepting a bill that would indirectly prevent the strike from happening if I understand correctly.

      • Muad'DibberOPMA
        201 year ago

        It seems the railroad companies + the gov are invoking a 1920s law that allows the gov’t to force mediation, ie legally force the unions to do whatever they want.

  • stasis
    271 year ago

    i hate that aoc is considered “far left”

    • @supersolid_snake
      191 year ago

      In America only right? I have heard Europeans say she is center right by even their standards.

        • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
          1 year ago

          I would say that distinction between left and right is the distinction between socialism and capitalism, really it’s the only tangible line to grab.

  • @Beat_da_Rich
    231 year ago

    In true performative liberal fashion, I’ve gotten a ton of heat from woke liberals calling this shit out. Because according to MSM, preventing the strike was actually a “good thing.”

      • Muad'DibberOPMA
        1 year ago

        Most of their twitters went silent on the issue, but I’m sure it’ll be the standard “this starts a conversation”, “it brings everyone to the table” nonsense like she did when she backed Isntreal.

        edit: I hate twitter. Another AOC link went down the memory hole due to a banned account.

        • @supersolid_snake
          61 year ago

          I remember this, it’s like they turned the AI for empty platitudes up to max and it started glitching.

  • @CountryBreakfast
    221 year ago

    Really wanted to see a union choke the US for Christmas but the bourgeoisie is way out in front unfortunately

  • 陆船。
    191 year ago

    DSA is such a clown fiesta. They’ve had elected members step out of what passes for their party line with no repercussion on several occasions. Anticommunist “leftists” are openly at war with the leadership of the party and whining about tankies in bourgeois media. These people are the first to do that wojack pointing and screaming meme about Manufacturing Consent when bourgeois media slanders their favorite social fascist but that same media is very honest about the places Jake Sullivan and Mike Pompeo want beaten into submission omegalul.