I never was the most active user on this platform but has been a few years since I created this account.
During this time I had my ups and downs but I think I ultimately made it. I am in a better place than ever before. Mentally, physically, socially (both in private and in organising) and in career terms.
But I think my time on the grad is over for now. It is just too depressing right now and I fear I will slide into depression again if I stay.
Which brings me to my decision to delete this account.
I had a mostly great time here and I want to thank anyone who helped me, made me laugh or taught me over the years.
I wish all of you best of luck in the present and future and I hope we will all make it through the climate crisis, new heights of fascism and water wars.
Rotfront and goodbye ✊
May the world treat you well comrade. Stay safe out their. And remember there is nothing that you cannot do, especialy with the help of comrades, as bad as it gets, this is temporary, it will get better. We will all see each other under a red banner
Good luck buddy <3
Bye bye!!! Well wishes!!! 🥰🥰🥰
Have a good time out there, comrade.
See you Space Cowboy…
We’re all rooting for you and it’s been amazing having you here! o7
Was it Space Cowboy? Thought he was gone a long time ago.
It wasn’t, that’s a general farewell though, from Cowboy Bebop. It’s an end card.
If you make a new account you better pick a different name because I’ll cyberbully you if you come back. jkjk love u 💚
Cyberspace and meatspace are not mutually exclusive. If done right, they can be mutually beneficial.
It is just too depressing right now and I fear I will slide into depression again if I stay.
Feeling sad is not depression. Depression is a serious mental condition. One can be depressed on a tropical beach, a meadow, or while browsing a website. I’d urge caution because often “shedding” old habits and starting “a new life” can be exhilarating, giving an illusion of improvement due to the oxytocin and other chemicals, but eventually the receptors will be dulled and the feelings of depression will come back. It’s all about discipline, good habits, small steps towards change. Dialectics: small qualitative changes lead to qualitative change. Rarely does change happen suddenly like the movies tell us. The hero smashes his computer, opens the door and is greeted by the sun smiling, birds singing, and people saying “howdy!” as if the world was holding its breath, waiting for them.
Not saying that’s you, just wanted to give my $0.02 on the whole “I’m leaving the internet community and moving onto better things! I’m gonna make it this time, I feel it!”
Glad to hear you’re doing well. Keep looking after yourself!
Help yourself before helping others. Take care comrade.
Achievement Unlocked: Touching grass.
Be safe, bud; as safe as this world’ll let you be.
Farewell, comrade. You will be missed