Almost everything on Lemmygrad top lists are posts showing lib/fash/libfash content. Like, I get that they’re mocking and calling out such content and absolutely not echoing those sentiments, but it’s still super depressing. Not an exaggeration, I see more libfash stuff from Lemmygrad than I see on or explicitly lib instances. Posted ironically or not, it’s super depressing and definitely doesn’t help my mood or my enthusiasm for socialism, and it’s not just limited to dedicated libfash mockery communities, but most major Lemmygrad communities are filled with libfash.

I definitely don’t want to antagonise anyone who posts that stuff, but IDK, I miss when Lemmygrad was almost all about sharing communist content, not sharing libfash, even in mockery.

  • MexicanCCPBot
    182 years ago

    I had the same feeling and it was tiresome to even browse the front page here until I blocked all of the communities dedicated to posting libfash cringe. There’s actually a surprising amount of actual communist content in here which is very enjoyable to read and reply to, but it gets lost among all of the cringe. I don’t know if you’re already blocking those communities but either way, this is how my block list looks like:

    • Marxism-FennekinismOP
      2 years ago

      I also wish GenZedong was dedicated to explicitly communist memes instead of mocking libfash, especially when we have dedicated shit_____say communities for that.

      • Muad'DibberA
        72 years ago

        Agree, we should probably moderate that a bit more so it doesn’t have that type of content.

        • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
          32 years ago

          Can you move threads from one community to another like in traditional forums?

            • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
              12 years ago

              Ok, thanks. As the Fruityloop above said, this would be great thing to have in further development.

          • @fruityloop
            32 years ago

            that sounds like a great feature request if it doesn’t already exist.

  • DankZedong A
    2 years ago

    I understand what you mean and I agree we can have a bit more focus on good things coming out of AES as well. As far as discussion goes I feel like there’s a decent amount of discussion happening and this particular sub also focusses a lot on small chat, which is great.

    I encourage people to just start communities themselves as well, even if you don’t always have a really big topic. I started one about leftist stickering for example that I plan to get more active in the next few weeks/months. Maybe other people have ideas as well?

    That being said, I also see the importance of these posts as well. I think it’s good to keep an eye on liberal and fascist discourse to see what their views on things are. I myself am part of and active in some centrist and right wing subreddits for discussion for example, as I think it’s a crucial part of being an activist to keep up with their ideas. But I understand that it can be tiring/depressing/taxing on the mind. Feel free to rant or vent whenever you need.

    • Muad'DibberA
      142 years ago

      Yep, this has community blocking, so as long as people are posting properly in the /c/shitfascistssay type communities, ppl can block them so they don’t have to see it.

  • Christian
    62 years ago

    Agree so much, I used to check lemmygrad every day and it was really good content. It feels so hostile and antagonistic now, and I check lemmy in general much less often because of that. I’ve started blocking some users who I feel are obnoxious or overly confrontational, and also a few entire communities. (I see another user in this thread has a similar list.) It does help some, but I really miss the lemmygrad of old. Maybe I’m wrong, but it felt like it got more hateful overnight when genzedong left reddit.

  • @Shaggy0291
    42 years ago

    Do you have any examples of said libfash content in particular? You’ve made a pretty broad assertion here without reference to anything that backs up your view. I personally haven’t seen much in the ways of content that I’d regard as promoting liberalism or fascism on here (if any), in fact I see a strong and very healthy criticism of both liberalism and fascism of all kinds across the board, criticism that keeps people of those persuasions out of here, safeguarding our own political values and this space in the process.

    If keeping a portion of the community cosy means censoring criticism of fascist and liberal discourse then I’m firmly against it.

    • @mauveOkra
      92 years ago

      They’re talking about posts dunking on libs/fascists filling the feed as opposed other stuff, not anyone promoting that

      • @Shaggy0291
        32 years ago

        This is the bread and butter of a Marxist view of life. Would you decry Engels’ Anti-Duhring for framing all of his arguments through a polemic of Eugen Duhrings’ utopian nonsense?

  • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
    2 years ago

    Difference is, on lemmy the fash content is defended and one admin is a liberal.

    Also, building and explaining theory on base of criticism is completely legit thing and one of the bases and most often methods of socialist education, and this often happens here (among the flat dunks of course).