• KiG V2
    251 year ago

    Honestly, forget all the technical definitions, social democracy just means “old Western empire that threw commoners a couple bones when the Soviets took power to stifle revolutionary potential, which were slowly and carefully retracted bit by bit from the moment the USSR dissolved.”

    And let’s be real, all us Western empires are still monarchies, the power is just split between a few hundred or few thousand kings. But when you consider how Europe has operated for thousands of years, was Europe not essentially the United States of Europe all split between a few hundred or a few thousand kings that all united for common causes such as Christendom a la the Crusades? Only now the common cause is peasant revolt, or ensuring a lack thereof. They went from LARPing holiness to unabashedly impeding progress of humanity, that’s all that has changed really.

    • Comrade BenOP
      181 year ago

      They always have been holding back progress of humanity

      • KiG V2
        141 year ago

        🔍 I can’t see a damn lie…

    • @redtea
      111 year ago

      And most of those billionaires are descended from marriages of the rising merchants and the dying aristocracy. And almost all those aristocrats, throughout Europe, saw themselves as the real heirs of the Roman Empire. The children got the power and the money and here we are.

  • @sovietperson2
    81 year ago

    When reformists take power, they often “forget” to get rid of their crowned heads.

  • @Shrike502
    61 year ago

    I only know Sweden. Who else?

    • Comrade BenOP
      81 year ago

      Canada Austrila all the Nordic countries and the former empire uk

      • @Shrike502
        41 year ago

        Finland isn’t a monarchy currently, is it?

        • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
          1 year ago

          No, but other 3 scandinavian countries are. Also add Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Andorra, Japan, Lichtenstein, New Zealand, Spain. There’s also a lot more but they are imo not social democracies.