A lot of people are advocating for this for some reason, so what do you think?

  • Soviet Snake
    2 years ago

    Of course, why not? It is basically harmless and generally used to jail minorities

  • CriticalResist8A
    2 years ago

    Honestly marijuana is so mid we should just legalise it so people get it out of their system, realize it’s not that big of a deal, and then abandon it forever.

  • TeezyZeezy
    2 years ago

    Absolutely. The fact that people are sitting in jail for a (nearly, depending on age, frequency, and ingestion method) harmless drug is worse than regrettable.

    • fruityloop
      2 years ago

      The war on drugs is truly one of the most evil things that the American state is responsible for. So many lives ruined for absolutely no reason other than to increase the prison population and keeping people down.

  • Samubai
    2 years ago

    Drug regulation for sure. But no criminalization for use. Substance prohibitions have always had horrible effects. It’s beyond a shadow of a doubt that criminalizing substance abuse only creates worse methods of consumption. Regulation is highly agreeable. It’s good to provide safe ways for consuming drugs. Especially for addicts.

    Not all drugs are created equal, entheogens have provable medical and therapeutic use. Their use should be encouraged for healthy adults with proper education on the matter. A license for use, so to speak. Same for cannabidiols.

    Coke, opiate powder and methamphetamine should be tightly regulated, clandestine synthesis should be illegal, but in organic form, coca use should be completely ignored and legal like coffee. You aren’t going to die by chewing coca leaves unless you make yourself like a 10k salad. Alcohol and nicotine are some of the worst drugs and should be highly regulated as today.

    Ultimately, it is impossible to control people’s substance use or abuse, and when the grip is too tight on them, you make criminals out of the people, their suffering and automatically create black markets for lumpen proles. People become addicts because they are vulnerable and in need and they will provide their vice on either side of the law. The lowest bar is for the state to provide safe products and contexts for users to reduce harm and encourage healing.

  • 201dberg
    2 years ago

    The fact is, in areas where it has been legalized, the use of other drugs, illegal or not, declines significantly (along with crime in general). The biggest push back against it is by people that want to keep using it as a weapon to throw innocents in prison for decades, and by alcohol and pharmaceutical companies that know it will hurt their profits.

    It’s significantly less addictive and less harmful to the user and the populace than alcohol. Especially if it’s ingested because now you aren’t harming your lungs with smoke or vapor. If it were legal in my state I would probably never drink again.

  • KommandoGZD
    2 years ago

    The onus should be on the lawmaker imo - so the question should be “should x be illegalised”. I don’t know a single valid reason why weed should be illegal, so yes it should legalised.

  • fruityloop
    2 years ago

    I wanna see what all the fuss is about. Marijuana is nearly impossible to find in my country, only hash that’s mixed with who knows what (the good shit is hard to get unfortunately, it’s pricy).

    • Kaffe
      2 years ago

      It’s a mild high and uplifting. Harder to concentrate. Can help you relax or increase your anxiety, it really depends on you and what you are ingesting (and how comfortable you are with being impaired, which can change over time). It’s much less physically impairing than alcohol. Ingestion method matters a lot, as the method changes how your body handles the different drugs within the plant.

      I started smoking it because it made me tired and helped me sleep when I was anxious. It’s a fun drug to share with friends and people you just met, a form of bonding. If you ever have easy access to it, take this advice. Don’t let it become a habit like you would caffeine or nicotine, it’s less addictive than those but what it prevents you from doing is so much more. If you can, keep it to be something you do with other people to enjoy, and not something you do just because you’re stressed. It’s an awful coping habit.

      • fruityloop
        2 years ago

        Thank you for this detailed description, it’s enlightening and it’s exactly what I was looking for.

        Can help you relax or increase your anxiety, it really depends on you and what you are ingesting (and how comfortable you are with being impaired, which can change over time).

        Haha I have no idea how it would go for me because I can get pretty anxious (especially when loss of control is involved). I’m looking forward more to trying it as a social thing more than trying alone and that’s why I haven’t been looking too hard for it.

        Don’t let it become a habit like you would caffeine or nicotine,

        Funnily enough, I became very reliant on caffeine and it took me multiple times to kick the daily habit of drinking coffee (often more than one cup) despite caffeine not being seen as an addictive substance.

        It’s an awful coping habit.

        I hope it’s not as bad for you anymore and that you’re not reliant on it.

        • Abraman
          2 years ago

          Caffeine is more addictive than people would expect from how normalized its consumption is. It kind of makes me uncomfortable lol

    • Idliketothinkimsmart
      2 years ago

      I don’t like the bourgeois push of legalizing substances so that capitalists can get rich.

      There were a few budding companies that wanted to solve mental health using LSD. Canadian companies iirc. Went on a huge pump and dump, and the only thing keeping the company alive is people pumping money into it. Company doesn’t have a single patient and it’s riding on capitalist delusion.

      Meanwhile, there are networks of mental health “specialists” (quotations because they’re often underground practitioners) who use psychedelics for therapy. It’s efficiency? I dunno, but capitalists are the same ones ensuring they get their monopoly first 🙄.