I just saw what BeeHaw (or something like that) is and it is described in their sidebar that running their instance and all that costs money. I know that operating servers costs at least a little bit of money but I don’t know who provides that for Lemmygrad. I have never seen the option to donate to this community and as far as I know there isn’t any rich leader of ours that sponsors us. So who actually operates Lemmygrad and funds it?

  • @nervvves
    9 months ago

    deleted by creator

    • @CriticalResist8A
      3311 months ago

      Lemmygrad is paid for by muad’dibber, the VPS isn’t terribly expensive

        • @ComradeSalad
          2111 months ago

          Dang, surprised he hasn’t been fired yet, with his political leanings Muad is probably the worst NED agent in the foundations history.

          • commiespammer
            1811 months ago

            What if he’s only pretending to be a tankie to get the real tankies to let their guard down?

            • @CriticalResist8A
              1811 months ago

              That’s the purpose of this instance, we’re all CIA agents.

              Say hi to Eric in accounting for me when you hand in your PTO request btw Johnson.

              • @ComradeSalad
                1111 months ago

                PTO? In this country? We run on American blood hoorah, we don’t need no commie “PTO”.

                I haven’t seen my family in months.

                • @hkto
                  511 months ago

                  Sounds like sunk cost to me - sell 'em!

            • @ComradeSalad
              1211 months ago

              Who are the “real tankies”? Those are real?

              We’re all just feds after all.

  • @ComradeSalad
    2511 months ago

    We pool together all of our Xibuck allowances to buy the highest quality, bargain bin Huawei equipment (Our budget isn’t very high)

  • @darkcalling
    1511 months ago

    I actually saw that lemmy.ml and lemmy development itself is funded by some European fund for open internet I’ve never heard of. Not sure if it’s just some open grant or what.


    I don’t think they fund lemmygrad hosting in particular though so I assume that’s out of pocket but I don’t know.

    • @hkto
      1211 months ago

      NLNet are fine - they tend to fund projects that promote free and open alternatives to gigantic american companies. If memory serves they’ve funded mastodon, and lots of other small projects too.

      • @darkcalling
        411 months ago

        Never said they were suspicious just not something I’d heard of. Seems fine to me.

  • @CarlMarks
    1311 months ago

    Who is the hacker known as 4chan!?