• StugStig
    2 years ago

    Well it’s quite evident why Patton would want to fight for the Nazis based on his views

    “So far as the Jews are concerned, they do not want to be placed in comfortable buildings. They actually prefer to live as many to a room as possible. They have no conception of sanitation, hygiene or decency and are, as you know, the same sub-human types that we saw in the internment camps."

    The letter also refers to the people of the Soviet Union as “the degenerate descendants of Genghis Khan” and says the envy, hatred, malice, and uncharitableness in Europe “passes beyond belief.”

    As Cato the Elder would’ve said,

    Washington D.C. delenda est

    • supersolid_snake
      2 years ago

      They have to know the “not” world hates them right? Or do they only surround themselves with compradors from “not” the world.

    • Anarcho-Bolshevik
      2 years ago

      Speaking of those presumed historians:

      Eric Weitz, who is by no means an opponent of comparing the Soviet and Nazi régimes, attributes to [Stéphane] Courtois the same (in)famous rôle as that played in the West by Ernst Nolte, the chief trivializer of Nazi régime crimes by deflection of guilt to Lenin and Stalin’s Russia. Both historians, he writes, “engaged in polemics that masked as scholarship.”

      Let us examine a few examples among many. On 7 March 1998, Floricel Marinescu, a Romanian historian with links with the previous régime, was writing in Aldine (a supplement of the daily România liberă) : “from the strict quantitative perspective, the number of crimes perpetrated in the name of communist ideology is much larger than that of those perpetrated in the name of Nazi or similar ideologically-minded regimes.”

      Unlike President Emil Constantinescu, who had apologized for his country’s rôle during the Holocaust during a recent visit to Washington, Marinescu wrote, “no prominent Jewish personality [from Romania] has apologized for the role that some Jews have played in undermining Romanian statehood, in the country’s Bolshevization, in the crimes and the atrocities committed [by them]. Proportionally speaking, the Romanians and Romania suffered more at the hands of the communist regime, whose coming the Jews had made an important contribution to, than the Jews themselves had suffered from the Romanian state during the Antonescu regime. […] The Red Holocaust was incomparably more grave than Nazism.”

      (Emphasis added. Source.)

    • SovereignState
      2 years ago

      Something that goes unsaid a lot of the time, or even gets buried in conversation, is the fact that the USSR was fighting a civil war until 1928! It only ever arguably ended, as the USSR was constantly pushed into a corner by reactionary forces international and domestic, be they merely bourgeois, monarchist or full-blown comprador, for its entire existence start-to-finish. This is not some situation where the totalitarian Soviet government imposed its brutal, indestructible will upon poor villagers because they wanted their wheat and were willing to kill them for it. Quite the opposite wherein reactionary kulaks would rather have burned their homesteads to the ground and commit murder than cooperate with the people’s state in its redistribution efforts. Wherein monarchist sympathies held sway over large regions of the nation, and Monarchist sympathizers were armed.

      Agree 100%, just commenting as it seemed related.

  • Shrike502
    2 years ago

    Yes, Patton was a scumbag, a racist and generally overrated. No surprise there