• Fiona (she/her)🏳️‍⚧️
    182 years ago

    I remember the Twitter thread about this.

    So many Yanks going “this proves USSR poor and starving, while US rich and also special effects!!!”

    • @Rafael_Luisi
      92 years ago

      Lmao both of the most famous space franchises of the US, star wars and star trek, where mainly composed of humans or humans with make up or wearing costumes,

      • @Kirbywithwhip1987
        62 years ago

        While being inspired by Vietnam war and serving as an actual critique of USA lol.

    152 years ago

    Holy shit. Also weren’t most ETs used as Cold War messaging in the States?

  • Soviet Snake
    112 years ago

    For this to be a fair representation they should be separated by decades, since special effects played a super important role in how alien forms were portrayed. I’ve read that in Star Trek TOS most alien life was humanoid and basically human because of lack of special effects, which changed after this, specially with Klingons.

    I’d argue it is not problematic per se that they portrayed them in hat way, since honestly what could be considered terrifying for us can be perfectly normal everywhere else, but rather how they do it, which is in a negative, violent and individualist manner.

  • KiG V2
    72 years ago

    “Arrival” is one exception. But yes.

    • @ledward
      2 years ago

      deleted by creator

  • @Kirbywithwhip1987
    32 years ago

    Accurate, but Alien, Predator and The Thing are still amazing movies.