If you guys don’t mind me asking. I am curious where are you guys from?

  • @DongFangHong
    412 years ago

    Chinese-American. I was a Bernie soc dem and was kind of a self-hating Chinese second-generation immigrant because I heard from the media that I was supposed to hate China for their policies on Xinjiang, Tibet, and Hong Kong. Once I learned more about the CPC and read theory, I started seeing the world in a completely different way. Today, I proudly call myself a Marxist-Leninist.

    • @GamesJoblin
      162 years ago

      I always say “born and raised in Socialist Yugoslavia”, people sometimes go “haha but that place doesn’t exist” - couldn’t care less. My current location (Serbia) is also totally random and irrelevant =)

      • @RedBritBully
        92 years ago

        Agreed, imho the USSR never died to me the Soviet Union lives on in those that carry the torch and banner.

  • @DemitasseSpoon
    362 years ago

    The US. It’s everything that you think it is and worse. I hate living here.

    • I_Want_To_Believe69
      152 years ago

      I’m in South Carolina. It’s everything that you think it is and MUCH worse. I hate it here. But the working class is here. They are reactionary because they are uneducated and propagandized with racism. We must organize and educate our comrades. One day this will be the core of the working class revolutionaries.


      • @Rafael_Luisi
        92 years ago

        What is the state with the biggest ammount of unpropagandized worker there in the US?

        • I_Want_To_Believe69
          92 years ago

          If you mean unpropagandized in the sense that they have no exposure to communism, I would say any rural state. Communism is never taught here. You may see 2-3 sentences in a history book. But all they say is that it is a totalitarian government, has never been effectively implemented and gives the state control over everything and everyone. Americans are so completely surrounded by propaganda that they no longer realize what propaganda is. Most Americans will unironically tell you that the US doesn’t have propaganda. Only other countries do that. We have freedom.

          It is like living in the twilight zone.

          • @Rafael_Luisi
            72 years ago

            By unpropagandized i mean the state with less american propaganda shoved into it? Does this type of state even exist?

            • I_Want_To_Believe69
              52 years ago

              Absolutely not. Some states have a history of leftists but it’s minute compared to the mainstream. You are 10x as likely to find a far right militia that is even further than American propaganda usually goes. People who read The Turner Diaries and pray that accelerationists start a race war often referred to as “Rahowa” or the Racial Holy War.

              But we MLs are here and we are growing quickly. But we lack a true Vanguard party. Not to mention you cannot hold state or federal jobs if you are a communist. And some states have (unenforceable) laws against communism.

      • @Z_Shurawi_Z
        82 years ago

        Thanks, dont worry about me i m perfectly safe

    • @pinkeston
      2 years ago

      I love your profile pic, it’s fucking dope

      • @Z_Shurawi_Z
        62 years ago

        i will friend. the only way i die will be from boredom

      • @Z_Shurawi_Z
        62 years ago

        i know i know very bruh moment belive me

      • @Z_Shurawi_Z
        2 years ago

        well… Ok i guess… first day was fucking surreal ahahah i was doing uni work and amph till 4am, slept for an hour heard thumps in sleep, my dad wakes me up “the war stared” lol than i go for a smoke and see rockets beign shot down. Always saw this stuff on internet never thought i will see it with my own eyes. Oh also im pretty sure i saw civillian cars shot by volkssturm uhh i mean terroborona when i was leaving from Kiev 26th february it was kinda surreal. i am currently away from home (Brovary, near Kiev) i am very safe now and woudve been safe at Brovary too probably. Where i am now there is not even an occasional rocket. In brovary there are sometimes but they are mostly not in the city itself, my family begged me to leave with them (at first i refused) because there were rumors (from our friends and my father alledgedly saw it with his eyes) of C-300 aa thing near vincinity of our house and they feeared fighting would take place in our part of city. it didnt tho. now im in village in hmelnitsk oblast with nothing to do with minimal things unable to return home beause VSU close bridges (or blown up some)

  • Bury The Right
    282 years ago

    West Virginia/Ohio, aka peak MAGA country where every other pickup truck you run into has Gadsen/Trump/Blue Lives Matter/Confederate bumper stickers on it. The only upside to this hell is at least I still haven’t run into any Pro-Ukraine libs around here lol.

