Hey Comrades,

First, I want to apologize for not being more active in developing this community, life became very hectic shortly after taking over moderating and hasn’t really let up since. Will do my best to get these threads up weekly going forward to help grow the community.

With the current state of the world and general increase in negative feelings and emotions as a result of the current state of affairs, I wanted to start a community weekly vent post.

This will be for anything you need to talk about related to your mental health that is bothering you. If you feel overwhelmed, angry, scared, depressed, anxious, anything, write what you’re feeling and why below. Let’s use this as a place to help each other get through this awful shite.

  • TeezyZeezy
    2 years ago

    My first day at intensive outpatient therapy is in less than 24 hours. I made a post like over a month ago regarding it and had struggles with insurance accepting it for a while, then the days got switched around a few times. All this time I’ve been drugged up and completely inert, hanging by a thread while waiting for this glorious day to come where I can spend some time to fix myself. I lost my partner of a year and a half over the holidays which didn’t help the situation. It’s been 5 years of therapy, medications, hospitalizations, and misery. I really hope this fucking works, I’m going into it trying my best.

    My main motivators are to be able to participate in party work that up until this point I have not been and to be out of misery.

    Also, no worries. I think this weekly vent post is a good idea.

    Edit: Dystopia af that some insurance agent gets to decide if I get to stay safe from s*icide or not

    • redtea
      2 years ago

      I’m so glad to hear that your appointment has arrived! I’ve been holding my breath when you explain how the insurance company has messed you around. Good luck!

    • DankZedong A
      2 years ago

      That’s good news, comrade. I am happy for you. Good luck.