Can’t help but watch it lol. Such a happy event most of the time. Glad they rejected Elensky from speaking.

  • DankZedong OPA
    131 year ago

    A lad from Switzerland is singing a single about how he doesn’t want to be a soldier in a war lmao. Switzerland…

    • Black AOC
      151 year ago

      Switzerland? You mean that one country that laundered nazi gold?

  • @knfrmity
    131 year ago

    Yeah. I’d actually never watched before by my partner insisted, otherwise I can’t be “European.” From that perspective it tracks too, just a whole bunch of cringey lib virtue signaling, an expensive show, and no substance. Although I’m surprised that they weren’t very heavy handed in terms of pro-Ukraine propaganda… Or have I been totally desensitized to it?

    • @RedSquid
      131 year ago

      Why would you want to be European. I’m ashamed of it.

      • @Shrike502
        41 year ago

        Marx and Engels were Europeans. Don’t let the self-loathing get you

      • @knfrmity
        31 year ago

        That’s what I’m trying to figure out for myself, as a settler who has found himself in the homeland. But my partner is still proud to be European, in spite of what she’s been learning with regards to colonialism and imperialism.

    • DankZedong OPA
      71 year ago

      There was this Croatian song about Lukashenko’s tractor gift and how everyone who supports the war is a psychopath. Also Czechia had a performance by a girl boss group calling for the end of the war, which commentators said was brave and banned in Russia.

      • @knfrmity
        21 year ago

        Thanks for a bit more info. I wasn’t watching with commentary, so I missed a bunch of the context and translations. I’ll have to dig into it some more.

        Not that it’s any justification but I also feel like I’m walking on eggshells in these types of situations. It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve gotten in trouble for calling out political statements I don’t find appropriate.

  • DankZedong OPA
    1 year ago

    They just showed a graffiti piece of the Ghost of Kyiv 😭 I can’t

    Followed by a comment on the brave Defenders of the Azovstal

    • @RedSquid
      121 year ago

      BRAVE HOLSUM NAZIS! I hate this fascist continent so much.

    • Muad'DibberA
      91 year ago

      This makes me think the ghost of kiev was just a banksy art piece, trolling its audience.

  • @RedSquid
    111 year ago

    Intentionally avoiding it like last year cause I can’t handle the cringe. From what I understand last year the Ukrainian act led the crowd in nazi chants so… yeah. No thanks.

    • DankZedong OPA
      101 year ago

      Yes it’s a shame it got hijacked by Ukrainian cringe last year. Ukraine just performed and so far it’s fine. Apparently they invited more previous Ukraine acts to perform as well and they crowd is filled with EU flags (despite taking place in UK lmao).

      Just leave the politics at home and give me false singing interesting people lol.

      • @Shrike502
        111 year ago

        Last year? It’s been hijacked, more or less successfully for years. After 2014 they had a Ukrainian singer with a song about Crimean Tatars. You can deduce the rest

        • DankZedong OPA
          121 year ago

          This year they managed to make it, and I hate to say it, woke and nazi at the same time. Every song is about some sort of empowerment which makes every song just sooooo boring.

          • @Shrike502
            41 year ago

            Not surprised. That seems to be the staple of western cultural mainstream for the past decade or so, and for the foreseeable future

      • @RedSquid
        91 year ago

        lol, I can actually imagine those flags being locals. Libs in the UK are still mostly pro-EU unfortunately. Meanwhile there’s me wishing this hellhole of a country would be balkanized to fuck.

  • @RedSquid
    1 year ago

    So, apparently this whole thing being hosted in Liverpool was an extra fuck you to one of the places in the UK most struggling to provide for its poor and vulnerable populations. Someone I know from there said this:

    They pulled all of the non essential funding that we use for stuff like getting people with no food/water/electricity

    You know the essential life giving stuff

    Then barraged all of social care with “we appreciate your patience , as you know this is amazing for the city blah blah”

    Meanwhile social works are buying food for people who can’t get to the shops or don’t have anyone

    And we can’t claim it back

    But you know

    Eurovision lol

    This on top of Liverpool recovering from some big embezzlement scandal from a mayor or councillor or something, they’ve been on a knife-edge since covid and this just added to their problems.

    • DankZedong OPA
      81 year ago

      Yes but can you imagine some poor individual watching the thing, seeing Mae Muller perform a song about how she was sad but instead of being a grumpy wumpy she wrote a song, and feeling empowered? Imagine how much energy that must give.

      Who needs food when you can watch. EUROVISION

    • DankZedong OPA
      81 year ago

      Yeah but they are genociding supremacists culturally very similar to Europe as well

    • loathesome dongeater
      31 year ago

      No it’s not because of white supremacy but because they are part of the European broadcasting conglomerate that only white majority countries are a part of.

  • @RedSquid
    71 year ago

    Seems people chose another cringe country with a blue and yellow flag this time :D (Sweden)

  • Valbrandur
    71 year ago

    Every year I am handed on a silver plate a select assortment of reasons to boycott it.