Kept seeing this clip of Barry Sternlicht laughing about a “nice little recession” so I thought I’d share.

For what it’s worth, this isn’t the first time I’ve heard someone hoping for a recession. My stepdad told me this and I don’t understand why he’d want that.

According to him the only way to combat inflation is for us to go into a recession. But wouldn’t that cause a different form of chaos?

I’m uneducated on inflation vs recession but I know for a fact through lived experience that inflation sucks, and I’ve heard recession is also shit so why ask for one?

Anyway if this doesn’t belong here please let me know so I can post it somewhere else, I’m still getting used to what posts belong in what communities.

  • PeeOnYou [he/him]
    6011 months ago

    capitalists need a nice little guillotining to learn their true place in history

    • @SpaceDogsOP
      3811 months ago

      I’ve said something similar in front of my mom and she yelled at me, convinced the government will assassinate/arrest me.

      • @besbin
        2811 months ago

        and that is liberal democracy for you. Never forget what they did to the Black Panthers.

    • @REEEEvolution
      1511 months ago

      Hey, we are practical people. A Bullet is enough.

    • @SpaceDogsOP
      2311 months ago

      I feel like they’ve become extremely explicit with their contempt for the working class this past year alone, outright stating their motivations and plans and yet so many still either turn a blind eye, refuse reality, or comply with the capitalists. It’s gotta be due to generations of propaganda because looking back the people weren’t nearly as obedient and patriotic.

      For my family, they see how we are treated but have the attitude of “that’s just how it is” and when I argue against that they get mad at me.

      • thepoliticalcat
        -2911 months ago

        @SpaceDogs I don’t the term “capitalists” is what you want here. I think it’s “oligarchs” or “wealthy fascists.” And it’s not just the working class they despise, it’s women, LGBTQ folks, the disabled, the elderly, the poor, people with different religion or skin color. Let’s be honest, it’s white Christofascists we need to worry about. And they hate EVERYBODY. Even the other species we share the planet with.

        • @knfrmity
          2811 months ago

          Oligarchs, wealthy fascist, and the agenda setting christofascists are all capitalists. We’re using the term we find most appropriate. We’re in a class war and capitalists are the enemy.

            • @Vertraumir
              2311 months ago

              Every of them? It’s like the base of Marxism, getting rid of racial and gender inequality


              I began with the obvious: “Have you noticed a race question in the Soviet Union?”

              An undercurrent of laughter rumbled under Robeson’s big mellow voice as he answered: “Only that it seems to work to my advantage!”

              And then he explained. He has been studying the Soviet Union for two years, studying the Russian language also for that length of time, has been a regular reader of the Pravda and Isvestia for months, and knows something about the solution of the race question here. He knows that the Soviet theory is that all races are equal—really equal, socially equal, too, as well as economically and politically. He expressed delight but no surprise when I informed him of the election to the Moscow Soviet of the American Negro, Robinson, working in the First State Ball Bearing Plant here.

              But what he admitted he had not been expecting was the simple, wholehearted, affectionate welcome that lay in store for him. Robeson declares himself that he knows he has made a sufficient place for himself by his singing and acting, that even in the capitalist world some of the bitterest aspects of Jim-Crowism and white chauvinism are not applied to him. But it is just this feeling that a condescending exception has been made of him that is missing here. Here there is just the enthusiastic joy of Russian workers and artists, they or their fathers also once slaves of capitalist and landlord, who now welcome in addition a man they feel is a brother artist from abroad, coming with a real desire to honestly know and understand the new life they have made for themselves.

                • @SourCape
                  611 months ago

                  Russia is not the Soviet Union

                • @m532
                  311 months ago

                  Eww a scratched liberal

                • @Vertraumir
                  11 months ago

                  Да да 💀

                  Ты же в курсе что как раз в то время Россия (СССР) и была социалистической? А сейчас как раз нет?

