• Ayjan Ibrahimov @lemmy.ml
    2 years ago

    90% of ’ made in Amerikkka ’ products are made in prisons by slaves .

    In Jaffa , it is prohibited for a Palestinian child to go outside alone by his loved ones unless he is going to throw a rock to a zionist pig .

  • Rania 🇩🇿🏳️‍⚧️
    2 years ago

    The Gaza one is extremely manipulated to seem evil like “it’s illegal in America to walk in devil paths and if you do they fine you or die” when talking about Jay walking, yes hamas is islamist and have weird laws written on paper but are usually not enforced since it’ll make them lose people’s support. So no,you aren’t going to get stoned if you go outside without your Abdul jabbar mazrawi 68 years old 3rd wife who married you at 9

    • pgtl_10
      2 years ago

      No such law exists. In fact Hamas tried to get women to wear a hijab in court and had to rescind because no one listened.

  • supersolid_snake
    2 years ago

    This just goes to show, westoids aren’t victims of propaganda, they are proactively racist. This isn’t a CNN generated meme, some “enterprising” racist made this.

    • Shaggy0291
      2 years ago

      I’m sorry snake, but I dispute this. I wouldn’t tar all my people with the same brush as the skinhead EDL wankstain that threw together this shit, though I’ll concede a very great many of us are a people confused. The British people have been effectively mislead into fighting against their own class interest, and consequently also that of the international proletariat.

      Before the British ruling class colonised the world, it mastered the techniques of colonisation against its own working masses. From William the Bastard’s harrying of the north, to the brutal suppression of Wat Tyler’s great peasant uprising, to the shameful reactionary triumph of the so called “glorious revolution”, my people’s historic revolutionary leaders have been either crushed by their class enemies or else circumvented into a new form of power for the establishment. The “good old cause” of the new model army - the political movement that beheaded their betters and declared a commonwealth - was knifed by the landed aristocracy and their former bourgeois allies. What was left of my people’s revolutionaries eventually died a dog’s death, as their revolutionary cadres degenerated into pirates in the Caribbean, raging against the powers that destroyed their dream of a people’s government in England, marred though it was with religious radicalism. Every page of my people’s revolutionary history past 1066 is that of the bitterest defeat of our popular forces, even when victory appeared to be in their grasp. That’s how effective my people’s masters are. Let me be unequivocally clear with you; there is no ruling class more despicable and wily than England’s bourgeosified landed aristocracy. You cannot single out a more terrible and evil pack of robbers than this gang. The Tories literally derive their name from the Irish word for “Robber”. That was what they called them, and the Tories owned the name! That’s how shameless the traditional center of the British ruling class is.

      No matter how my people have struggled, they’ve been cowed by their masters; Peasants fighting for their freedom have been drawn and quartered, sailors simply living their lives have been subject to impressment, dragged away to the royal navy to reduce themselves to the level of dogs for the “gentlemen” of British society. Understand this; they would drag these men from their families and give them a choice: serve “voluntarily” and receive a commission, defy us and you receive nothing and serve all the same! My ancestors, the working people of the British Isles, we’re never given a choice in what kind of life they got to lead. Their betters foisted a red coat on them and pointed them in the direction of countless victims in faraway lands, lands they couldn’t even identify on a map if asked. The “finer” class dragged them down and made them complicit in their crimes for their enrichment! They still have the gall to rub their anachronistic ceremonies in our faces year, after year, after year! The most painful part of it is that huge portions of our population lap it all up! They have trained us into a slavish people!

      Since the 20th century, my people have had almost a century of relentless propaganda, running like an electric current from the radio waves to the television. More than half of that time was under a monopolistic state media that was viciously hostile to their material interests as proletarians, in the form of the BBC. Our trade unions, our so-called “party of the working class”, all of them betrayed us to become junior partners to the parasitic scum that pulled the common out from under my ancestors’ feet! How’s that for a fucking sorry state!

  • pgtl_10
    2 years ago

    I lived Palestine in Ramallah. Women went everywhere.