• 171 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • Well, it could be interesting as an experiment to strengthen their position. Mankind two experiments, the first XHS, with Chinese rules, and the second facebook and Co, with freedom rules.

    And then the Chinese people can see for themselves which create a more human interaction environment, and how much propaganda they get back from it.

    Also, by allowing a big centre like Shangai to interact, they’re going balls deep showing to the US public opinion the starking difference of life’s conditions.

    Also, lemmygrad is that, in a way. We know how well this place works under its tight rules. Would we want it any other way? Thank you to the beautiful comrades of the admin team, btw.

    But I agree, they need to keep a tight leash on the experiment.

  • Obrigado pelos 30m de atenção. :)

    Eu acho que estar errado publicamente tem algum valor. Porque nem todo mundo está na vanguarda da teoria o tempo todo. E pra chegar lá tem 200 anos de teoria.

    Talvez algum nível de desvio vindo de discussões geralmente razoáveis ajude a apresentar mais da nossa linha, por contraste, pra quem tende a se alinhar naturalmente com a esquerda não radical.

    O feminismo também tem seus desvios, vide radfem. Mesmo a pauta trans também é contaminada pelos liberais, e acho que ambos desvios afastam as pessoas da nossa linha pela linha, como efeito colateral. Acho que ele foi pela linha errada de análise, mas há um ponto sobre a linguagem não ser sempre a contradição principal, e que sublinhar esse ponto acaba afastando pessoas que poderiam se alinhar a nós politicamente, por tirá-los o interesse por conta dos seus preconceitos que poderiam ser superados, de outra forma.

  • I wrote a lot, and it’s very confusing. It might not deserve an answer, but I though sending it through was better than silence. So, for posterity, there it is.

    I don’t understand it myself. It’s a subject I’m not comfortable with, I don’t know how to speak about it. I apologise.

    I was thinking the case about abnormalities detectable through genetics. Namely down syndrome, and the eugenics argument around it. That’s the relationship I had in mind when I opened the thread.

    I suppose there’s cases for other abnormalities, where early diagnostics could exist? And then, when parents could suffer pression to abort the pregnancy.

    So… These wouldn’t be cases for slave labour, but one could argue that if this is provided and available, there would be some social pressure for these to happen, therefore this could be one form of genocide of the disabled?

    Also, the case for the ageing population. Encouraging euthanasia, like Canada is trying to pass (has passed?) laws to enable it, when the family can’t support the disabilities naturally occurring through age.

    I’m not sure what the question is. I think I just wanted more material to get more familiar with the topic and the discussions around it.

    Maybe the question is, if we theoretically prevent “all” disabilities through all means, is this genocide of the disabled? I think the concept of genocide of the disabled confuses me.

  • You touch “genocide of the disabled”. This is an area I don’t understand deeply, so please forgive my ignorance.

    Can you expand on it, or give me some sources, please?

    Isn’t a society practicing “from each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs” going to provide enough support to the disabled so that they become “enabled”, in some shape or form? Wouldn’t such society try to discuss and prevent such conditions to the extent of reasonability?

    Or course, it feels fair to support anyone, with whatever their wrapping society can provide, and to prepare to provide the most, but. Isn’t preventing physical and mental hardship part of that, too?

  • Win-win, except that dollars are useless by themselves. The debt is better for the US than the dollars, because they can control the third country with it. With the dollars back, they lose control and get a huge influx of money which, without stuff to buy, will cause inflation.

    I’m saddened by this news. 🎉

  • nephstoUS NewsUS Election Megathread
    3 months ago

    “i don’t think whoever gets to win, or to lose, nor whoever wins or loses, will win. Or lose. Everybody’s going to lose.” - Rousseff, Dilma. When getting couped out of Brazilian presidency.

    It’s out of context, but one of my favourite quotes ever. I’ve never seen it translated.