        • @nephs
          2411 months ago

          Anything else is just sugar coating and taking the focus away of the class struggle, which is the one that fundamentally matters.

          Its not about religion, gender, sexuality, or any oppressed minority. It’s all about the capitalists, the rich minority that controls the means of production, artificially seeding dissent in the working class so that we fight between each other instead of against them.

          It is all about the capitalists, and they use religion and stupidity to drive fascism into trying to crush intellectuals and revolutionaries that could actually create better conditions for everyone.

          • thepoliticalcat
            -3211 months ago

            @nephs Fuck your class struggle, which was created and described by white colonialists at a time when they didn’t think POC deserved even basic human rights. If you can’t see that the past X years of life on this planet have been about looking for scapegoats, and scapegoats are ALWAYS the DIFFERENT ones, i.e., women, BIPOC, LGBTQ folks, disabled folks, and the elderly, I’m not going to be part of your revolution.

            • @nephs
              11 months ago

              I understand your rage. Just please, try to push your knowledge a little deeper.

              Not all white individuals are colonialists, and I’m not a white person, by the way.

              Some individuals, sure, white, I’d give it to you, did describe it. But those individual intellectuals were the counter-thinkers to white colonialists. Would you agree with me about it?

              Scapegoats are always different. And the individuals directing the public opinion, the people you just called colonialists, we, here, at lemmygrad, call capitalists. They are the same. The rich minority, controlling the means of productions and the public opinion thought the media they control, creating escape goats, one at a time. That’s one of the products of fascism. The capitalists are just above it, seeding and using fascism against the minorities your mention.

              Fascism is stupidity and ignorance. The capitalists are the brains behind it, using it to their advantage.

              We hate the same people, me and you, we just call them different names. But you don’t have to, they have been the same for a good while, let’s just agree with a precise definition and terminology to avoid raging at the abstract.

              Rage at the specific! It’s hard, that’s why we write so much! And that’s why we call them capitalists.

              • thepoliticalcat
                -2311 months ago

                @nephs Look, racism has been around WAY longer than class struggle. You don’t want to call them capitalists. Even Mao made a distinction between national capitalism and compradore capitalism. I don’t hate anybody. I know my enemies are not the people who want to start their own businesses. They are the people who want to deny any good things to the people they don’t like. Socialism hasn’t cured racism or sexism in >100 years. Get real. It never will.

                • @m532
                  1711 months ago

                  Every socialist nation is against racism.

                  And cuba, for example, has the new family code.

                  Read about them before you make assumptions.

                • @nephs
                  1011 months ago

                  I can agree racism exists before capitalism.

                  I can agree socialism isn’t the cure for racism or sexism. And I believe everyone in this forum will condemn any form of socialism that marginalises minorities, either for race, or gender, or any other oppressed minorities.

                  “socialism” without concern for minorities drifts into the authoritarian regimes we know are shit. But also, minority fights without class theory will just make a few individuals from each minority group slightly better, without actually improving material life conditions for most, if not all, people.

                  But… I mean, I’m just kind of freestyling the theory I “know”. Fuck racists, fuck capitalists, fuck racist capitalists and capitalist racists. :)

  • @201dberg
    2611 months ago

    The US has been in a recession for over a year now. Based on the true inflation rate which has been in the double digits. The number they report is artificially lowered by changing what they use to calculate it. Jobs are getting harder and harder to find. All these ppl wanting a recession… It’s been happening, those in power just don’t want ppl to know so they feel safe and keep spending away and look at all the ppl around them loosing their jobs as just “down on their luck.”

    • @SpaceDogsOP
      11 months ago

      Okay, this is such an accurate observation. Because when I’m around my step-father, especially driving around with heavy traffic, he always complains about how “nobody wants to work” even though there are “plenty of NOW HIRING signs” he passes on the daily. He says this after I’ve explained to him many times how the hiring process in this day and age works and how employers aren’t nearly as desperate as they appear, this same man hates unions too. I think he just talks politics to me because he finds my reactions entertaining. I don’t know how to explain to people how a recession would be shit, economics have always been hard to understand for me. I live in Canada so maybe our situation is different but I know Galen Weston Jr. (Loblaws guy) has been making record profits on our suffering.

