Hey Comrades,

First, I want to apologize for not being more active in developing this community, life became very hectic shortly after taking over moderating and hasn’t really let up since. Will do my best to get these threads up weekly going forward to help grow the community.

With the current state of the world and general increase in negative feelings and emotions as a result of the current state of affairs, I wanted to start a community weekly vent post.

This will be for anything you need to talk about related to your mental health that is bothering you. If you feel overwhelmed, angry, scared, depressed, anxious, anything, write what you’re feeling and why below. Let’s use this as a place to help each other get through this awful shite.

  • Al-Andalusian
    2 years ago

    This isn’t really affecting my mental health too much, but I changed my CPU some months ago and my grandmother put the old motherboard with the old CPU in a box. She always complains that I don’t store things after I use them and she also says “things well put appear” (not sure how to translate it, basically saying that if you put your stuff in a proper place you won’t lose it). Anyway since after she stores my stuff I always have to search where tf she put the thing I need at that time I made sure to remember where she put the box. I recently needed the stuff in the box (there were more things apart from the CPU and mobo), so I went for it and of course the box wasn’t there. I wonder if mothers and grandmothers are involved in a global conspiracy of some sort because apparently this is not an uncommon thing.

    I just hope my family didn’t throw out the box.

    • 小莱卡
      2 years ago

      Lol this happens constantly in my house, if i leave something on the table for more than 1 hour my mom puts it away in a drawer somewhere automatically, it’s scary because she sometimes doesn’t even realize it like she makes it automatically.

      • redtea
        2 years ago

        It’s funny when people say,

        How can you find anything in this mess?

        Because everything is exactly where I left it, obviously

    • frippa@lemmy.ml
      2 years ago

      Haha happens all the time to me too, I’m seriously considering locking my room with a big sturdy metal lock

  • TeezyZeezy
    2 years ago

    My first day at intensive outpatient therapy is in less than 24 hours. I made a post like over a month ago regarding it and had struggles with insurance accepting it for a while, then the days got switched around a few times. All this time I’ve been drugged up and completely inert, hanging by a thread while waiting for this glorious day to come where I can spend some time to fix myself. I lost my partner of a year and a half over the holidays which didn’t help the situation. It’s been 5 years of therapy, medications, hospitalizations, and misery. I really hope this fucking works, I’m going into it trying my best.

    My main motivators are to be able to participate in party work that up until this point I have not been and to be out of misery.

    Also, no worries. I think this weekly vent post is a good idea.

    Edit: Dystopia af that some insurance agent gets to decide if I get to stay safe from s*icide or not

    • redtea
      2 years ago

      I’m so glad to hear that your appointment has arrived! I’ve been holding my breath when you explain how the insurance company has messed you around. Good luck!

    • DankZedong A
      2 years ago

      That’s good news, comrade. I am happy for you. Good luck.

  • Catradora-Stalinism☭
    2 years ago

    Figuring gender shit out, didn’t know that sexuality shit came with that, but should have

    its nice but Im ready to become a terrorist

  • DankZedong A
    2 years ago

    I’m switching between being very serious and escapism a lot lately. It’s like my normal way to regulate work and free time is a bit broken. On the one hand I want to be in the busy city where I live, participating in the city life, keep working, keep doing political work and immerse myself in the middle of society. On the other hand I want to go completely off grid. Been watching a guy who rode his bicycle from Vancouver to Patagonia for two years, which isn’t helping lol.

    I don’t really know how to handle myself really. It’s not that I’m in a bad space or something but the way life and our society is shaped is tiring me a bit.

    • redtea
      2 years ago

      You might just need a good break. Have you tried to have a couple of weeks off everything?

      (Idk about two years, though. At this rate, you might miss the revolution if you took a bike ride like that!)

      Edit: PS: I think I know what your talking about. I also get tired of things, but I get motivated again after some time off. Going somewhere green and switching off from the internet helps. I like to go and sit by a lake for a few hours early in the morning, but it’s not always pleasant at this time of year, so it’s more of a summer thing.

  • Lenin enjoyer🏳️‍⚧️
    2 years ago

    Tomorrow I start a new job, but I keep defaulting to making my sleep schedule shit. Even if I’m tired at like 11PM and ready to go to bed I decide to watch YouTube videos until 6AM, or binge eat and watch cable. I dont have huge eating problems at all, I never gain too much weight, but that’s because I have this thing where I burn more calories than most people. Still takes a toll on me. End up wasting food that I should have eaten over more time. In the end, I feel like I no matter what happens I end covered in sweat waking up at 5PM.

    • LeninismydadOPM
      2 years ago

      Check out delayed sleep phase disorder, might be something to look in to.

  • DoghouseCharlie
    2 years ago

    I’m feelin kinda down lately. All my basic needs are met but I just don’t get out enough, I live in a small hick town and it’s hard to connect to people at the best of times for me. I’ve caught myself getting too worked up over some nerds opinions on the Internet, so I’d like to just log off but then I’m just sitting here alone. No car, no where to walk to. Just feeling trapped in my own living space. I almost snapped at a friend online trying to talk to me because I both want to be online so I can be connected to people in some way at least but also want to be alone and not bothered. I’ve got cabin fever like heck right now.

    • LeninismydadOPM
      2 years ago

      I grew up in a small village, I spent a lot of time outdoors, learning about nature and going for long long walks and studying like survival manuals and stuff and practicing with them, definitely recommend outdoors, even if it feels like it will be meh it isn’t