    • @sinnohregion
      102 years ago

      from the other side (indiana ohio sw border) and i’ve seen everything from maga trucks to liberal bakeries selling art for ukraine. shit I even think i saw a ukraine billboard off the highway.

      • Bury The Right
        2 years ago

        Liberals and Fascist unite when it comes to imperialism as always. Also I just remembered that though I’ve been spared from the Ukraine bs so far I literally had a customer walk into the place I work with a huge swatiska on his jacket. My co-worker who was next to me was legitimately prepared to punch him and said so out loud in range of the customer hearing him. I knew at that point that my co-worker is a comrade.

    • @ArmedMinority
      102 years ago

      I’m from the northern part of Ohio and there are lots of Ukraine flags flying here from many houses that typically fly American flags. It’s the same folks flying MAGA banners, blue lives matter, and other reactionary symbols.

      • Bury The Right
        102 years ago

        Hmmm I guess I’m lucky I’ve been spared the eyesore then, at least so far. I guess these MAGA fucks are truly backwards and irredeemable on every issue possible.

  • Oshin
    272 years ago

    The Isle of Man, a small country intentionally starved for decades by the English and the Scottish until it turned itself into a money laundering service for the worldwide bourgeoisie.

  • 陈卫华是我的英雄
    272 years ago

    I’ve lived in China, the US, HK, and Russia before; and from experience I can tell you that China is way more democratic than the others

    • @Pixel
      2 years ago

      I’ve been thinking of traveling soon in like a year. but I’m curious how do you do it for an extended period of time? And what type of career did you work in (if you don’t want to get into specifics I completely understand)

    • @Shrike502
      62 years ago

      What is your impression of Russia? Not in terms of democracy, but rather in terms of life quality, infrastructure, etc? How does it compare to US?

    • 陈卫华是我的英雄
      2 years ago

      You know, I really don’t think that giving away your exact address on the internet is a very safe idea, especially given that salty libs have literally nothing to live for, if you catch my meaning <br> Edit: I just realized that the address was actually CIA headquarters; it’d be epic if some shitlibs tried to storm the place thinking that it was a wumao facility lmfao

  • @DefenestrationFemBoi
    262 years ago

    Poland, close enough to eastern borders to have been checked by the police for immigrants(from Belarussian border) in my car

    • @Pieroginator
      152 years ago

      Ay nice broski also from Poland and I have roots in Belarus, it’s a shame how Poland has become so anti-communist but at least it has some kept some of its policies from older days such as high home ownership rates and decent doctor per capita not as good as Belarus and Russia tho with these statistics

  • @h3nder
    252 years ago

    Former Yugoslav republic of Serbia. One day we’ll revive Yugoslavia, but this time we’ll purge the party of opportunists.

    • @GamesJoblin
      62 years ago

      Haha, naravno. Smrt fašizmu - sloboda narodu!

      (A popular battle cry of Yugoslav communists, meaning: Death to fascism, liberty to the people!)

      • @h3nder
        2 years ago

        Ofc.(I edited my comment as I realize you meant to explain to others, plus should probably use English)

        • @GamesJoblin
          42 years ago

          Ma naravno, prevodim zbog drugih ljudi =)

          • @h3nder
            42 years ago

            Razumem, samo sam se zbunio u momentu.

  • RuheForst
    242 years ago

    Germany. Everyone thinks they’re in the beacon of democracy. They think their better than those crazy Americans but don’t realize how much they are licking their boot.

  • @No_Steel
    242 years ago

    im from finland. being a ML here is not very appreciated. and fuck sanna Marin for even thinking about joining nato

    • @kamraten
      182 years ago

      Same (swedish speaking though). Fuck the canceling of Russian culture here, for example removing Russian products in grocery stores, fuck the idiots who put up a sign to that says “Zelenskyy Street” outside the Russian embassy and fuck the idiot who called in a bomb threat toward same embassy