      • @201dberg
        1411 months ago

        Regardless of what anyone thinks of that whole crowd that got behind the GameStop stock those people have been breaking down the inner workings of not just the US stock market but the US economy as a whole and how fucked it is. It’s where I learned about how big of a farce the actual reported inflation is, how bad things really are for banks, why the push to end remote work is all because of the impact to corporate real estate which is used as collateral for banks and hedge funds in their stock market gambling. The fact that the US economy is doomed no matter what. They keep printing money to bail out the rich? We get hyperinflation that puts us into recession (already ongoing and why they are lying about the inflation rates). They raise interest rates to try and curb inflation? The rich get fucked and businesses fail because the whole of our economy is held up by debt. Banks are teetering on the edge. The only reason we haven’t seen as many bank failures as 08 is because there just aren’t as many banks left. They all got bought up ito bigger and bigger banks that the government will bail out because they are “too big to fail.” The tower is reaching it’s max height as they take more and more stones from the base to build it up. And when it falls the ones at the top have the best chance of survival so they will never stop trying to be the stone at the very tip.

        • @Shrike502
          1011 months ago

          The question is, how far are they willing to go to keep the farce running? History and even recent events say “anywhere and nothing is off the table”

          • @201dberg
            11 months ago

            They will see every person below them dead before they gave up any of their power. We see that now. The fed tried to raise the rates and the second it started to impact the oligarchy they let off as much as the could. There is simply no stopping it though. If they hiked the rated high enough to cause an real impact to inflation the whole thing crumbles. They do nothing to stop hyper inflation, the whole thing crumbles. They are doing damage control. The stocks are having a high right now because they are pumping it so they can sell at the top and try and buy it all up when it hits bottom. They think they can keep playing it like they have been for decades but when this thing goes it’s gonna gooooo. Look at it this way. When they raised the debt ceiling 3 months ago… They’ve already added 1.8 TRILLION dollars onto the national debt. Want to know how long it took to put on the first 1.8 trillion on the nations debt?

            • @Shrike502
              511 months ago

              but when this thing goes it’s gonna gooooo

              Aye, that’s exactly my concern. What will they do when it goes?

                • @Shrike502
                  511 months ago

                  Fascists with nukes and a gigantic military, filled with bloodied murderers, that’s been in one “anti insurgency” operation or another non stop for the past 70 years. Lovely

      • @CicadaSpectre
        1211 months ago

        Honestly thought you lived here in the US because how your stepdad acts is so relatable to dealing with most people down here, lol.

        • @Kultronx
          1211 months ago

          Canadian conservatives don’t really have original thoughts, they just copy America’s notes lol.

        • @SpaceDogsOP
          511 months ago

          Canada and America are stupidly similar, Canadians just like to act like they’re different but we’re just different fonts. Both have similar colonial origins so it makes sense why our conservatives would resemble each other.

  • The Cat Herder
    1111 months ago

    @SpaceDogs Remote work will fuel the next economic boom. These billionaires are going in for an awakening. They will be “woke”.

    • @knfrmity
      1711 months ago

      Remote work will collapse the commercial real estate market rather than leading to any sort of boom. Remote work isn’t particularly profitable for capitalists.

      • queermunist she/her
        1011 months ago

        Well, it could be profitable if you take the stranded capital out of the equation. A company that isn’t invested in commercial real estate can gain a lot from elimination of that expense.

        However, that’s a very small portion of the market. The vast majority of capitalists, in their relentless reach for yields, are invested in real estate to some degree or are entangled with companies that are invested. So, yeah, it’ll collapse the market.

  • @Prongle
    411 months ago

    That CEO needs a nice little something alright